Seeing Saya Gongxin's hesitation, his mental strength swept away and he called out. Igarashi had already spotted the old man who had just stepped off the plane a hundred miles away and whose spell power was much stronger than Salvatore's.

Oh, it's best to send some cannon fodder to receive him. This old man doesn't seem to have a very good temper.

Seeing that Marquis Vauban's use of power salted the people on the committee, Igarashi added.


Saya Miyazin's specially made mobile phone received the contact information. At Igarashi's instruction, she checked and found that everything was just as Igarashi said. Marquis Vauban had arrived in Ashikaga City on a special plane from Europe and used Sodom. Zhitong ordered all the people who received him from the committee to be salted, and then disappeared.

She raised her head in horror. Shaye Gongxin couldn't believe that the person in front of her could know what was happening hundreds of miles away so easily. Clairvoyance and ears were nothing more than that. The awe in her heart was a little deeper, just like Gan Candong before. Like a horse, Saya Gongxin also guessed to some extent that Igarashi should have known about the previous committee meeting. With a touch of joy, Saya Gongxin said tentatively.

King, can you let me serve you?

This world is the stage for the Godslayer and the God of Disobedience. The God of Disobedience is an existence that brings destruction, so relying on the Godslayer is the wisest choice. The King of Swords, Marquis of Vauban, King of Martial Arts, Black The prince, Hades, and Lady Aisha, these six god-killers are not in the Far East. The martial arts king who is closest here has no good impression of the Far East. As a last resort, he can only rely on the so-called follower. Under the banner of Yuhuo Gong who graduated from the God of Disobedience.

However, Igarashi is obviously the best choice, both in terms of strength and... appearance.

Even Saya Gongxin, who has a very high vision, can be sure that Igarashi is a person who can make people have a great favorable impression on the first meeting. If he must have a destination in the future, the person in front of him is probably the best. After returning home, Shaye Gongxin did not hesitate for long.


Igarashi was stunned, then shrugged helplessly.

My current identity is a high school student. Suddenly, there is a beautiful woman with a very good temperament and appearance around me. It is not in line with common sense. I still want to continue to enjoy my daily life. However, you can live in Omu Ran.

Igarashi's actions caused an invincible demon king to fall off the high altar, adding a lot of mundane aura, which surprised Sayaka Gongxin and was slightly happy at the same time. Was he praising himself just now?

Yes, King!

You should know that my name is Igarashi. From now on, call me by my name in front of Omu Ran's people.


Okay, I'm not someone who cares about this kind of thing. So, don't forget what you have to do. I'll go meet that menacing old man.

Seeing that the sky was gradually getting dark and cloudy, Igarashi knew that Marquis Vauban was coming. This pomp was big enough, and he could use his power to change the celestial phenomena.

Chapter 502 Marquis Vauban

In Suomi Town, after learning that Igarashi went to school in Suomi Town, he was surprised that the sword king Salvatore lived here. Salvatore, who was stroking his magic sword, felt The vast and familiar aura approaching from the horizon revealed a good-hearted smile.

Hehe, that old man is coming too. Well, I might as well have to fight that monster again. Let's go and have a look. There aren't many opportunities to make that old man look foolish. He won't be killed directly.

Shivering, Salvatore quickly stood up.

Is it such a small village? It seems that this new member of my race is somewhat similar to the original me.

Looking at the small town named Omuran from a distance, Marquis Vauban muttered to himself in a low voice. His white hair was combed meticulously. Judging from his appearance alone, he was an old man. However, this old man His emerald green eyes are as sharp as an eagle, and he stands upright. It seems that Lao Dun's body contains terrifying power that can easily destroy a city. He is the oldest god-slayer of this era, and the most ferocious among the six god-slayers. One of the two most famous people.

Well, say hello and let the newborn know the etiquette.

Marquis Vauban did not think that Igarashi was a hidden god-slayer, but that he killed the newborn of a disobedient god. As for defeating the King of Swords, this is not difficult. As the oldest god-slayer, Among the god-slayers, only the martial arts king from the East who claims to have reached the pinnacle of martial arts can rival him.

