Igarashi punched out, and the giant snake of the earth was wiped out. The bow and arrow disappeared directly in the wind of the fist. The petrified light was shattered. Even the concept of the earth covering the ocean in the distance was directly shaken away. This punch, The darkness covering the world was broken, and the dark clouds in the sky were divided into two halves. The sun shone here again, and the night turned into day again.

Break all laws with one force.

Chapter 531 Be a mascot

I summon winter, the person in charge of life and death, the cold ruler of the underworld, the queen of clever plunder. I command, Igarashi, to become the dead king and turn into a corpse!

Athena recited the words. Even if she spoke very fast, Igarashi would have a chance to defeat him with one blow, but he just stood there, quietly waiting for Athena, who was aware of the gap in strength between the two, to use her final attack. means.

As a weapon, the scythe, which was stronger than the bow and arrow held by Athena before, began to appear with the deep black that represented death, and then swung it towards Igarashi.

Ten meters, one meter, until the sickle was close, Igarashi still didn't react at all. If she hadn't witnessed the opponent's devastating punch, Athena might have felt that the opponent had no room to react, but now, Mingming wants to After the attack was successful, the inner fear of the girl god became even stronger.


After this blow, the opponent will become her dependent in the underworld, Athena thought so, but the fact is that the scythe, which can cut off mountains and seas, was broken into two pieces the moment it came into contact with the opponent's body. Igarashi, Everything related to the Death Scythe was suppressed, and what was reflected was the fracture of the artifact.

How's that for now? If you continue to fight, the part of you that belongs to Athena will no longer be able to dominate the Trinity.

Athena, who was gritting her teeth, heard a look of humiliation on her pretty face when she heard Igarashi's words. However, Athena knew at this time that she had absolutely no chance of defeating the opponent now that she was disobedient, and she could not even become the opponent. None of Igarashi’s opponents are qualified.

Are you sure you don't want to kill me? With your method, even if the god-killing ritual can only usurp my weakened power, you can still complete it with your own understanding? I am the queen, so The power you possess is never useless.”

Athena now seems to be convincing Igarashi to kill her.

I don't have time to understand power. Even a few years is too long for me.

Igarashi shook his head. Instead of wasting time on this power that would not improve him much, he might as well continue to study his own strength-supreme law. He watched the extraordinary means being used in front of him in a short period of time, and the spell was squandered on a large scale. Athena looked a little weak after the power, and Igarashi showed a sinister expression like a villain.

What's more, in my eyes, you are much more valuable than power.

I didn't expect that you, who is stronger than the God Killer, would still have such pursuit of love between men and women.

Athena did not show disgust, but was slightly surprised. As the goddess of wisdom, she could easily see Igarashi's unabashed obsession with her.

Godslayers are all fighting mad. Compared with the so-called love, they yearn to become stronger, kill more disobedients, and gain more power.

The gods have been fighting with the will of the world since a long time ago. Myths are things that bind the gods, but they are not the true stories of the gods. At least in this world, the desires of mortals are somewhat distant and new to Athena. .

Ahem, nonsense! I definitely didn't mean to do this or that with you, I just wanted to keep you around as a mascot.

But my current appearance as a girl does not meet the standards of a so-called mascot. According to the bet, it is better for me to transform back into a little girl.

Athena spoke calmly, and as expected, she saw Igarashi's hesitation and regret on his face, and a smile appeared on the slightly cold face of the girl god.

It seems like you really don't want me to turn back into a little girl?

Of course, the little girl is cute, but Igarashi has seen this kind of cuteness a lot, but the girlish Athena now is very different. She is a goddess, suddenly excited.

Then, Igarashi, before I return to the God Realm, please give me some advice.

Igarashi has no malice towards him, but is full of goodwill. His kindness towards him is not experienced by Athena at all from beings of the same level. As for ordinary people, they are ants in Athena's eyes, and it does not matter whether he is good or evil.

Unlike Erica and the others, Igarashi plans to take Athena home directly. On the one hand, it is because of his love for her. On the other hand, Athena is the God of Disobedience and the Queen of the Goddess of Disobedience. , in the entire Okuzan and even the entire Neon, only he can subdue it.

