You only see so much. Are you surprised to see Kallen, the strongest Valkyrie five hundred years ago? But do you know that there is another existence that has truly spent fifty thousand years? You Do you know what Honkai is? Do you know why Cecilia, an S-class, took care of you in the first place? Do you know why Destiny rarely lets you perform tasks even though you have great combat power? You don’t know anything. , so, stop making trouble and be good.

Theresa was stunned by Igarashi's tirade, but what really angered her was Igarashi's last sentence. He actually regarded his urgent desire to find out Cecilia's whereabouts as nonsense. In anger, Teresa slapped Judas behind her, planning to subdue Igarashi first and then ask about Cecilia.

The next thing I want to tell you is not to rely too much on external things, Your Majesty the S-Class Valkyrie Judas.

Igarashi always finds the best way to anger Teresa. Judas's Oath responds to Teresa's mood at this moment and fires out several spears. They rush towards Igarashi's arm in an arc. Looking at its direction, it's He wanted to tie Igarashi directly and restrict his actions.

Then Theresa saw Judah's oath, which she was supposed to be invincible. Igarashi just stretched out his hand and grabbed one of them. Then he turned his wrist on one of the spears, and the remaining spears were directly knocked away. .

Directly suppressing the Herrscher core in Judah's oath and stopping it from functioning, Igarashi tapped Theresa's forehead.

Okay, I promise, Cecilia will be back soon.

It did take a long time for the World Will to fabricate history this time, which may be related to the length of time he spent in the past, but Igarashi does not believe that the World Will will remain so stagnant. There are still many things it needs to do.


Holding a grudge, Theresa looked at Igarashi's extended finger and bit it.

Igarashi's body stiffened. He really didn't expect Theresa to come out like this. He quickly relaxed all the defenses on his fingers. Looking at Theresa who was biting her mouth and not letting go, he didn't even dare to withdraw her fingers. He was afraid that his too strong physical strength would damage Theresa's teeth.

Okay, I was wrong. Can you please relax?

Theresa knew that once she answered, she would definitely open her mouth without wavering at all. Ten seconds passed like this. Even Theresa herself was tired of biting. She saw that Igarashi didn't try to struggle at all, but just looked at her helplessly. , was stunned for a moment and then couldn't help but open his mouth.

Why not struggle?

Not long after this question arose, Teresa knew the answer. Her true identity was the mysterious S-class. Igarashi, who could block Judas' attack with his bare hands, was afraid of hurting himself. Oh, he was reduced to being worried. Is it hurt enough? Back in Senba Academy, she was injured by a poisonous ivy that resembled Herrscher. When she woke up, she saw Yae Sakura, but she said that she was not the one who saved her. Now it seems that Igarashi secretly took action. Guy...


Theresa crossed her hands and turned around distractedly, not looking at Igarashi.

Go back to your dormitory. If you are still afraid that Kiana will be angry, I can also help, although I don't know how I should face her.

Kiana was born after Cecilia's genes were modified using Kallen as a template, but she is Kallen's clone. Is this considered a sister? No, let's take pity on each other.

The dormitory collapsed. It was destroyed by a clone of Anti-Entropy.

Then you figure it out yourself!

Although she knew that Igarashi would not be joking in this regard, Theresa was still not angry when she heard the words clone. She always felt that this guy Igarashi was making insinuations.

The girls' dormitory is full, and so many things have happened just now. It is not a good choice for the girls and the academies to disturb them. Although this is an academy city, there are hotels and the like farther away. But considering the distance, we can only live in Huberli. However, this is not a long-term solution. We still need to rebuild the dormitory. Theresa obviously does not intend to contribute manpower and is being petty. It just so happens that a lot of them were seized this time. Titan and Cocolia are here too, leave it to her.

Igarashi was shocked to realize that Cocolia had become the only being that he could exploit with peace of mind.

Chapter 467 Once

(Pictured is Cocolia)

Originally, even if Cocolia was forced to stay in St. Freya Academy, she would not be honest. She would inevitably mock Theresa and preach to the Valkyries that Destiny uses the human body to carry Honkai energy. Inhumanity, and the greatness of counter-entropy.

However, after feeling Igarashi's terrifying murderous intent, and knowing that those vague legends might be true, Cocolia was very honest, and changed from a high-spirited anti-entropy executive to a kindly adoptive mother. , stay with Bronya.

Are you okay during this time?

Cocolia is not a merciless person. When facing the enemy, she always believes in killing them all, and there are endless conspiracies and tricks. However, facing Bronya, Cocolia feels very guilty.

When Bronya assassinated Cocolia as a killer, when she saw that the visitor was just a little girl, Cocolia, in addition to her disgust at the conquest that trained children who lost their parents after the collapse into warriors, Feeling pity for Bronya, Cocolia gave Bronya the guarantee of survival after her mission failed, and gave her a life outside of being a soldier. However, what followed was Bronya's sacrifice.

The founder of Counter-Entropy is Walter, the First Herrscher. Under Walter, there is a class called executors. The executors have independent authority. The original Cocolia was responsible for the research related to Honkai energy antibodies. The X-10 experiment is an experiment carried out by Cocolia to allow humans to master the power to resist Honkai. Once successful, it will allow people to manipulate matter from the subatomic level. The experiment requires qualified people, and Bronya is included in the experiment. A total of two people are qualified to participate in this experiment. For what reason, Cocolia decided to let them participate.

