Chapter 542 Power

Leader Luo Hao naturally struggled, but the huge gap between gods and ordinary people prevented the leader's struggle from causing even a ripple, and the information that Igarashi was suspected of not being from this world also made the leader secretly Shocked.


After untying the shackles of Leader Luo Hao, Igarashi made a gesture of invitation, and then looked at the four Erica who had been trying desperately to block Luo Hao's attack, but were now a little stunned.

You guys come too.

Why are you so strong?

This was what everyone present except Athena was thinking in their hearts. Such a mystery, like the light in the dark night, was enough to make them fly into the flames.

What's the purpose of Cult Master Luo Hao here?

Generally speaking, Erica and the others would be so nervous that they could not speak when they were in the same room or even at the same dining table with the notorious leader Luo Hao. However, seeing Igarashi suppressing this ruthless man with one hand, they felt so nervous. The terrifying figure fell off the altar. Her beloved king was so powerful. Erica and the others were not too restrained except keeping quiet. Maybe they were shocked.

It is my shame that a god who belongs to my country is sealed in Xitian Palace. I need the blood of dragon and snake and other things to lift his seal, and then kill him to avenge my shame. Igarashi, Cooperate with me, I owe you a favor, and I can agree to any request you make that does not go against my wishes.

Leader Luo Hao glanced at Ansheira, who had the blood of dragon and snake, and saw that the other party was filled with rage and her hair stood on end. Naturally, the favor of the martial arts king was very important, almost equivalent to pulling her into Igarashi's camp. After all, this favor can completely allow her to conquer any existence for Igarashi.

Quitian Monkey King? It is indeed a bit embarrassing. He was plotted by a timid god and became a plaything.

Igarashi's words made Athena glance at him expressionlessly.

Leader Luo Hao did not expect that Igarashi thought the same as herself. She was quite relieved that this being who was more powerful than herself also thought so, and she looked at Ansheela eagerly.

So, you gave me the blood of dragon and snake?

Ansheela's eyes darkened, but she didn't say anything.


The blunt refusal suddenly changed the atmosphere. Igarashi pulled Ansheira's pale face, which was still looking sad, and looked at the other person's dumb look and smiled.

How can Ansela suffer? I will directly break the seal of the Monkey King.

Break it open directly?

If anyone else had said this, Luo Hao would have just regarded it as the arrogance of an ignorant person, but it was Igarashi who said this. Thinking of the terrifying power of the other person's movements, Luo Hao felt that he could indeed violently break through. Breaking the seal, although if the seal connected to a piece of land is broken, it will cause many natural disasters.

Okay, then I will stay in Neon for the time being. I hope you won't keep me waiting. After the matter is completed, you can always come to me to fulfill your request.

After the words fell, Luo Hao's figure gradually disappeared. It was a trick of shrinking into an inch. Staying next to a person who could easily subdue him was an unbearable thing for the lawless leader Luo Hao.

As for the original biggest purpose, to seek advice from Igarashi to find the next way to become stronger. Leader Luo Hao confirmed that Igarashi knew how to continue to become stronger, but asked him to cooperate with him to unblock the Monkey King. Just a favor, what should I pay for the more valuable way to become stronger?

Leader Luo Hao has not mentioned this matter for the time being.


Ansiela mumbled and spoke. Igarashi did not hesitate to offend the notorious leader Luo Hao for her own sake. Even though she knew how powerful Igarashi was, the little girl was deeply moved by this intention, but she didn’t know what to do. Expressing her feelings at this time, after all, before this, she was just a disobedient snake who kept fighting the God Killer and struggled on the edge of life and death.

No need to worry, it's just a matter of hands.

Igarashi made an understatement, and this casual gesture made Erica and the others smile bitterly, but also felt a little lucky. If the martial arts king's target is any one of them, if he is not loyal to Igarashi, even if there is their own magic behind it Even if they form associations to support, they don’t have the ability to refuse at all. Become a fish whose life is taken away from you.

Princess Alice, the White Miko, beloved by the Council of Sages.

Not only does she have excellent mental perception and telekinesis, she also possesses extremely high qualities of spiritual vision and precognition. Sometimes she can even talk to gods. However, this ability will corrode her body and make her very fragile. She will be exhausted if she goes out for a while. When you are exhausted, your physical condition will become imbalanced.

So when she wants to appear in public, Alice will use her spirit body instead to communicate with people normally. Very few people know this secret.

What? What does the witch of Sardinia do to come to our Council of Wise Men?

Witch is by no means a positive term. She is an existence that is hostile to the orthodox magic world. Princess Alice, an orthodox magician, will not directly attack the witch when she sees her, but there is no difference between the two. Friendly.

Princess Alice, I have a way to cure your physical defects.

Luculazia got straight to the point and didn't do any nonsense.

Alice, who was lying on the bed quite sickly, lost her breath, then turned her head and stared at Luculazia.

Physical defect? ​​I am not...

I know that the fragile body cannot bear the excessive natural ability.


As she spoke, Luculazia stepped hard on the ground. Without any spells or spells, with pure physical strength, Luculazia stepped on the marble floor to create spiderweb-like cracks, and exposed the cracks. Curazia obviously did not exert all his strength.

This is my effect, how about it?

After a long silence, Luculachia was just a witch who was proficient in spells before. Her own physical fitness was a few pounds. Princess Alice naturally knew that if she could reach the physical fitness of the other party at this time...

Then you can realize many of your long-awaited wishes and live like a normal person.

Princess Alice, who knew the character of this witch well, knew that there would be no one-sided sacrifice, and looked at Luculazia quietly.

What do I have to give?

Promise your loyalty to my King.

Who is your king?

My king is now in Omu Ran, and he gave me this power. How about it? Have you made a decision? Princess Alice.

Chapter 543 God’s gift becomes the trigger

God's gift is a road to becoming stronger. The end of this road will be wherever Igarashi can become strong.

And Igarashi has almost complete control over God's gifts and the beings who possess God's gifts, so Igarashi knows everything that happens in the mansion far away in London.

With an inexplicable smile, Igarashi looked at the girls in front of him who had tried desperately to resist the attack of the leader Luo Hao.

Erica, Liliana, Seiakiuin Ena, Banriya Yuri, how about being the ones who really become mine?


If Igarashi spoke to any of them alone, the girls would shyly agree. With such power, such temperament, and such appearance, Igarashi's attraction to girls is beyond imagination.

But now there are four in total! And the two disobedient gods next to him were staring closely at him.

Feeling the momentary reversal of the atmosphere, Igarashi also knew that there was something wrong with his expression. Although he never intended to let everyone here, he did something he loved with multiple girls at once. This operation was very harmful to Igarashi. It's a bit too high-end.

Although your understanding is not wrong, what I just said is just to give you God's gift for the time being.

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