Erica still shows her immature side, and yes, she puts most of her energy into practicing spells, leaving more or less no time to take care of other aspects. Erica's character is not only different from her Her magical attainments are not commensurate with those of many girls around her age, such as Tiannu Muying and others.

Come, Lion of Steel, the one who lives with the soul of the lion, the steel that lives with the essence of struggle! Respond to my hands and my voice! Your name is the Heart of the Lion King... you are the brave man who inherits the name of the Lion Heart King!

After a lengthy speech, Erica finally... summoned a sword. Looking at the scene in front of her, Igarashi couldn't help but click his tongue.


What, have you asked for mercy?

No, I have a question. If someone attacks you while you are reciting the spirit, will you be defeated directly?

Igarashi's question made Erica's anger surge again. She attacked while she was chanting? Is this a sneak attack? How could there be such a lack of chivalry!

In terms of irritating himself, the guy in front of him was already incredibly strong.

The slender silver blade looked like a sword in the dusk sunlight, quickly slashing at Igarashi. However, it suddenly stopped just before it came into close contact with Igarashi's body.

Why not hide?

Erica asked herself that her attack was not very fast. Even an ordinary person could subconsciously dodge it. At the cost of tearing her clothes, she had already held back. She could not do the thing of killing someone at the slightest disagreement.

Erica's purpose is to intimidate Igarashi and then make him reveal information.

However, the other party remained motionless, acting like a fool. After a long absence, the genius girl Erica felt helpless at this moment.

I froze in fear.

To Erica, Igarashi's words were another mockery of herself.

Boom boom boom!

Before Erica could speak, something happened, a violent explosion sounded, and a huge wild boar with a body length of more than fifty meters suddenly appeared, rampaging with a very strong momentum, destroying the surrounding buildings one by one.

Erica was stunned by this sight.

The moment she came to her senses, Erica grabbed the hand of the guy in front of her.

Hey, kid, what are you doing standing still? Run away!

However, the direction where Erica grabbed Igarashi and ran away was exactly where the boar was.

Ahem, you seem to be running in the wrong direction.

That's right. The retreat route is blocked by the ruins of buildings. Our speed is not as fast as that of the wild boar. We might as well rush into the danger ourselves to have the possibility of being saved. I will fight it later. You can find a way. Run away.

Erica would naturally not risk her life to save a stranger, even if the stranger seemed pretty nice... regardless of his irritating personality.

Prodigy, genius, crimson devil, all kinds of glorious titles were given to Erica, which also made the girl become more and more proud. Although the huge wild boar was terrifying, Erica felt that she could To defeat him and save this ignorant guy was just a great act of mercy by Lady Erica.

A delicate flower, proud and gorgeous.

Igarashi watched quietly as Erica rushed towards the wild boar. The size difference between the two was huge, but Erica did not look back. In addition to the pride in her heart, the girl also wanted to protect the people here, those who were crying. Ordinary people asking for help, ordinary people who can't even see the appearance of a wild boar.

Then, all Erica's pride was almost shattered.

The previous sense of no hesitation gradually disappeared after facing the violent momentum of the wild boar. The sacred beast, the wild boar in front of me is undoubtedly a sacred beast, but isn't the great knight class already capable of fighting the sacred beast?

Feeling the violent aura that seemed to swallow her completely, the girl fell into hesitation.

The sense of crisis that her pride was about to be shattered made Erica tremble slightly and raise the sword in her hand. The magic power surged all over her body and struck a blow. In this blow, Erica used all her strength, Strive to achieve success with one blow.

The sword light that could not be ignored failed to break through the barrier of violent spells escaping from the boar's body. Erica's full blow left the boar unscathed.

However, it has attracted the attention of the wild boar.

The crazy roar was deafening. After accumulating a little strength, the wild boar rushed towards Erica with an unstoppable momentum. With its huge size and speed, it was impossible to avoid it!

