There is one thing I hope you can help me with. Regardless of success or failure, I will do my best to repay you!

Seeing Cocolia's sudden change in attitude and hearing her obviously abnormal tone, Igarashi shook his head awkwardly.

There is no need to use your honorific title. Also, speak in your normal tone.

Seeing that Cocolia seemed to really want to repeat it in a normal tone, Igarashi waved his hand to stop her.

Besides, I heard everything you said to Bronya yesterday, but I didn't expect you to come now, right? Xier, do you have anything of hers? I need to recognize her aura.

Cocolia's eyes widened. She was sure that there was absolutely no surveillance or bugging device in Bronya's room. As a big shot in science, she was very sensitive to these things, and there was no one eavesdropping outside the door. , Therefore, whether it is relying on hearing or other abilities, Igarashi is too terrifying.

Bronya has it, please come with me.

Perhaps because he is a high-level person himself and is well aware of the gap between status and strength, Cocolia's attitude towards Igarashi is obviously as reserved as facing a superior.

Arriving all the way to the room where Huberian stayed in Bronya's room, after Cocolia explained her purpose, Bronya carefully took out a blue and white hair accessory. Seeing the faint reluctance on the girl's face, Igarashi smiled.

Okay, no need to give it to me, just take it.

Under perception, there are several auras on the hair accessories, but the strongest one, apart from the one belonging to Bronya, there is only one left, with the aura of sadness and reluctance, the one originally named Xi'er The girl gave this hair accessory to Bronya with deep sadness.

Closing his eyes, as Igarashi masters the law more and more deeply, and with the deliberate indulgence of the world's will in this world, Igarashi can already do it, use the law to find someone who is familiar with his aura, and search for someone who is familiar with his aura throughout the world. in this world.

found it.

Near an ocean in North Asia.

Igarashi sighed helplessly as he looked at Cocolia, who was tensing up due to his words and full of anticipation, and Bronya, who had always been expressionless but now had her eyes widened.

Okay, this time Hyperion's destination is North Asia.

In another room of Huberian.

Wendy, the Fourth Herrscher, looked at Raiden Mei, Hidamaru, and Yae Sakura in front of her, and felt the joy of meeting similar people in her heart. She remembered what Igarashi said to herself before, and she was already resting. The girl who had spent the night calmly in Belian sighed as if she was resigned to her fate.

Can I help? As a Valkyrie.

Well, of course, from now on, we will be companions.

Hey, welcome sister Wendy, let me treat you to some fried tofu.

Please give me more advice.

Although he sensed the aura, Igarashi was not very sure when he set foot on the destination. This was different from Sirin's mother before. It was at least a normal life. Now the existence named Xi'er seemed to exist in front of him. Every corner of this ocean is in quantum form.

Igarashi can use the law to forcibly gather these quantum particles that represent Seele's existence, but it is just a group of quantum particles, which is still invisible to Bronya and the others, and Seele cannot use it to speak or reappear. in this world.

Ding, the host can gather them together, and then infuse them with blood containing the power of law and the power of all things, so that Xi'er can be reborn.

After Igarashi learned to use the power of all things in a rough way, the system has not appeared for a long time, and now it plays the role of a teacher.

Blood, hey, even though he is considered a warrior, there are not many opportunities for Igarashi to bleed. He glanced at the girls who had followed him all the way to North Asia. They were full of sympathy after learning about Xi'er, and looked at those pairs of girls. With the anticipation in his eyes, Igarashi knew that he was going to bleed heavily this time.

There is almost everywhere in this world, only Honkai energy with different concentrations. At this moment, it is like seeing natural enemies escaping to the surroundings. They feel that the mystery is far higher than their power of law.

The quantum representing Xi'er was gathering little by little. Although the girls couldn't see it, they knew that Igarashi was in action. The Valkyrie's keen perception of Honkai energy could feel that it filled the space like air, without any trace of it. The omnipresent Honkai energy is being ruthlessly expelled.

Igarashi bit his finger and forced the blood out of his body. A large amount of blood that was inconsistent with the wound flowed out from the small wound, causing the girl on the side to exclaim.

According to legend, bathing in the blood of dragons can make people immortal. In mythology, the blood of gods can bring people back to life. In fantasy, the blood of the almighty has the power to create all living beings and crush the earth.

