Seeing the magic power flowing crazily in Marquis Vauban's body, Igarashi smacked his lips.

You seem to have the power of resurrection. I'll let you go directly to read the message to revive, so that you don't have to think about it again.

Igarashi's words made Marquis Vauban tense up. The huge sense of crisis made him immediately use the greedy wolves to transform into a giant werewolf with a body length of 30 meters, with various qualities greatly improved. Then, he roared and pounced. The invisible giant palm that Igarashi shot towards the sky... Under Igarashi's control, the giant palm did not cause much turmoil. It suddenly dissipated after hitting Marquis Vauban.

You killed the old guy?!

Salvatore stared at the clearing in front of him with wide eyes.

No, he has the power of resurrection. Now he has turned into a black dragon from the underworld. Well, he moved and flew back to Europe.

Chapter 503 Unable to resist

Marquis Vauban retreated, and Salvatore ran away as fast as he could. He really didn't want to continue to get along with the monster Igarashi. Before, he was thinking of finding some long-range means to fight Igarashi again. When he saw Igarashi Igarashi could trigger the resurrection power of Marquis Vauban with just one palm. Salvatore knew that even if he found a long-range method, he would not be Igarashi's enemy. Instead of doing this, it would be better to find more opportunities. Kill a few who don't follow, and overthrow the Marquis Vauban.

The turmoil here has also been sensed by people in the magic world. Compared with the previous battle between Igarashi and Salvatore that started and ended hastily, Marquis Vauban changed the sky. It was too obvious, except for the unknown Everyone except those in the conjuring world understood that the Marquis Vauban was coming and that a battle was taking place.

As for the outcome of the battle, I heard that the Marquis had returned to the Balkans and his condition was not very good.

There is no doubt that the seventh king was born. His name was Igarashi. Within just a few days after his appearance, he defeated the King of Swords and the Marquis of Vauban one after another, and his power was unparalleled.

The king's title has not been determined without his own consent, but the title of Heretic King is secretly circulated in the world of magic. The seventh king does not have the power of a sea like other kings. His power seems to be of another kind. , but what is certain is that the seventh king is stronger than almost all god-killers. It is currently known that the seventh king has an extremely powerful body, has invisible long-range attack methods, and can summon creatures called angels. , there are also rumors that the seventh king also killed a very powerful sun god.

In the Netherworld, a place that no one can reach except at special moments, Pandora, who has been paying attention to Igarashi, is a little stunned. Igarashi's combat power may be able to change the current situation of confrontation between the mythical gods and the will of the world, but, he Not killing gods at all! If he didn't kill the gods, he could forcefully break through and get here with his strength, but he might not even know about his existence!

On the other side, Saya Gongxin naturally also knew about the battle between Igarashi and Marquis Vauban. In fact, when Igarashi suddenly disappeared, she wanted to follow him. Since she had given absolute loyalty, she should fight with him. Together with the king, she met the foreign enemy, even if this enemy was also the demon king on the earth. However, when she arrived, the battle was over. She looked stupidly at the land in front of her that seemed to be burned by flames and was crushed by something powerful. .

King, this...

I just had a fight with the Marquis Vauban. He has returned to Eastern Europe.

Looking at the stunned Sayaka Gongxin, Igarashi continued.

You come to deal with the aftermath and appease ordinary people.

Igarashi was fully capable of restoring the traces of the battle in front of him to their original state. Even when Marquis Vauban was calling the shots at the beginning, he could create an illusion to cover it up, but he didn't. Now that he had subordinates who were loyal to him, if he still did everything by himself, what would happen to his subordinates? use.


Looking at the empty space in front of him, Sayaka Gongxin did not find it difficult. After all, when the God Killer and the God of Disobedience fought in the past, most of the city would be destroyed if they disagreed with each other. Such turmoil could be wiped out. , not to mention such a small ruin, yes, small. From the height of Demon King and Bu Cong, it is really not worth mentioning to create such a small area of ​​ruins, but because of this, the fierce and powerful Wo Marquis Bang retreated so easily, and the power of Igarashi...

After some twists and turns and being delayed for a long time, Igarashi used teleportation magic to return to a place not far from home, but saw the goddess Meei pushing a bicycle. At this time, shouldn't she have returned to the shrine? .

Ying, where have you been again?

I went to distribute notices from the shrine. Ah, is that the new uniform? Let me see, let me see.

Seeing the thing in Igarashi's hand, the excitement on Tiannu Meei's face made Igarashi blink. for school uniforms, don't everyone have the same style?

But I really like the soft feel of the new uniforms. Ah, do you want to wear this now?

Okay, do you want to come and sit at my house?

It seems that Meei, the goddess, has been lingering in his home for a while, and Igarashi will not just say goodbye to Meei.

Huh? Can you interrupt me?

Of course. First, let me remind you that I have a little sister at home who is a little homebody.

Oh, I understand, then I'll excuse you a little.


Perhaps he was waiting for Igarashi, or he was hungry and left the room to look for food alone. Suddenly he met the goddess Meei in the kitchen, and Qiong was startled.


The goddess Meei greeted Qiong with a voice that could easily hear her excitement and friendly mood.

Well... who is it...

Qiong shivered. Although Tiannu Muying didn't seem to have any offensive power, it was still quite scary to have one more person in the house.

Excuse me, I am Tiannu Muying, long time no see, do you still remember me Xiaoqiong?


Ah, that's right, have you forgotten?

Ying, have you met Qiong?

Although I knew that Tiannu Meei's memory seemed to be good, I didn't expect that she would still remember such a thing that even one of the parties involved had forgotten. And Igarashi's slightly intimate address to Tiannyumeei also made Qiongwei unstoppable. I checked for a moment.

Well, it was in the past. I found Xiao Qiong when he was lost, and then I protected him.


Qiong put on a subtle expression like Is that so?

Forget it, it's okay. Let's introduce it again. Xiaoqiong is coming to school too, right?


Affected by the atmosphere of Tiannvmu, Qiong nodded.

Taking this opportunity, Igarashi spoke.

Qiong, how about asking Ying to help you measure the size of your school uniform?


Qiong was silent, but Tiannu Muying took the initiative to hold Qiong's shoulders and walked towards Qiong's room.

Come on, Xiaoqiong, take off your clothes quickly?

Eh? Yeah?!

Hmm~ These are really cute underwear.


The faint sound coming from the room made Igarashi stunned. Tiannu Meei is really skilled.

Chapter 504 This world does not need an incompetent king

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