The experiment is full of dangers, and the success rate is not high. The third girl, Xier Fuleai, the three of them are the children adopted by Cocolia. Xier does not want to see Bronya in danger. She has always been The weak girl mustered up all her courage to show Cocolia the stigmata she inherited from the previous civilization era. The huge energy in it showed that Xi'er was the most perfect and most likely to succeed in the experiment. .

The experiment was successful, and Xi'er gained the ability to master quantum. However, the experiment also failed. Xi'er herself was quantized and lost her existence in this world.

And Bronya lost her close friend. After learning that Xier was not dead but in a quantum state, she resolutely asked to participate in this experiment that had been proven to be unfeasible to retrieve Xier.

Is it because of guilt for Bronya, or the hope that Xi'er can really be found, or the hope that the experiment that has been prepared for a long time can succeed, Cocolia agreed to Bronya's request.

Cocolia was not very clear about what Bronya saw after quantization. When she saw that Bronya's real body began to collapse like Seele, Cocolia forcibly terminated the experiment. At the cost of losing his legs and brain damage, he exchanged a brief meeting with Xi'er again, and also gained a piece of strength to rebuild from Xi'er, and the reloaded little rabbit was born.

The damage to her brain meant that Bronya could no longer feel joy. Even with the aid of a chip, other emotions were missing to varying degrees, but the sadness of losing Xi'er was the only one she didn't want to forget before she met Xi'er again.

Making mistakes again and again, Cocolia stopped all human experiments and brought this concept to the entire counter-entropy.

In order to retrieve Seele, Bronya tried many methods but found nothing. Even the First Herrscher could not do it. However, Walter once said that Herrschers have various abilities, and maybe someone can do it in the future. .

One year, two years, after the Second Herrscher, there has been no new Herrscher for many years. If this continues, the life of an ordinary human being will come to an end.

In the end, Bronya and Cocolia put their last hope in another owner of the stigmata. That person awakened the stigmata at the age of 8, and then was sealed by her father using technological means. , Cocolia decided to use the Honkai energy crystal called the Conquering Stone to inspire her power, so she planned a Honkai Impact and put Bronya in charge of recovering the girl named Raiden Mei.

But a spoiler appeared - Kiana. Moreover, after the thunder and lightning Mei Yi awakened her power, she was not a being that Bronya could fight against. Originally, destiny should not have defeated the herrscher Mei Yi so easily. Anti-entropy should There was time to use his methods, but a disruptor appeared again - Igarashi.

Raiden Mei possesses the power of thunder and lightning. Unfortunately, neither Cocolia nor Bronya can connect thunder and lightning with the means of salvation. Raiden Mei's power is destruction and cannot save Seele.

But now, Cocolia has regained hope. There are many rumors from the outside world that Destiny has mastered super-standard means, and there have even been real gods. But Kallen, the strongest Valkyrie five hundred years ago, has appeared in the present. , confirms this point, so does Igarashi, who is known as the strongest S-class human being and is called the most god-like existence by the First Herrscher, have the ability to save Seele? you know him? Bronya.

Cocolia was thinking about how she should speak to Igarashi, but before that, she should learn more about Igarashi.

Bronya doesn't understand.

Bronya told the truth. Although Mei had invited Igarashi to have dinner with her from time to time, Bronya, who had always been taciturn, had a conversation with Igarashi when Igarashi did not take the initiative to speak. There are very few. Although as a bystander, she has seen many deeds of Igarashi, Bronya thinks this is not something worth telling.

But he's a good guy.

Hearing Bronya's supplement, Cocolia narrowed her eyes. It seems that Bronya, who lacks emotion, can make such a supplement. It seems that Igarashi has the charm that matches his strength. Huh, that's right. When I saw him for the first time, I thought he was just a sunshine student who had not stepped out of the ivory tower, if he did not show such murderous intent.

I hope so, otherwise, I might be miserable.

What's wrong?

It's Xi'er's business.

Chapter 468 Blood Infusion

Boom, boom, boom.

In the early morning, Igarashi heard a knock on the door. Kiana, Hitamaru and the others would not get up so early, but Mei, Kallen, Fuhua and other strict self-disciplined Valkyries would not disturb others at this time. , seeing Cocolia's eyes showing anticipation and eagerness outside the door, Igarashi was somewhat surprised. This guy who had been deliberately intimidated by him would actually take the initiative to look for him?

What's up?

Before, Cocolia was quite obedient and had no evil intentions. Now Titan was diligently building a dormitory building at St. Freya Academy overnight, and Igarashi did not continue to embarrass Cocolia.

Igarashi's friendly attitude made Cocolia secretly relieved. She also knew that disturbing people in the early morning was not a good choice. Some people were even more annoyed when they got up and would lose their temper once they were woken up. Fortunately, Igarashi Lan is not, because there is new hope in Xi'er's matter. Cocolia, who can't sleep peacefully, tries to change her original strong character and says softly.

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