Even the stone buildings were smashed into pieces. How could the human body withstand such an attack? Erica was a little desperate, but she still stubbornly looked at the wild boar in front of her, this raging beast.

You are very brave.

A voice sounded close at hand, and Erica's eyes were dazzled. She realized that she should have been fighting the wild boar while she was... No, this was not a fight at all. Fifty Fifty had taken advantage of the time when she was killed by the wild boar to escape. Lan appeared in front of him, facing the divine beast.

Then, the terrifying impact of the wild boar that day, which was like an earth-shattering earthquake, was easily blocked by the other party with one hand. It was like water dripping into the sea without making a single ripple. If it weren't for the strong wind caused by the wild boar's movements, Erica's body was blown away. Her hair was constantly flying, and the girl even felt that everything in front of her was just a false illusion.

Chapter 512 Is he angry?


Erica's eyes widened as she watched the unstoppable boar being kicked away by the guy in front of her, flying far into the air like a piece of junk and turning into a point of light.


Taking a deep breath to calm her messy heart, Erica tried her best not to show fear in front of Igarashi. After all, it was not easy to accept that a divine beast that she could not defeat was kicked away so easily. .

Who are you?

Igarashi, if you are famous in the world of magic, you are probably better known as the Seventh God Killer.

Shocked, surprised, regretful, panicked, looking at all kinds of complicated expressions on the girl's face, Igarashi did not wait for her to calm down.

Okay, Miss Erica, the genius girl, take me to the Red Copper and Black Cross. When I came, I received a request from the magic association here.

Erica originally thought that even if she would not be killed casually, she should be severely punished for speaking arrogantly against the God-killing Demon King. Erica, who had just experienced the terror of the divine beast, now understood more clearly that killing God Despite the fear of the demon king and his inviolable authority, he defeated two god-slayers one after another. The notorious Demon King turned out to be a harmless young man in front of him. Moreover, at this time, he actually had a faint smile and did not look the slightest bit. He wasn't angry because of what happened just now.

I'm so sorry, King.

But even so, Erica still lowered her arrogant head. In front of her was the Demon King, who saved the city from the raging divine beasts and was also her savior.

Igarashi knew that Erica was no match for the divine beast, but still did not take action first. The main reason was that he hoped to use this to break Erica's overly proud heart. After all, even a girl who had not gone very far in the ranks of the Great Knight , in this world, it is still far from the peak, but now seeing the faint sadness on Erica's face, Igarashi couldn't help but sigh.

Okay, you look a bit pitiful now. Lead the way. I'm not angry. On the contrary, it feels good to see a girl show off her character.

Erica had heard a lot of compliments, but it was completely different when spoken by someone who was vaguely aspired to be the strongest God-killer.

Erica led Igarashi slightly silently. After just knowing the tip of the iceberg of the truly powerful existence in this world, facing directly the strongest group of people, even a swan-like girl could not adapt. .

Erica may be just a beautiful girl that attracts attention in the ordinary world, but in the Italian magic circle, she is famous far and wide. At this time, the scene of the girl leading a man obediently made other magicians extremely curious, and the priest The magician who mastered the spiritual vision technique used spiritual vision directly on Igarashi.

The more you see, the more backlash you receive.

Some people screamed and were swallowed up by the flames of the sun, and some lost their way in the darkness. When unpredictable terror appeared, the conjurers were filled with fear. What they saw in front of them was the God-killer, although the God-killer was not and disobedient. A moving natural disaster similar to the god of God, but such unscrupulous use of spiritual vision to spy on it is likely to attract the wrath of the God Killer.

But Igarashi did not give them any more lessons. Those who continued to spy despite knowing the danger had been punished for touching high-level things, and those who had restrained themselves would naturally be fine now.

The strange movements around her caught Erica's attention. The tragic situation of those few people made the girl a little scared. She suddenly felt that taking Igarashi to the Red Copper and Black Cross might not be a wise choice. Perhaps, the other party was suppressing Anger, planning to destroy everything related to him?

I didn't take any action. It was not my power that hurt them.

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