Okay, let's eat. I made some snacks for you.

Since the last time Igarashi cooked in person, Erica and the others have been conquered by Igarashi's cooking skills. However, the other party is the God Killer and his king. How can they be so embarrassed to openly beg for food and let the other party spend their energy? Only Qingqiuin Eina dared to make a slight innuendo.

Anyway, he couldn't escape the trouble of cooking. After all, both Qiong, Athena and Ansheira, who were beginning to become interested in human food, were waiting for him to feed him, so Igarashi naturally made more things to satisfy him. Girls’ little wishes.

When Tiannu Meei and the others woke up and saw that Igarashi had made so many delicious dishes, they naturally joined in without hesitation, including the class leader who was usually very shy.

After all, there is strength in numbers, and the girls are no longer afraid.

On a small island in the Pacific, there is a little girl standing on the beach, a beautiful white girl of twelve or three years old.

Golden curls form elegant curves, setting off this upright and beautiful face.

It's like a rare puppet master risking his life to create a classic doll.

Even if the dress is not suitable for her age, the slightly sexy black evening dress still gives people a strange temptation.

Welcome to the leader, I, Guinevere, sincerely pay my respects to you.

The beautiful girl suddenly knelt down on the beach and murmured to herself.

There was no one in front of her, just the vast ocean connected to the Pacific Ocean.

However, a response came promptly.

God Ancestor, there's no need to be too polite. Let's skip these boring etiquettes and go straight to the topic.

A beautiful sound like a yueqin came from the waves, and the nearby seawater slowly gathered together to form the figure of a woman.

The report you sent me is enough to arouse my curiosity, so I order you to tell me immediately if you have any news about snakes.

The beautiful female voice has a hint of the roar of a liger, and has the power to rival the king of beasts.

She was none other than the leader of Luo Hao. She was about to reach the God-Slayer in Neon, but she received a message from the person in front of her on the way, so she stopped at a small island on the way.

Yes, Ansheira, the disobedient snake who originally led the evil society Lord of the Flies and competed with the God-killer King John of Los Angeles, was swallowed by the hell fire a few days ago, but now appears in Neon Ogiran.

Omu Ran? Isn't that Igarashi's residence?

Luo Hao was slightly surprised.

Yes, it is the residence of that king, and not only Ansheira, but another ancient and powerful goddess also lives there.

Guinevere kept kneeling on the ground and answered without ever meeting Luo Hao's eyes. This was the etiquette for receiving the High Queen.

There is obviously a God of Disobedience in his station, but he didn't kill him? What is my compatriot thinking?

Luo Hao pondered, although she was not like Marquis Vauban who would actively seek out the God of Disobedience, but if a God of Disobedience appeared near her location, Luo Hao would not hesitate to go and fight with it, and Igarashi, this junior, allowed two disobedient gods to stay at his station.

As long as Ansheira is ensured, the hero who is your old enemy will definitely wake up.

But Ansheira is now the prey of my compatriot. Do you want me to rob her?

Looking at the beautiful girl with majestic and beautiful eyes, a faint sense of crisis filled her heart. She put her hands behind her back and waved them imperceptibly, as if to stop something. Guinevere was still full of respect.

Guinevere is just providing information. Let the leader make his own judgment on everything.

Tell me about your purpose, and I will use it to decide my next actions.

If there is a trap, smash it with your fists. If it is a conspiracy, cut it off with a sword. If you want to rebel, just use the power of the king to suppress the opponent.

If the hero of steel lifts the seal, he will definitely have a decisive battle with the leader. If the hero wins, the new event I want to achieve will happen. If you, the leader, win, it will prove that the hero is not me. It doesn’t hurt me to expect people, no matter what the outcome.”

Guinevere smiled and told Luo Hao her purpose.

Chapter 540 The arrival of the martial arts king

But there was one thing Guinevere didn't say. In addition to verifying whether the Hero of Steel sealed in Xitian Palace was the final king she was looking for, she was also verifying whether Igarashi was the final king.

The Last King, although the title contains the word king, is not a God-slayer. On the contrary, he is the strongest disobedient god that has appeared in the world. He is a creature that exists specifically to defeat God-slayers. God-slayers and Most of the battles between the Gods of Disobedience ended with the God of Disobedience being killed, and all the battles experienced by the Last King ended with the killing of the Godslayer.

Otherwise, there would not be only six orthodox god-slayers in this world, and the oldest god-slayer is only over two hundred years old.

Although almost everyone in the world regards Igarashi as a God-killer, Guinevere does not think so. Doesn't his title of Heretic King mean that he does not meet the characteristics of a God-killer? The power of reason.

Leader Luo Hao left, but Guinevere kept lowering her head. On the sea surface she was looking directly at, a silhouette gradually appeared. It was a knight whose whole body was covered in armor, and his helmet hid his entire head.

Uncle... Guinevere thinks that the king named Igarashi is the last king.

Isn't it true that Igarashi, who is powerful and invincible and defeated two God-killers in succession, should be the final king and the nemesis of the God-killers?


The knight smiled faintly in a voice that ordinary people could not hear. Neither Guinevere nor him existed completely. The lack of memory and the inexplicable sense of mission were all things that made people suspicious. However, Guinevere Nivel chose to follow the mission without hesitation. After all, she didn't know what else she could do.

But the knight is different. He is not as loyal to the mission as Guinevere, or in other words, he does not want the King of the End to be resurrected.

I'm sorry for causing you trouble. I drank too much yesterday and I seem to be unable to control my mouth.

Nogizaka Hatsuka, who was wearing a maid outfit, bowed her head deeply to Igarashi. It seemed that she ran over as soon as she got off work. Fortunately, Igarashi had nothing else to do for the time being and went home directly after school, otherwise the two of them would have bumped into each other. Not on.

I'm really sorry!

The way the maid kept apologizing was enough to cause people to panic.

Please raise your head. Miss Chujia has nothing to apologize for. It makes me happy to be able to help you when you are not in good condition.

She is obviously a social person, Igarashi sighed inwardly, and roughly understood why Nogizaka Hatsuka said that she was not qualified for many jobs. This stupid persistence made it difficult for her to improve her work efficiency, but she was very cute.

...I didn't do anything to embarrass you, right?

Miss Chujia still felt a little sorry. Although her state yesterday was not considered drunk, the time a long time ago could be. At that time, she fell asleep directly on Igarashi's back, and she did not vomit at that time. Bar? Well, I should have asked my mother if Igarashi's clothes were dirty at that time.

Just imagining such a possibility, Nogizaka Hatsuka had the urge to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Please let me clean the room. Only in this way can I express my apology a little bit!

Nogizaka Hatsuka bowed her head deeply. She was wearing a maid outfit, saying such words and doing such actions, which was strangely in line with the role.

But there is nothing to clean in the room. There are Igarashi, Athena, and Ansheira here. Beings with too high status live here. It is like a pure land. Things like dust are rare, not to mention Igarashi uses magic to clean it up from time to time.

So after Nogizaka Hatsuka was busy for a while, she stopped helplessly. She had been doing useless work.

Suddenly, Nogizaka Hatsuka realized that she seemed to be being watched, because the gaze was too special, so the feeling was very obvious. She turned her head and looked along the gaze, it was a girl with white hair and white clothes, but it was not Qiong, it was Wu. A relative of Julan? His family are all so good-looking.

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