There was the sound of shoes hitting something in the distance, and the sound of someone talking.

Ah huh?

Ifukube Yahiro looked carefully in the direction of the sound coming from the darkness. After confirming that there was a person there, he apologized quickly.

I'm sorry, I didn't expect...ah, it's Lan.

However, after seeing that it was Igarashi, Ifukube Yahiro felt relieved.

Chapter 534 I’ll see you off on a motorcycle, I’m so bold when I’m drunk

Please don't calm down so obviously!

Igarashi's complaint did not make Ifukube Yahiro think about his mistake, but instead showed an unabashed smile.

Didn't you say you were sorry? If you have apologized, please forgive me.

Yes, yes, then I'll give you your shoes. By the way, your shoes provoked you? You want to do this to me?

Igarashi didn't want to continue arguing with Ifukube Yahiro, who had no attitude of admitting his mistake. Fortunately, Athena was staying at home honestly. Otherwise, if he met Athena, Ifukube Yahiro would behave like this. Attack and provoke. Although the gods don't care what mortals think, if they are insulted face to face, the gods will not begrudge the power that can destroy the opponent with a wave of their hands.

However, Ifukube Yahiro is not such a rude person. Before seeing Igarashi, didn’t she sincerely apologize?

It's troublesome to walk in clothes.

Ifukube Yahiro was trying to defend himself, but unfortunately, the way his white feet carefully stepped on the uneven ground of the town did not seem very convincing to Igarashi.


Ifukube Yahiro naturally noticed Igarashi's gaze and immediately became honest.

Okay, put it on, you should be satisfied.

At this time, although Ifukube Yahiro was still indifferent to all kinds of things as usual, his emotions were more obvious than usual. Igarashi smelled the faint smell of alcohol in the air and said helplessly.

Are you going for a walk after drinking?

In fact, Igarashi originally wanted to say drunk and crazy, but after careful consideration, he decided to use the word walking instead.

You need to take care of it, kid.

Ifukube Yahiro is very crazy and dares to call a person who is feared by the entire magic world a brat.

Igarashi didn't know how to answer the call for a moment, and silently followed Ifukube Yahiro. In fact, he came here specifically to find him. The vendors who paid Ifukube Yahiro's advertising fees received orders from his immediate superiors to deal with everything and Oku. You must be cautious about things related to Omu Ran. Those small merchants have never encountered such a posture. They were so frightened that they immediately canceled all transactions with Ogi Ran. This matter was reported to the merchants association, then to the relevant officials, and then to the The representative of the magic world, by the time Saya Gongxin finally found out and reported to Igarashi, not a short time had passed.

Igarashi, who expected that Ifukube Yahiro might be troubled by this, noticed her wandering alone outside in the middle of the night and came over, but he didn't know how to say anything.

Hey, Miss Yaxun, I heard that you have lost part of your income recently, so I will give you some pocket money to spend.

If Igarashi said this, it would probably arouse the other party's disgust.

Well, the main reason why Ifukube Yahiro wants to find a way to make extra money is because of the existence of the little girl Ame Mei, but Ame Mei already knows everything about the magic world, and coupled with her relationship with him, she shouldn't refuse Financial help, just find an excuse with her when the time comes to avoid making Ifukube Yahiro suspicious.

At the same time, Erica, Liliana, and the others, although they are already high knights, are still young girls in their prime. Snacks are not too annoying to think about, so let them buy some things when the time comes.

After a while, Igarashi, who had thought of a countermeasure, became a little leisurely, and his nonchalant attitude also made Ifukube Yahiro secretly unhappy. Doesn't this guy know that his current behavior is just like a gangster who wants to stalk women and has evil intentions? No two?

Tch, you seem to want to send me back? That's just right. Chujia should still be drunk now. You can think of a way by then. I don't want to sleep with her. In addition, I have recently bought some new snacks. Take a look. Qiong likes it or not.

Uh, you just left the drunk Miss Chujia alone in the store?

Igarashi's surprised look made Ifukube Yahiro scratch his head irritably.

I locked the door properly. She is safe.

Isn't it too much to put others in your own home? Imprison them.

I'm very angry!

In the Ifukube canteen, Nogizaka Hatsuka, who had taken a nap for a while, also woke up a lot. Looking at Ifukube Yahiro, who opened the store door with an impatient look on his face, he pounced on him with open teeth and claws.

In terms of drinking capacity, Ifukube Yahiro was better, so when faced with Nogizaka Hatsuka's attack, Ifukube Yahiro turned aside and dodged.

Igarashi who was behind her could naturally hide away, but seeing Nogizaka Hatsuka's slightly unsteady steps, she knew that if she also ducked away, the poor maid might have a close encounter with the earth, so she had no choice but to stand. In place.


Seeing clearly the person following Ifukube Yahiro, Nogizaka Hatsuka, who was quite powerful, suddenly froze, and hurriedly tried to stop, but the effect was not great, and he still collided with Igarashi.

Glancing at the farce behind him, Ifukube Yahiro looked away unnaturally.

Now that you've sobered up, go home quickly. I want to go to bed too.

Igarashi remained silent. The softness on the other person's chest made Igarashi feel secretly happy. But Yahiro Ifukube's words finally made the confused Nogizaka Hatsuka come back to her senses. She took a few steps back with Igarashi, her face flushed. Create distance.

Yes, sorry.

The maid naturally apologized to Igarashi.


There were several beer bottles on the table, as well as some snack packages after finishing eating. Nogizaka Hatsuka and Ifukube Yahiro enjoyed it quite a lot, so they put them away casually. Igarashi planned to leave. We will talk about buying snacks tomorrow. , Now Ifukube Yahiro looks like he is inflammable and explosive.

Hey, Igarashi-san, let me see you off. I came here on a motorcycle.

Think carefully. Chujia is drunk now. She might fall and be seriously injured while riding her motorcycle.

Ifukube Yahiro did not hesitate to undermine his close friend.


Nogizaka Hatsuka opened her mouth, but found that it was really hard for her to refute, why was she in a bad state every time she met Igarashi outside of school.

Chapter 535 Loyal Ministers and Tyrants

So the situation evolved into Igarashi riding Nogizaka Hatsuka's motorcycle.

Although he did not have much experience with stance motorcycles, Igarashi thought that with his current level, there would be no problem even if he was flying a tank or a plane. At worst, he would have to leave the console with his hands and use his mental power to forcibly hold the vehicle.

For the time being, Igarashi's home is between Ifukube's commissary and Nogizaka Hatsuka's home, which saves a lot of embarrassment.

Feeling the very tense body behind him, Igarashi continued to maneuver his motorcycle calmly, without thinking of resolving the other party's embarrassment through words.

Five, Igarashi-san, come here. This is already at your house.

Seeing the house not far away, Nogizaka Hatsuka stammered. Being sent off on a motorcycle for such a ride was already the limit of what the maid could bear. If she really had to be sent all the way back to her home, it would be psychologically difficult for her. , Nogizaka Hatsuka couldn't bear it, and Igarashi would also go through a lot of unnecessary mistakes.

Oh, thanks.

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