King's title? Whatever, I don't care about this kind of thing.

In addition, there are traces of the God of Disobedience in Europe. The King of Swords is currently unable to contact him. The magic society over there wants to ask for your help.

Igarashi was very interested in the next message from Saya Gongxin.

Chapter 510 Coming to Italy

The color of the sky seen in different countries will be slightly different.

The sky under the Latin country here is so high that it seems to break through the sky, and it is surprisingly blue.

This is Rome, the capital of Italy. Since there is an eight-hour time difference between Italy and Neon, Igarashi came over after making dinner for Qiong. Neon entered the silent night, while Italy was just a sunny noon. .

Saya Miyazaki requested to accompany her, but Igarashi did not agree. After all, this beauty has been very busy recently, looking for Ichiro Kusanagi, and also shouldering the responsibility of the head of the family to manage the Saya Miyazaki family. As the seventh king in the magic world, she is the only one. As the spokesperson, Shaye Gongxin has a lot to do.

It's not peaceful here now. The magic power is constantly surging like a wave. If you are not a senior magician, you will suffer a lot of damage if you use the magic power forcefully.

The reason is that there are several mythical beasts raging here. Although the mythical beasts are just vassals of the God of Disobedience, or are monsters produced for other reasons that are lower than the level of the God of Disobedience and the God Killer, they are not from the world of magic. Most people can stop it. Only people like the Great Knight who stand at the top of the magic world can be the opponent of the divine beast.

However, the number of the mythical beasts that appeared this time was a bit large, and their strength was also a bit strange. They had the expertise to rival the disobedient god in some aspects, which caused a headache for the magic association here.

Prior to this, there had been a battle between the war god Veleslana and Mekar, who occupies the position of king of the gods in regional mythology. The two disobedient gods fought with each other, and then both lost. Veleslana symbolized their The clones of Divine Power were scattered, their strength greatly reduced, and Mekar was seriously injured.

Now, one of them, Veleslana, appeared in front of Igarashi.

Looking for a sports competition?

Yes, I am the winner. Victory is always in my hands. This is my essence. No matter what battle I encounter or any enemy I face, my victory will not change and is unshakable. How about you? Are you interested in competing with me? Would you like to play with me for a while?

The coat he was wearing should have been white before, but now it was a dirty brown color, and the clothes themselves were a bit tattered. It was more like clothes that would be worn in a desert oasis than the clothes of this harbor street. She was about fourteen or five years old, with dark hair that reached her shoulders, and ivory skin. She was very handsome, so handsome that Igarashi felt that the word she might be more appropriate.

However, she speaks very arrogantly, often holding victory in her hands.

Although he does not know how many victories Veleslana has experienced, Igarashi can be sure that he did not win in the battle with the will of the world, even if the will of the world may have released the vast ocean, and the battle with Mekar Even if we fight, we won’t be able to win.

As long as it's something you're good at. Games, martial arts, fighting of wits, horse riding, anything is fine. Is there anything you're good at?

As if he thought Igarashi was hesitating, Veleslana kept relaxing the conditions with a dull look on his face.

Igarashi chose to accept such a provocation.

In terms of martial arts, even if the god in front of him ran away from the myth, he probably would not be his opponent. In battle of wits, great wisdom cannot be seen in a short period of time. He can only play tricks like brain teasers. Horse riding, there is no such thing here. No horses are exactly the same, so the best option is the game.

Igarashi feels that he can be said to be the most benevolent and righteous person.

How about playing football?

Football? I need a moment to learn the rules.

Football is a popular sport in the world, but for Igarashi, it is not something that makes people happy. After all, it has been disappointing for too long.

With a little persistence in the past, Igarashi asked the gods to play football. He was actually not good at it. This time, it was more like a contest of brute force than a competition of skills.

After roughly understanding the rules, Veleslana discovered that some of the rules seemed inappropriate for one-on-one situations. Seeing this, Igarashi spoke.

How about we simplify it a little, kick the ball into the opponent's goal and win, and discard the other rules?

Very good.


Like a muffled thunder, the ball kicked by Veleslana hit Igarashi with terrifying force. It was already a cannonball. If it was resisted forcefully, it would be enough to seriously injure a person of the Grand Knight class. If not blocked, the ball would be Scored the goal.

The mental power suddenly became extremely soft, constantly reducing the power of the football. Although Igarashi had the ability to kick it back forcibly, the football would undoubtedly explode, resulting in a draw. Igarashi did not want a draw.


It was also a kick. He looked at the huge power that Igarashi exploded with some surprise. Veleslana also knew the consequences of a hard kick. He was about to use a special method to neutralize its power, but found that the football exploded directly on his feet. All the fragments were shot into the goal behind him.


According to the rules, this can be considered a defeat. The football fell into pieces, but it did go into the goal.

Even if we had to do it all over again, the result would probably not change.

The defeat he longed for did not go through the fierce battle he imagined, but the young man knew that he was defeated. Faced with the situation just now, unless he used his power... hiss, he had a headache.

In the battle with Mekar, Veleslana lost most of his memories after all his clones were scattered.

After taking a deep look at Igarashi, Veleshrana turned and left.

You won, but when I finish what I have to do, I hope I can fight you again.

Igarashi is not chasing, nor does he intend to kill the god. If he can kill the normal god of disobedience and gain power that is of little use to him, then killing the incomplete Veleslana is nothing. Can't get it either.

I'm sorry, the people who are walking there - I'm sorry for the sudden interruption. I have something to ask.

Veleslana disappeared, and a girl's voice came, calling Igarashi who was also about to leave. The girl was not tall, just over one hundred and sixty centimeters, but how to describe this sense of majesty? Standing there as proudly as a queen.

Her long blond hair flowed in the sea breeze.

She is dressed in red. Against the backdrop of the orange sunshine and her long blond hair, the red feeling is even more prominent.

There is no doubt that she is a beautiful girl.

However, this girl with good spell power doesn't seem to recognize herself? It seems that compared to his evil reputation, his appearance has not been passed down. That's right. Apart from the people of Saya Gongxin, the only people who really know him are the Marquis of Vauban and the King of Swords. Who dares to Ask in detail.

The proud girl in front of her has not mastered the art of spiritual vision. Spiritual vision is the specialty of Yuan Miko. Although other types of spellcasters can roughly feel the power of the other party's spell, Igarashi has no magic power.

Chapter 511 Proud Girl

Please tell me everything about the god who appears here. My name is Erica Browntree. There is no need for you to state your name. Just take this as a gift in return.

Erica proudly puffed out her chest and smiled arrogantly.

This pride, coupled with her beautiful face and the magical power that dwarfs most people, is understandable.

The so-called genius girl with both talent and beauty.

I don't know anything.

Igarashi's innocent defense did not convince Erica. The girl raised her eyebrows and showed a smile that revealed the flaw.

Ordinary people will not have no reaction to the word God when I say it, and it is impossible for people in the magic world to know nothing.

After staring at the other person for a few seconds, the guy in front of her looked unconcerned despite being caught by her. Erica took a deep breath with some annoyance.

Then the peace negotiation ends here, and then it's time for fighting. Reasoning with people who can't communicate is simply playing the piano to an ox!

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