If Athena comes home with a lolita attitude, Qiong will be much less repelled. She has no hostility towards beings who look younger than herself. Referring to the relationship between the goddess Meei and Qiong, and if Athena takes the form of a girl, Going back may cause more twists and turns, but Igarashi, who was struck by Athena's cuteness, said that there is nothing to be afraid of.

The moment Igarashi hesitated when he stood at the door of his house was seen by Athena. As the goddess of wisdom, she already understood that there was someone in this house that Igarashi was worried about. He was a mortal, not a person of strength. Scruples, then they are emotional scruples.


Athena's wordless operation of the spell opened the door of the tight home, and her eyes met with Qiong who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, seemingly waiting for Igarashi.

This is Qiong, my adopted sister, and this is Athena, um, the goddess of victory and wisdom.

Igarashi's introduction did not divert the attention of gods and humans who were having a fierce exchange of looks. Even if Athena did not use spells and powers, the sharpness of her eyes was not something a otaku like Qiong could withstand. After a while, Qiong stood up, walked to Igarashi, and then pulled him to his room.

Is she your type too?

Qiong particularly emphasized the pronunciation of the word ye, and looked at Igarashi with negative emotions in his eyes.

Well, you...

Okay, I understand and I won't object.

Before even waiting for Igarashi's earnest and tearful persuasion, Qiong nodded. This posture made Igarashi startled. Then, Qiong stared into Igarashi's eyes and asked.

You won't sleep with that woman today, will you?


There is no reason to sleep together as soon as someone brings her into the house. Regardless of how obedient Athena is now, Igarashi can be sure that if he wants to do something he loves right now, the other party will resort to methods that will lead to death.

Chapter 532 Do you want me to become a handheld plaything?

Igarashi, who knew Qiong's feelings for him, naturally knew how to appease Qiong. After promising not to go to school next Monday and play games with her all day, Igarashi finally regained peace.

And what happened in this small space, Athena, as the God of Disobedience, naturally knew everything clearly. The fact that a god-king-level existence would comfort an ordinary girl in such a low voice made her very touched. interest.

It was Igarashi's impulse to bring Athena back, but he had to make arrangements for it next. It was impossible for Igarashi to let a disobedient god pretend to be a student and go to Honami Academy with him. Anyway, he had already agreed on Monday. Qiong skipped class, well, we’ll talk about it then.

Originally, night was Igarashi's time to study the rules, but now, feeling the gaze staring at him, Igarashi opened his eyes helplessly.

Athena, you can do something that interests you.

What I am most interested in right now is you.

Athena's words were very ambiguous, but Igarashi naturally didn't think wrongly. Studying the rules is not something that can be accomplished in a day. In comparison, chatting with the goddess is a good thing.

Okay, I'll tell you what you want to know.

Why do you have such power but you are not a god? What is that power in you that is not magical but very noble? You are not from this world, are you? Why do you care so much about what mortals think?

Athena asked questions one after another like a barrage, and some of the questions involved a little bit of Igarashi's privacy. Although with Igarashi's current strength, it would be okay to speak directly, but these are not things that can be summarized in a few words.

Let me answer your first question today. Just like there are god-slayers on this earth who are the same as the God of Disobedience, gods are not the final destination of those with great strength. Gods are a special kind of existence. But in thousands of worlds, there are not many special existences similar to it.

Thousands of worlds?

Athena quickly discovered the information revealed in Igarashi's words. She originally thought that the other party came from a certain world, but now it seems that Igarashi may have traveled through multiple worlds.

Well, that's a long story.

I have a lot of time, you don't need sleep, right?

In this way, Igarashi and Athena talked all night long. No, Igarashi was talking unilaterally, and Athena kept listening.

The only thing to be happy about is that Athena is the goddess of wisdom. Even if Igarashi talks about something that has never been seen before and has no similar things to compare it to, Athena can quickly understand it and save Igarashi a lot. The effort of explanation.

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