The bell rang for the last class in the morning, and students who had been silent for a long time in the class swarmed out like hungry wolves. The battle began!

The strong ones can get delicious butter bread, but the weak ones not only have to wait in line for a long time, but also can only buy weird-tasting things.

Seeing Igarashi sitting there leisurely, Tiannu Meei blinked strangely. Although he usually doesn't move as crazy as others, he should leave the classroom at this time.

Lan Jun, why don't you go to the canteen?

Ahem, I've prepared a lunch.

Since Sora also came to school, Igarashi naturally had to make a bento, so he simply made it for two people. Remembering the disbelief that Tianmeimei showed in her cooking skills last time, Igarashi opened the box of the bento. , pushed in front of Tiannu Muying.

Try my cooking skills and see if I can cure you.

Igarashi's arrogant remarks did not change the almost ever-present smile on the face of the goddess Meei. Following his instructions, she picked up a piece of fried tempura and put it in her mouth. The girl's eyes widened slightly.

Naturally, Igarashi's cooking skills have reached their peak long ago. If he were not interested in cooking, Igarashi even felt that he could understand the low-level rules of cooking. Looking at the intoxicated look on the eyes of the goddess Meei, and Nagisa Kazuyo, the squad leader There was undisguised curiosity and surprise on the face of Lord Kuronaga, and Igarashi showed a sinister smile.

It seems that Ying has fallen. Now, it's your turn.

Qiong, who was about to eat the bento prepared by Igarashi, found that the other girls were eating Igarashi's lunch a little selflessly. While feeling a little proud in his heart, he silently put his bento on the table. In front of Igarashi.

For you to eat.

Only then did the intoxicated girls realize that although they themselves were not big eaters, if the three of them came together, most of Igarashi's bento would still be eaten, and the girls' pretty white faces could not help but be stained with... Blushing shyly, she actually ate all the other people's lunches.

Hehe, Lan-kun, I'm sorry. I'll give you my bento, although it's not as delicious as yours.

The actions of Tiannu Meei made the originally embarrassed girl find a solution. They all placed their lunch boxes in front of Igarashi in the same manner, and then made excuses to leave the classroom.

They felt extremely uncomfortable when they thought of the selfless eating they had just done in front of Igarashi.


Qiong was the one who snorted coldly. Seeing that Igarashi's desk was piled with various lunch boxes, Qiong picked up his own lunch and returned to his seat.


The muted phone vibrated slightly, and after quietly glancing at the message from Sayaka Gongxin, Igarashi came to Qiong and touched the girl's head.

Qiong, I have something to do in the afternoon. Do you plan to stay at school or go home to rest? Of course, I hope you can stay at school. After all, it's hard to come out for some air.

...Then stay in school.

Although he was very curious about what happened to Igarashi, Qiong noticed that there were not many people in the classroom at this time, so he stopped his curiosity. At worst, he would ask him again when he got home at night.

Chapter 508 Obtaining the Magic Book


Saya Gongxin saw Igarashi's figure and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

She has found Ichiro Kusanagi, and to ensure nothing goes wrong, she is leading a group of people to monitor him personally. Unless a god-slayer or a god of disobedience appears, Ichiro Kusanagi will never have the chance to escape.

Even if a fool in the family exposes his whereabouts, Kusanagi Ichiro discovers that someone is spying on him.

Yeah, well done.

Seeing a young man approaching him, Kusanagi Ichiro tensed up. He had already discovered that he was being followed, and the person following him was obviously not an ordinary gangster. After the other party realized that he had been discovered, he stopped. After doing too much cover-up, he directly dispersed the surrounding pedestrians. Ten minutes had passed. Such a big movement still did not attract the police. Kusanagi Ichiro could be sure that he had attracted a big shot.

Although he is not a good person, Kusanagi Ichiro asked himself that he has never had a grudge against anyone, nor has he done anything to make anyone angry. He is just a little romantic. The geishas in the red light district and the widow who lives alone all have ambiguous relationships with him. But, this is At least it was more than ten years ago!

When people get old, they are unable to do what they want.


Seeing that the unknown young man was silent in front of him, just looking at himself up and down, what was hidden under that young face was the fearful repression of the mature Kusanagi Ichiro, as well as the aura of the superior.

Ichiro Kusanagi, I'm here to find the Magic Book of Prometheus. In exchange, I can give you some compensation.

The Magic Book of Prometheus?

Kusanagi Ichiro murmured and repeated this unheard term, and after a while he smiled bitterly.

Sorry, I don't know what this is.

Igarashi can confirm that Ichiro Kusanagi is an ordinary person with no magic power, so he does not rule out the possibility that he has a magic book but does not know the magic book.

Take me to your house.

Seeing that Kusanagi Ichiro seemed to want to politely refuse, Igarashi smiled.

You should know that I am not an ordinary person. I can tell you that gods and god-killers are real. In addition, there are all kinds of spellcasters. They have powers and privileges that far exceed ordinary people. ,like this.

After saying that, Igarashi directly used the law to capture Ichiro Kusanagi's mind. Kusanagi Ichiro, who was wary and hesitant towards strangers a second ago, suddenly leaned down respectfully. This scene also made the Saya Miya family who was on guard next to him The magicians who belonged to it showed horrified expressions. They had no idea what was happening.

Okay, you guys disperse, I'll go with him.

Igarashi waved his hand, and the magic power all over his body was faintly surging. The magicians who were always prepared to deal with emergencies all breathed a sigh of relief. They knew who they were working for. Now the famous seventh murderer God, the great god who was rumored to have defeated two god-killers in succession. Although becoming familiar with him will bring countless benefits in the future, the spellcasters are also afraid that this great god will directly kill them because of their incompetence in doing things. It was destroyed. Fortunately, such a thing did not happen.

King, can I go with you?

In front of everyone, Saya Gongxin still used the most polite title. Seeing the cautious look this beauty showed from time to time in front of him, Igarashi sighed.


Hearing such a reply, Shaye Gongxin smiled in surprise.

A house that is almost perfect for ordinary people except for its old appearance. It occupies a lot of space in a crowded city, and the interior furnishings are also exquisite and complete. It seems that Ichiro Kusanagi is relatively wealthy.

Grandpa, eh, who is he?

Shizuka Kusanagi is the younger sister of Kusanagi Godou and the granddaughter of Ichiro Kusanagi. When she saw two strangers following her grandfather, Shizuka Kusanagi blinked curiously, but she didn't panic. After all, it was her grandfather who brought them.

My name is Igarashi, hello.

Igarashi's temperament was completely different from that of the junior high school students in Shizuka's school. The girl was stunned, and then responded stupidly.


Although the little girl was very cute, Igarashi did not forget his original intention of coming here. After saying a few simple words, his mental energy spread throughout the house, searching for the whereabouts of the magic book.

found it.

Picking up the magic book that faintly exuded unusual power in the bookcase, and studying it carefully, Igarashi smiled happily.

The magic book of Prometheus can absorb the attacks of the disobedient god, and then turn them into his own use, and then fight them out by the holder of the magic book, regardless of whether the holder is strong or weak.

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