And Igarashi's blood, with a faint pressure, gradually formed a vague outline in the place where the quantum clusters gathered in the air. Then, according to Igarashi's wish, the blood helped the quantum clusters to reconstruct, showing people this. Existence transforms.

Chapter 469 Dad? !

(The picture shows Xier)

In the eyes of the girls, Igarashi has been giving. He guarded Kiana outside the classroom for a day for her exam. Unlocking Teresa's Herrscher poison also allowed Yae Sakura, who originally wanted to help at the expense of the Herrscher core, to Surviving, the Jizo Yuhun of the Shattering God Key gave Hitamamaru a new life and gave Himeko the gift of God. As for other small favors, encouragement and care, all the girls including Bronya have experienced it.

Seeing the amount of bleeding that could make ordinary people comatose or even put their lives in danger, the girls did not hide the distress and helplessness in their eyes. Igarashi's gentleness made the person who endured this tenderness feel happy, and also made the onlookers happy. Full of powerlessness, such fraternity is really a bad guy.

Igarashi didn't know what the girls were thinking. He was concentrating on using his blood to shape Xier's body according to her will. Back in other worlds, Igarashi knew that his blood had special effects. He didn't expect that he could still do it now. Created man.

Sounds that ordinary humans couldn't hear echoed in the air. Honkai Energy fled far away as if encountering a threat. The blood that was constantly floating in the air finally took the shape of a girl. Then, the crimson blood gradually solidified. , constantly changing, transforming into a normal human body.

Seemingly thinking of something, Igarashi looked around and found that most of the girls were wearing only one piece of clothing, but then he turned his attention to Cocolia, the guy who always wore a coat.

You, take off your coat.

The girls who were watching were a little confused. Igarashi wanted to act like a hooligan in public, but then their eyes saw the human body gradually taking shape in the air. It was immediately clear that Igarashi was preparing clothes to cover Xi'er's body.


As the person involved, Cocolia was not as quick-thinking as the other girls, and her mature face was instantly dyed red. After Bronya beside her gently pulled the corner of her clothes and pointed at Xi'er, she After realizing it, the blush on his face increased. Cocolia, who had always been strong and arrogant, handed the coat to Igarashi with some embarrassment.

In the faint glow, Xi'er reappeared in this world as a normal person. The girl with short blue-black hair tightened her tight clothes. She was not dead, but just quantized. Naturally, she knew what happened, and she also knew. How was this body born? The girl's big blue eyes looked innocent, staring at Igarashi.



Seeing the surprised expressions on the girls' faces, Xi'er explained with a malicious smile on her face.

My father gave me a new body and gave me a new life. Of course it was my father.

Hitamaru on the side was a little troubled after hearing this. She also regained her life with the help of Igarashi, but although she likes to call people big brother and big sister, she really doesn't like to call people daddy. Well, it's really difficult to handle.

Igarashi's eyes glowed faintly, and then quickly dissipated. Looking at the girl who spoke astonishingly as soon as she appeared, he said helplessly.

You are Xi'er's other personality, right?

Well! Although I still want to talk to Dad, my other self can't wait any longer. So, Dad, I'll come find you later.

The eccentric Xi'er closed her eyes. After opening them again, her temperament obviously changed and she became weak. She glanced at Igarashi timidly. As soon as their eyes met, she quickly turned her head away, but it was... When Bronya looked at her blankly, Xier's shy eyes gradually became misty.

Sister Bronya, and mother.

The other girls sounded a little weird. Although they knew that Cocolia was the one who adopted Xi'er, there was no problem in calling her mother, but Xi'er under the other personality that Igarashi mentioned just now called Igarashi. Dad, now calling Cocolia mom is really...unpleasant.

Cocolia is also aware of this, but there is almost no rejection. She originally asked for Igarashi's help by giving everything as a bargaining chip. Now everything has succeeded. The regrets of those years have been made up for, and Cocolia has become more grateful to many people. He doesn't care about things. Of course, this kind of indifference is also related to the fact that Igarashi is a very charming person.

Seeing that Xi'er was in tears, but Bronya still lacked emotion, Igarashi, who knew the reason, spoke up.

This time, let me help people to the end.

As he spoke, a holy light shone on Igarashi's hand. It was the most advanced healing magic. Unlike scientific and technological medical methods, which do different jobs on different parts of the human body, healing magic can heal any physical damage. Solve it, use the law to expel the remaining Honkai energy in Salonia's legs and brain, and the healing magic comes into play.

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