Dark clouds began to gather. This was the power that Marquis Vauban had usurped from the trinity of gods: Wind, Rain, and Thunder.


Thick thunder and lightning fell from the sky and struck the open space not far from Omu Ran Town, where Marquis Vauban was demonstrating.

Hearing the deafening thunder, Igarashi was a little helpless. If Marquis Vauban directly let the lightning hit Omu Ran, it would naturally be absorbed by the Sword of Glory and cause no turmoil. Unfortunately, outside the range, the group of ordinary people, probably You must have been shocked.

Taking one step forward, Igarashi appeared in front of Marquis Vauban in an instant. Igarashi carefully looked at the old man in front of him. If his past glorious deeds were not considered, the guy in front of him was just a kind old man.

Marquis Vauban, nice to meet you.

You are very polite.

Vauban glanced at Igarashi in surprise. God-slayers are all fearless people. They don’t obey anyone. Of course, they don’t have much etiquette. Salvatore even sneakily robbed him. The god of disobedience is rare, and the guy in front of me is rare. Moreover, I heard that Salvatore was beaten up. It was rare that Marquis Vauban said calmly.

I came here to look for the God of Disobedience. Although I heard news about you on the way, the God of Disobedience still exists, right? Could it be that there are two of them?

There are no disobedient gods here.

What was on that day?

After the words of Marquis Vauban fell, the thunder and lightning struck above Omu Ran, but disappeared out of thin air, as if he was absorbed by something. Looking at this scene, the old man's eyes flashed with excitement, and he felt a wave of excitement. A powerful breath.

That's my sword. Forget it. Even so, you know how to use a sword. Come on, take action. I'll defeat you.

Igarashi's casual look made Marquis Vauban look angry.

I thought you were a polite little guy, but you turned out to be an arrogant brat. However, you are much better than the bastard who is peeping next to you.

A bolt of lightning struck the bastard next to him, but was offset by a magic sword. Salvatore smiled indifferently in the face of Vauban's malicious eyes.

Old guy, it's too late for you to regret it now. The other party is a monster.

Monster? This is better!

A gray-black substance gradually filled the air, and then, several rotten corpses appeared. They were the great knights and archmage who died fighting the cruel and cruel Marquis Vauban a long time ago. At this time, they were driven by the Servant of Death Cage. , became the sword of the Marquis Vauban.

This move that had a certain sense of déjà vu made Igarashi blink, and then he grinned.

Summon? I can do it too!

A humanoid creature wearing golden armor and flashing flame wings appeared behind Igarashi. This is the Supreme Seraph, a summoning super-level magic from the world of the King of the Immortal. After being blessed with the law by Igarashi, this It is power, the power that belongs exclusively to Igarashi.

The angel flickered its wings slightly, and the scattered sparks hit the servant of death, burning it to ashes in an instant.

What the hell?!

Salvatore opened his mouth wide. In his expectation, Igarashi would easily defeat the power of Marquis Vauban, with fists or swords, but Salvatore never expected that Igarashi would Lan actually has other tricks, and they are obviously more powerful than Marquis Vauban's Death Servant Cage.


Marquis Vauban tried to use his Eyes of Sodom to salt the creatures in front of him, but the mystery would be ineffective when encountering higher-level mysteries. The Eyes of Sodom, which only contained low-level laws, could not be salted by the Five Elements. The angel blessed by Shilan's advanced law, Marquis Vauban's eyes flashed when he saw the huge power emanating from the creature in front of him.

That's a pretty good power. What's your name?

The Supreme Seraph.

Have you killed the Lord?

The angel in front of him was by no means idle, and even reached the level of a god of disobedience. As for the terms Supreme Heaven and Seraph, Marquis Vauban, who was familiar with myths because he was a god-slayer, immediately thought of Jehovah, as many religions and myths. The supreme god in the world, Jehovah, controls many angels. If Igarashi really killed Jehovah, he would have to re-evaluate.

Still want to fight?

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