The recovery of her body made Bronya's eyes widen. Bronya, who had regained many emotions, cast a somewhat clumsy look at Igarashi with gratitude, and then hugged Xi'er tightly in front of her, like she had dreamed of countless times. That way.

It's so touching!

Kiana wiped her eyes with a moved expression, but Igarashi was sure that the emotion filling Kiana's chest at this time was by no means moved, but the excitement after seeing a scene similar to Lily... As expected of Kiana .

The other girls didn't know Kiana's true thoughts. After hearing Kiana's words, they all nodded in agreement and couldn't help but look at Igarashi. Originally, it should be tragic, but in Igarashi's men got a happy ending, what a magical guy.

Fu Hua, who had been watching quietly, flashed his eyes. He was once an immortal who protected Shenzhou. He had super strength like a mature Herrscher. He had not seen any heroic achievements of Igarashi with his own eyes. He easily defeated Tianming, who was known as the strongest woman. The Fuhua of the Martial God Kallen didn't care too much about Igarashi's combat power, but now, after Igarashi showed this miraculous creation method, Fuhua seemed to have only the word protection left, and it had been silent for a long, long time. Inside, I could not suppress the trembling.

If it were him, if Xuanyuan in the seal was not dead yet, could he...

Chapter 470 Sleeping together

Although Titan robots work very efficiently, rebuilding a dormitory building is not something that can be completed in a short time. Therefore, even at night, the girls can only live on the Hyperion. Not only Kiana and the others, there are also some Valkyries from St. Freya Academy who have not yet reached B-level, but are also in the D-level and C-level categories. They can barely protect themselves under Honkai energy and are responsible for other tasks besides fighting. , cooking is naturally one of their jobs.

At the dining table, looking at Theresa running over from the academy, with a deliberately majestic look on her face, Igarashi curled up the corner of his mouth. Theresa, who looked like a homebody, took the trouble to cross thousands of miles from her residence. Meters away, I came to the place where Hyperion was parked, but I didn't have anything important to tell you. I looked like I was here to inspect. I guess I felt lonely.

Theresa, how about you also live on Hyperion? There is air conditioning and wifi. You can also eat Kiana's snacks when you are hungry.

I'm the principal of the academy...

Seeing that Theresa clearly hoped so, but still used the excuse that she was the principal and could not leave the academy, Igarashi said.

It's just at night. During the day, it's up to you whether you want to join us as Hyperion for (touring) duties (playing), or you can stay at St. Freya Academy. Kallen hopes so too.

Kallen is a special existence to Theresa. Because of the flaws of the clones, her body is always frozen in her teenage years. Theresa faces Kallen, just like a sister facing her elder sister. Kallen's words Theresa is more or less The young master will listen, and the relationship between the two is also very good. Well, Kallen actually has a good relationship with everyone.


Theresa crossed her arms and raised her head proudly.

Since you have gone so far as to plead with me, the principal of the academy can only comply with the opinions of the students.

Boom, boom, boom.

At night, there was another knock on the door. Igarashi, who originally wanted to find Himeko or Kallen to do something pleasant, reluctantly gave up his plan. This time, what happened.

Can I come in?

Outside the door was Fu Hua, the squad leader who always gave people a rigid and serious look. He was wearing casual clothes and not wearing glasses that reduced his presence, revealing his beautiful, somewhat sharp eyes.

Igarashi didn't think that Fu Hua was sending warmth to him. It was just like Cocolia, asking for something. However, Igarashi didn't resist.

Xi'er carries one of the legacies left by the Herrscher in the last civilization era in order to fight against the Herrscher. For this reason, Xi'er did not become the Herrscher, otherwise after Igarashi recast his body, the collapse would inevitably occur. Bad, although such collapse will be instantly suppressed by Igarashi.

Although Xi'er failed to become an Herrscher, she could still be regarded as a pseudo-Herrscher, without the existence of the Herrscher's core. In addition, the other Herrschers, the Honkai energy that should have been gathered according to Honkai's will, now actually Because the minds of the girls began to stalemate, even if they stayed in one place for a long time, the speed of Honkai energy gathering was extremely slow. Even if Igarashi didn't take action, nothing would happen within dozens of days.

