It seems to have a very gentle tone.

Igarashi nodded clearly, and Ying looked out the window and reminded.

Huh? Oh, Xiaoye, the person to pick you up is here~

The black car that picked up Nagisa Kazuyo was already parked outside the school gate.

Oops... Ying, can you go over and say something for me first? Wait for me for a moment.

Well, okay, Xiaoye, do you want to go to the toilet?

Idiot! Don't say anything like this!!!

Nagisa Yiye glanced at Igarashi and left as if running away.

The maid from last time was standing there, and after being introduced by Nagisa Kazuha and the others, it seemed that her name was Nogizaka Hatsuka.

Oops? Xiaoying, aren't you with the eldest lady?

Seeing the goddess Meei and Igarashi, but not the eldest lady, the maid showed a slightly panicked expression, as if she had imagined something bad.

Xiaoye said she would be here soon and asked you to wait for her for a while.

Ah, that's it, I understand.

Nogizaka Hatsuka breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Igarashi.

Is this Igarashi? The eldest lady's classmate, the legendary top student?

The look in his eyes, as if he was looking at a strange creature, made Igarashi smile helplessly.

The legend is a bit exaggerated. Hello, Miss Hatsuka Nogizaka.

Ahaha, if you don't work hard in school, you will have to endure hardship in society~? Igarashi-san has a bright future.

The old man wearing sunglasses standing next to the car coughed a few times, which made Nogizaka Hatsuka tremble.

Anyway, anyway! I have work to do today!! Yeah!

The uncle just stood quietly, but his serious expression, coupled with his serious clothes and height, were indeed a bit oppressive, but not only Igarashi, but even the goddess Meei didn't seem to care at all. , only the maid lady herself looked scared.

Hello, Mr. Tsukimiyama.

Tiannu Muying and the driver uncle knew each other.

Hello, are you ready to go home now? Please be careful along the way.


I kept you waiting.

Nagisa Kazuha finally finished going to the toilet. When his eyes touched Igarashi, he was ashamed and angry. When he looked at the goddess Meei, he was frankly annoyed.

I'm here to pick you up, miss.

Welcome back, miss...

Looking at Tsukimiyama and Nogizaka Hatsuka, Nagisa Kazuyo felt a little embarrassed.

Thank you. I'm sorry for making a special trip and keeping you waiting.

The black car drove away with a low engine sound. And Igarashi and the goddess Meei also embarked on their return. Ei was noticed by people in the magic world because he had strengthened the door of the myth. With this apology, Igarashi did not mind using the best attitude to make the girl happy. .

Along the way, the girl kept laughing. When they were about to leave, she saw that Igarashi seemed to be walking in a different direction than usual, so the goddess Meei asked.

Oh, Lan-kun, is there anything else you can do?

Well, I was contacted saying that the school uniforms have been delivered and I have to go pick them up.

It took half a month to complete the school uniforms, which was really slow. In other words, if Qiong wanted school uniforms now, would it take at least half a month? What efficiency.

Oh, hey, I was still thinking about when Mr. Lan would come to school dressed like a noble man and wear the same school uniform as us.

After parting ways with Amae Meei, Igarashi directly used teleportation magic to go to the place where the school uniforms are stored, which is the place closest to Ashikaga City in the town. Then, he suddenly saw a being with magical power that cannot be underestimated in this world.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the figure, Shaye Gongxin was startled. She quietly used her not-so-proficient spiritual vision technique and leaned down in fear.


Chapter 501 Allegiance

Igarashi is surrounded by many mysteries. The more he sees, the more backlash he suffers. When the Ashikaga Miko saw Apollo in the dungeon world, she came to an end. It turned out that although Saya Miyazhin had the use of spiritual vision, She was not very skilled, but she could see a lot of things, but she felt inexplicable fear in her heart when she saw the person in front of her sitting on a ferocious throne, with countless inhuman creatures kneeling in the dark surroundings filled with terrifying auras. , and forcibly terminated the use of spiritual vision.

Although it is not certain whether those non-human creatures have reached the level of gods of disobedience, at least they are definitely above the level of great knights and at the level of divine beasts.

Without the aura of the God of Disobedience, which hidden god-killer is in front of me? Or the new god-killer who killed the disobedient god who appeared not long ago?

No matter what, what Aman Touma said, he saw with his own eyes, the person in front of him was indeed the Demon King.

Head of the Tokyo branch of the Official History Compilation Committee and head of the Sayamiya family, Sayamiya Xin, pays homage to the king.

Gritting his teeth, Shaye Gongxin continued.

I wish to express my loyalty to you.

Saya Gongxin has a beautiful face, an air of elegance about her body, and a slender figure without any excess fat. She is a very attractive woman. Although she is in a high position and does not have to deal with men against her will, Saya Gongxin Xin understands her attraction to men. After seeing the photos provided by Touma Amami and knowing that Igarashi is not the type she hates, she struggles a lot. Sayaka Miyazaki comes here, not without using herself as a bargaining chip. mean.

However, Shaye Gongxin saw that the young man in front of him did not show any lust, and had a calmness that did not match his appearance.

Loyalty...let me guess, after offering your loyalty to me, the Saya Palace family will probably gain a lot of benefits by having a backer. So what about me, what can I get from you?

Looking at the turbulent expression of the beauty in front of him, Igarashi smiled.

If you want to say something about yourself, it's good, but it's not enough.

The forces within the Saya Palace Family and the Official History Compilation Committee that belong to the Saya Palace Family will offer their absolute loyalty to the king.

Absolutely, this word cannot be used casually. After saying it, Shaye Gongxin seemed to have exerted all his strength.

Then, let me see your value. I don't want to see too many outsiders in Omuran, nor do I want to see anyone interfering in Omuran's affairs, especially if I want to let those women My children have become a bargaining chip to restrict me.”

At the same time that Sayaka Miyazaki appeared, many people with magical powers appeared in Okuzan. They were tasked with determining the importance of girls such as Nagisa Kazuha, Tianmeimeei and others in Igarashi's heart, so as to determine their respective powers in the future. Seeking benefits, but they were killed by the sword of glory when they just took action. Unlike the innocent girls, Saya Miyazhin in front of them was equally beautiful, but she came for the transaction. Naturally, Igarashi would not do it because of that. He gave in too much in his pursuit of beautiful girls.

The tenderness with which Igarashi spoke at the end made Sayaka Gongxin startled, but she quickly restrained her thoughts.

King, the Saya Palace family will definitely stop the others with all their strength, but the other God-killers...

If other God-Slayers come, I will take action. You can bring him here. Well, has Marquis Vauban arrived in Ashikaga City now? Let your committee members bring him here directly.

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