Even if the God of Disobedience only possesses low-level laws, this is terrifying enough. Unfortunately, it is only a consumable item and cannot be used permanently. The main reason why Igarashi wants it is to use it to understand the way of the other. , the magical method of returning to others. After all, with my own understanding of the law, I can only suppress the opponent's attack forcibly, but cannot do more.

Igarashi, who originally planned to leave directly, glanced at Shizuka Kusanagi, who was staring blankly at him. After a slight hesitation, he knelt down.

My little sister's name is Shizuka Kusanagi?

How could big brother know?

I heard what your grandpa said, little Jinghua is very cute.

Igarashi touched Shizuka Kusanagi's head and quietly deployed defensive magic mixed with laws. This is a magic barrier that can completely resist the attacks of the God Killer. Once Shizuka Kusanagi is in danger, she will activate it. Originally, it was In exchange for taking away the magic book, Ichiro Kusanagi should be paid. Now, instead of giving it to a bad old man, it would be better to give it to a cute little girl.

After waving his hand, Igarashi left.

And Sayaka Miyazaki, who was playing the role of a follower without saying a word, took a deep look at Shizuka Kusanagi and followed her.

Grandpa, who is he?

have no idea.

Although he was affected by Igarashi's law, Ichiro Kusanagi did not lose his sanity. He was telling the truth. After all, he was telling Igarashi all kinds of intelligence all the way. However, he knew Igarashi's information. Very little.


Wang, have you fallen in love with that little girl? I can...


Glancing at Saya Gongxin who was slightly suffocated, Igarashi shook his head.

Although power brings a lot of conveniences, I try not to affect beautiful girls with power. This is one of the few bottom lines I have.

Igarashi's words made Sayaka Miyazin uncontrollably think about it. The power he used on Kusanagi Ichiro before was probably the power to control the mind. If he hadn't used it on himself...

Chapter 509 Development

Xiao Qiong, how do you feel about your first day of school?

When Igarashi arrived late, school had already ended at Suomi Academy. He heard the goddess Meei talking to Sora in the distance. Regardless of Sora's cute appearance, her attitude towards unfamiliar people was too harsh. It was difficult for her to quickly integrate into the new environment, but Tiannu Muying made Qiong adapt perfectly.

Hey, Mr. Lan, you're back.

If she hadn't known about Igarashi's attributes as a top student, Tiannu Meei would have even thought that Igarashi was skipping class on purpose. How could it be such a coincidence that he came back right after school.


Qiong was obviously unhappy about Igarashi abandoning him.

Sorry, I'm looking for something. That thing is quite important.

Did you find it?


Until Ameimeei returned to the Ifukube store, the girl did not ask what Igarashi was looking for. When getting along with people, Ameimeei could always notice the details that were easily overlooked. This brought about The result is that talking to the goddess Muying is comfortable and relaxing. Even Qiong, who prefers not to let strangers enter, can now say a few words to the goddess Muying from time to time.

Unlike the goddess Muying, Qiong's character is a little willful and indifferent, knowing that she cannot do anything but doing it.

Hey, what on earth is this?

Igarashi is hiding something from him, and this reality makes Qiong a little unwilling.

...I'll show you when I get home.

After Igarashi was silent for a while, he decided not to hide too much from Qiong. While talking a little about the world of magic, he also described the power of the Prometheus magic book.

This is it?

After returning home, Qiong glanced at the simple magic book in Igarashi's hand with some disgust. From a girl's point of view, this book was a bit ugly. This is what Igarashi said, it is very powerful. s things?

Qiong suspected that Igarashi was playing tricks on him. He usually did this kind of thing often.


Suddenly, Qiong felt that he was gradually losing his balance, his perspective began to move upward, and he was actually floating out of thin air.

What does it feel like to go to heaven?

It's probably the kind of thing that you long for when you can't understand it, but are afraid of when you experience it. After all, it's not within Qiong's control.

Seeing the fear on the girl's face, Igarashi dispersed his mental power, and was then glared at by Qiong as expected.

Bad guy!

Don't I want to prove it to you? If that's not enough, I have applied a weakening magic circle to this room. Mosquitoes and the like will not fly in. Otherwise, how could there be no mosquitoes in the summer? Now you believe it, right?

Igarashi's explanation made Qiong's face look much better, and he was even a little touched. He knew that he hated bugs, and even arranged it specially. This feeling warmed Qiong's heart, but the girl's character determined that she would not say it directly. What words of thanks.

I'm going to bed.

Haven’t had dinner yet!

After thinking about it, Igarashi still allowed Qiong to retreat into her room again. She had worked very hard in class today. Even if she was revived by her magic, one day of class was enough to turn a full-blooded person into a girl. She was very weak, not to mention Qiong, who was already in low spirits. In the last class in the morning, Qiong could barely stay awake. During the afternoon when she was away, she would probably keep nodding at the teacher like a chicken pecking at rice. Let your head take a nap.

Just imagining that scene made Igarashi a little funny.

Next time, let's introduce Saya Gongxin to Qiong a little bit. After all, this beauty who is loyal to him will appear by his side from time to time, and now she looks like she wants to settle down in Okuzan.

Saya Miyazhin's residence is very close to the Igarashi family. The newly built house made the residents of Okuzome Town a little curious, but they did not pay too much attention. Thanks to this, the too fast construction speed could not Let residents take note.

As one of the four great families of magic, money is not an issue for the Saya Miya family. They are fully capable of building a palace in Okuzome, but the style of this newly built house is almost exactly the same as that of Igarashi's house, in terms of area. If it is, it seems to be a bit smaller, and it seems to be for Saya Gongxin to live alone.

And a lot of the Saya Palace family's power also began to transfer to Ashikaga City. After all, this is the city closest to Okuzome.

Salvatore, the King of Swords who originally stayed in Honami Town, has left. After all, he originally thought that he could fight Igarashi after finding a long-range attack method, but the Supreme Tianchi summoned by Igarashi originally Angels have the strength of a disobedient god. Although they do not have the experience and methods of gods, they are blessed by more advanced laws. If Salvatore and Angel fight to the death, they will not win.

Such a big gap made the fighting maniac give up staying and disappeared without a trace.

Igarashi is now a powerful demon king in the world of magic. However, Omuran and the surrounding areas where he is located have become increasingly peaceful. No one wants to cause trouble under the nose of the demon king. If it is an ordinary great magician, other People may come here to learn skills from his master, but very few people seek lessons from the Godslayer.

God slayers kill gods and usurp their power. How to learn it? Is it possible to kill a god? It doesn't exist.

King, the Wise Council of Greenwich asked me to ask you your king's name.

The Greenwich Council of Sages, I don’t know when, started to collect information about the God-killer. They secretly collected information about the God-killer’s power, and gave the power a name in a good way. Originally, this kind of thing would inevitably be punished by the God-killer. After all, this It's like collecting weaknesses.

But the Greenwich Council of Sages had a good sense of the scale. They just named the powers without explaining the corresponding effects, and they didn't do anything extraordinary. They were more like a group of idle and bored guys, getting together and messing around.

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