Cocolia tentatively takes part of the credit.

So when I saw Fu Hua arriving, Igarashi not only had no dissatisfaction, but also had some expectations. Will another Herrscher appear this time?

I once had a friend.

Seeing Igarashi's interested eyes, Fu Hua began to tell his story.

Although he didn't say the specific time or name, Igarashi had already guessed that the friend Fu Hua was talking about was the first being who fought against Honkai that he saw in Destiny's virtual reality, Ji Xuanyuan.

Although it is shocking that Fuhua can survive for so long, with the precedent of Hidama Maru, Igarashi accepted it easily. However, compared to Fuhua, who has always had corresponding legends, Ji Xuanyuan's situation should not be so bad. All right.

She should be somewhere in the South China Sea now...if she is still alive.

Then Hyperion will set off for the South China Sea tomorrow.

Fu Hua nodded silently and left Igarashi's room. Although she did not say anything about how she would repay once the matter was accomplished, the girl who could thoroughly understand the word guarding also understood the importance of giving and repaying. significance.

Boom, boom, boom.

Some time after Fu Hua left, there was another knock on the door.

After looking through the alloy door and seeing the person outside the door, Igarashi hesitantly put his hand on the door handle for a few seconds until a sickle appeared in the other person's hand, seemingly eager to open the door. Open the door.


Hearing these two words, Igarashi knew which personality was dominating Xi'er's body now.

Can you please stop calling me daddy? I'm still very young.

The eternally eighteen-year-old Igarashi speaks righteously.

Eh? Really?

A playful smile appeared on Xier's face, and her petite body threw herself into Igarashi's arms without any scruples.

What should I call it? Brother?

That's very good.

Igarashi is in full control. How could a cute girl like Xi'er throw herself into his arms without any ripples? He suppressed his inner restlessness and looked at Xi'er under this weird personality.

What do you want from me?

There is no problem with Xi'er's body now, and her current physical potential is even higher than anyone else in this world. Igarashi is a little strange. Now Xi'er doesn't have a good time with Bronya and comes to her side. do what.


Xi'er under the black personality is actually a bit cruel. When Xi'er was quantized, the newly born black personality even wanted to kill everyone close to the main personality to complete his own existence and return to this world. Unfortunately, the main character The personality would rather die than give in, and there is nothing that can be done about the blackening of the personality. Then, there are the long and lonely years spent in the quantum sea.

Igarashi, the guy who suddenly appeared and pulled him out of the sea of ​​suffering, is not only grateful to the weak and kind-hearted protagonist, but also to the dark personality. Different from the bond between the protagonist and Bronya, the dark personality I like Igarashi more, so in compliance with this prayer, Xier came here.

I want to sleep with my brother!

Chapter 471 You are very strong

Igarashi looked at Xi'er thoughtfully, and met those eyes that were full of smiles but not as innocent as they appeared. He knew that if he didn't agree, Xi'er would probably lose his temper a little. Well, that is, holding the That scythe that can be quantized at will can cut a few things and slightly transform Hyperion.

With a sense of danger that he might be discovered by other girls, and with a sense of guilt that he slept with a little girl, and with an uncontrollable excitement, Igarashi lay honestly on his bed, while Xier next to him hummed an inexplicable song. Xiao Tiao, hugged one of his arms, but made no other movements.

There are two personalities in Xi'er's body. Although the black personality is now dominant, the main personality also knows clearly what is happening in the outside world. At this time, she is swept away by shyness and shrinks into the corner of Xi'er's heart, even if she is not familiar with it. I had a good impression of Igarashi who saved her, but this was not the way she wanted to repay him. It was too direct and crude.

With Xi'er's current physical condition, normal sleep is no longer necessary in life, but now, Xi'er still closed her eyes. Perhaps in the quantum state, even sleeping has become a luxury.

On the other side, Bronya stared blankly at the empty bed next to her.

A pair of best friends who had not seen each other for many years would naturally sleep together. Bronya, who was once a killer, has always been very sensitive to the changes around her. Even if Xier used some tricks when she left, Bronya Ya still found out now.

Mom, is Xier here?

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