Have you been waiting here for us to wake up? Why don't you just wake us up.

More than two hours have passed! Just sitting like this is boring and tiring, isn't it?

Ahem, they are two beautiful girls after all. If I am not here to guard them, why should they be thrown into the wild randomly? As for waking them up, didn't you choose this place specially because you wanted to sleep? Naturally, I want you to have a good sleep. Sleep.

Igarashi's natural look made Nagisa Kazuyo a little touched. He picked up his violin case in a panic, and Nagisa Kazuyo's voice became very small.

Thank you, thank you, I'll go first.

Watching Nagisa Ichiyo leave in a panic, the goddess Meei pulled the corner of Igarashi's clothes.

Do you want my help next time? Find another excuse or something to ask Xiaoye out.

Since there is a world of magic and lawless god-killers in this world, and since Nagisa Kazuha has a special attitude towards Igarashi, and Igarashi also likes Nagisa Kazuha, the goddess Meei is willing to help, of course, to help Nagisa. At the same time, she will also help herself. Like this time, she rarely has the opportunity to stay with Igarashi for such a long time.

No, let's forget about this kind of busyness.

Igarashi naturally understood how considerate the goddess Meei was. He looked at the girl in front of him with a sweet smile and stretched out his hand to touch her head.

I hope you can be more selfish in this kind of thing.

Hey hey hey.

The girl's eyes flashed, remembering Nagisa Kazuyo's various performances before, as well as the performances of other people in the school.

Lan Jun, doesn't Xiaoye know that you have extraordinary power?

Well, among your current acquaintances, the only one I know besides you is Qiong. If necessary, I will tell them.

Tiannu Muying obviously became a little happy, which is really easy to understand.

Thinking of her extraordinary talent, Igarashi couldn't help but wonder.

Ying, do you want to be a real witch? A witch who can use your spells and magic.

Chapter 530 Athena Disobeys

Ying did not agree. She shook her head and refused the proposal on the excuse that she had to help her grandparents in the town and cook for Sister Xun and did not have much time.

Igarashi did not persuade her any more, because Athena had already walked on the waves and arrived at Neon.

She is not yet Athena, God of Disobedience and has not yet reclaimed her position as Queen of the Trinity.

What remained in her vague memory was the memory of resisting the sun ruled by her father, Zeus, the King of the Sky.

She is still close, as long as she retrieves the Gorgon Stone, which represents the ancient snake, she can become the real Athena.

Standing in the sea breeze, she looked for the scent of the snake. In fact, she had always had the opportunity to snatch it, but the message from Pandora told her that the best thing for her to snatch was when the Gorgon Stone actually fell into the hands of a person. good time.

Maybe that person is the Godslayer, after all, Pandora is the mother of the Godslayer.

But she is not afraid. She is a queen and should be victorious in every battle.

Then she saw the man holding the Gorgon Stone standing in front of her. He did not have the aura of a god-killer, but he carried the cry of the sun. The guy in front of him had killed a sun god, which was not unreasonable. From the body, the true god.

Nice to meet you. Kill the existence of the sun.

The petite silver-haired girl was wearing a thin sweater, a miniskirt and knee-high socks, and a blue plush hat on her silver hair.

This outfit does not match the season here, but she is not an ordinary person and will not feel uncomfortable due to the temperature.

First tell me your name. I am a god with the name of Athena. You must keep it in mind from now on. Then, true fool, tell me your name and bet on the duel between the ancient snakes. Before that, we both need to know each other’s names.”

In contrast to her cute appearance, there was no trace of emotion in the dark pupils, and Athena's voice was extremely cold.

But this is also a cute point for Igarashi.

After sizing up the Gorgon Stone that he had just acquired, Igarashi tossed it casually, causing Athena's eyes to move up and down.

How about changing the bet? I will give you the Gorgon Stone directly and wait for you to recover to your full state. Then we will fight again. If I lose, everything will stop. But if I win, how about you follow me?

What a rare god-slayer.

Although she disobeys, she is still a god. Athena does not feel that she will lose. Even if the other party kills the true god, her trinity is the queen and the king of gods.

Seeing that Athena seemed to agree, Igarashi directly threw the Gorgon Stone to her. This is the blocked coast and no one will come close. Igarashi will let this proud Loli queen ,lose.

The part of me that is the god of war is eager to fight you, but the part that is the goddess of wisdom is warning you.

After getting the Gorgon Stone so easily, Athena's face, which was biased towards the Three Nothings, was slightly surprised, and she couldn't wait to absorb the power contained in it.

The pressure that was enough to overwhelm the great knight and make the divine beasts surrender gradually spread, like a vast ocean, the curse power that surpassed the God-killer and the God of Disobedience that Igarashi had seen before was contained but not released.

The loli god Athena, who originally wore modern clothes, gradually grew up in the glow. Her clothes changed into a white robe, with a blue garland on her head. Her originally short hair that reached her ears, now hangs down to her waist. She is so beautiful just because of her beauty. It's enough to make people fascinated.

The trinity of gods consisting of Mortis, Medusa, and Athena, the queen of the Greek gods before Zeus.

She is undoubtedly the God-King, and the best among the God-Kings.

What was originally a clear day has turned into a pitch-black night where you can't see without light. Athena, the goddess who controls the darkness and the earth, can exert her greatest strength in such an environment. Even in ancient times, the sky was hers. Dominant.

I have regained my trinity body, and I can exert my full strength here. The fool named Igarashi will let me enjoy myself to the fullest.

This is the seaside, but Poseidon, the god of the sea, is the brother of Zeus and the enemy of Athena. At this time, Athena covered the concept of earth on the sea. Before Poseidon came into the world, this was the earth. Athena's home turf.

Dozens of owls flew from the depths of darkness, and dozens of snakes also gathered. They are the messengers of death. Just one of the divine beasts under Athena can bring death to the great knight. They are the messengers of death for anyone. The natural enemies of life.

But before they could get close to Igarashi, they turned into ashes, and the girl Athena narrowed her eyes.

What a powerful method. Just being killed by me and entering the underworld controlled by me, don't you think this is great?

But I think it would be better for you to just give in and be a mascot next to me.

As the goddess of wisdom, Athena, who has collected information about the world, easily understood the meaning of the mascot. Although she was a little grateful to Igarashi for directly giving her the Gorgon Stone, this did not prevent her from Igarashi's mouth. She was angry because of her arrogance. At this time, she was more interested in victory than the goddess of wisdom. She longed for a battle.

Then the small talk ends here.

The earth turned into a giant snake and rushed towards Igarashi's tiny body.

It was as big as a mountain, and a single collision and shock wave could destroy a city.

At the same time, longbows and arrows appeared in Athena's hands. The crazy surge of spell power caused the arrows to glow, extremely dazzling in the darkness, and then flew towards Igarashi's forehead. Athena herself did not stop there. , four arrows appeared in his hand again, and they were shot out at the same time, blocking the direction in which Igarashi might avoid.

Athena's eyes began to change, and everything was gradually petrified. This was the power possessed by Medusa among the Trinity.

Such an attack is enough to make any god-killer or disobedient god in the world resort to life-saving measures, otherwise it would be enough to directly destroy it. The disobedient god-king Athena may have the ability to defeat ordinary people. of true God.


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