Aren't you interested in what I mentioned before about the God Realm? Or do you know about the God Realm before?

When the morning light appeared, Athena looked at Igarashi and suddenly spoke.

To be honest, I'm very interested, but now is not the right time for me to explore the divine world.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

Igarashi will not go to the God Realm without being sure. For the extraneous existence such as the will of the world, Igarashi has the will to destroy. This is the only method at present, and it is difficult to think of others.

As for the gods in the divine world, with the two examples of disobedient god kings, Athena and Mekar, Igarashi is confident that he can win against any god king at some cost. However, he is not sure of being able to fight against all the gods on his own. After all, the combination of gods who fully grasp the medium laws is too terrifying and invulnerable.

Before integrating the concept of the golden sword of godhead into his own body, his own weapons, and his own laws, Igarashi had no intention of going to the divine world.

Ahem, Athena, I know you are a disobedient person now, so is your true body still in the God Realm?

Looking at Igarashi's evasive expression, the goddess of wisdom quickly understood his thoughts and curled her lips.

My true body is naturally in the God Realm. If I encounter any danger, I can wake up at any time. Why, have you, who has turned Athena into a plaything in your hand, developed a greater desire?

It's hard for me to deal with you being so smart.

The plaything in the palm of my hand, the pure goddess with white clothes and white hair in front of me spoke such words, which made Igarashi uncontrollably daydream, hiss, such a future is really exciting.

I have always been the kind of person who follows my own desires. When I travel to the God Realm, I will defeat God King Athena.

Athena is far from surrendering, and even the word surrender is difficult to associate with gods, let alone the king of gods. Now, if she doesn't obey, Athena is just following the agreement during the battle, playing the role of auspiciousness with her interest in Igarashi She is just a character, but once someone really offends her majesty, she is still that unscrupulous and disobedient person who roams the land.

If you can defeat me openly, then I may not object to what you are thinking. You are the only existence that I have seen in these thousands of years that interests me.

Athena still maintained her classical tone, but it matched her appearance and identity very well.

Then, I will do my best!

Igarashi said with a firm voice, then looked at the time and his tone changed again.

But this will happen later. Now it's better to play games with Qiong.

Looking at Igarashi's back as he turned away, Athena was a little surprised, but also a little surprised. The goddess knew that her time as a mascot would not be too boring.

Today is already Monday. Igarashi asked Saya Gongxin to ask for leave for himself and Qiong. He also specifically made it clear that he could use whatever method he wanted, but he could not be discovered.

Maybe there are gains and losses. There are curses, disobedience, and god-killers in this world, but there is nothing shocking in entertainment. The games Qiong plays are just simple development games. , but this can be regarded as saving Igarashi from trouble. After all, if he plays any competitive battle games, it will only make Qiong more and more angry.

Chapter 533 Troubles

Shichio Shrine.

This is a very special shrine for Neon. Unlike those shrines with powerful shrines, the Shichio Shrine is full of witches with poor fighting ability, and Banriya Yuri has the potential of this shrine and even Neon as a whole. Yuan Miko, the best and one of the most powerful, has the ability to divine good and bad luck, and spy on those who disobey and even kill gods.

Today, Miko Yuan's wooden comb suddenly broke while combing her long hair. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is just the quality of the wooden comb, but to Miko Yuan, it is a sign of impending disaster.

Master Saya Palace is here.

The announcement from the shrine maiden reached Yuri Banriya's ears. The only person who could be modified by the word sama was the head of the Sayamiya family, Sayamiya Xinra.

If others from the Neon Four Families came, no matter what the reason, Yuri Banriya would not be too afraid. As the most talented person among the Neon Yuan shrine maidens, she also has considerable power. Different from the status, but Saya Gongxin, now in the whole neon and even the whole world, no one in the magic world knows that Saya Gongxin serves the seventh god-killer, and there is only one thing that can make her leave Omu Ran. Could it be the god-killer?

God-killer, this word, is the greatest fear for Yuri Banriya, who was summoned by the order of Marquis Vauban when he was young, and almost paid his life in order to summon Fubi.

Lord Saya Palace.

Facing Saya Gongxin who kept looking at him, Banriya Yuri showed a stiff smile. Is this his own trouble?

Mariya Yuri, I hope you can come with me to Omuran to serve the king.

Shaye Gongxin speaks out.

Igarashi is the God-killer among the God-killers. Saya Gongxin even believes that even if all the God-killers from all over the world unite, Igarashi will not be defeated. This level of power is terrifying but also Make people feel convinced.

Nowadays, the European magic association shamelessly sent two beautiful girls from the high knight class. Saya Gongxin, who knew the king's gentle character well, was afraid that the king would agree to the two high knights like the Gorgon Stone before. Even more excessive demands, in the opinion of Shaye Gongxin, the king with a peaceful and kind personality would deliberately attract disobedient gods, only those two outsiders, those two sycophants!

Therefore, we must fight back.

It is not enough to rely on Kiyoakiin Kei alone. It is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. As for ordinary girls such as Ogi Ran, Wang Youyan is the first to change their lives, so naturally they cannot become the mainstay in resisting foreign enemies.

Only by adding Yuri Banrigu can the situation be restored to balance.

No, if you include the two maids of the great knights, Europe still has an overwhelming advantage, even if you include yourself...

Shaye Gongxin lowered her head in frustration. The king has not taken action against her for such a long time. Is it because she is not charming enough?

Serve, serve?!

Yuri Banrigu's exclamation brought Saya Gongxin, whose thoughts were constantly wandering, back to reality. Seeing the other party's obvious reluctance, Saye Gongxin curled her lips secretly, naturally guessing that the other party was thinking of something intimate, but If you can't even do that kind of thing, why would it be the turn of the guy in front of you?

If the king has needs, he will naturally satisfy them, but I don't think the king will force you unilaterally, Yuri Banrigu. Now the European Magic Association is doing everything possible to please the king. This situation is extremely unfavorable to us. I need you. With his help, Wang felt the sincerity of Neon. My trip was not an order from the king, but my personal wish.

...Yes, I understand.

The Godslayer is the Demon King, and there is no one on earth who can rival him.

Well aware of this, Yuri Banliya decided to feed the tiger with his body in exchange for peace for Neon.

What? Why is it getting harder and harder to get advertising money recently?

Ifukube Yahiro has two main incomes, one is the sales of the canteen, and the other is earning advertising fees by recommending products as a blogger with a fairly good traffic.

But now, the situation has changed in a bad direction, not in terms of the canteen. Ever since the guy named Igarashi came to Okuzome, his canteen has been able to get a lot of money in a short period of time, and not in the canteen. I know if he ate the snacks as food, but this is not something Ifukube Yahiro needs to worry about.

The focus is on advertising. Several manufacturers that had cooperated with Ifukube Yahiro many times suddenly asked one day if their location was Okuzome. After receiving a confirmed answer, not long after, they unexpectedly proposed to terminate cooperation with them. .

What, are you looking down on small towns like Okuzome?

Late at night, the somewhat bored Ifukube Yahiro walked blindly in the quiet Okumine, trying to relax. Looking at the unchanging scenery around him, the irritability in his heart became more and more intense, even though he had various feelings about the small town Okumine from time to time. He complained, but if others also spoke ill of the town, Ifukube Yahiro would become angry.

Obviously, it is a nice town, both in terms of scenery and people.

The shadows of Meei and Nogizaka Hatsuka flashed through my mind, and there was another figure who just came to the town this year, but brought a lot of talk and vitality to this quiet and almost dead town-Fifty Lan, the guy who contributes sales to his canteen and helps out when shopping from time to time.

Tsk, why would I think of him?

Ifukube Yahiro felt awkward all over. He kicked the shoes off his feet with a strong kick. Looking at the dead thing that he had disposed of casually without any complaints, Ifukube Yahiro suddenly felt a lot better.

Oops...I feel a little happy...


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