This was the first time that Cocolia didn't feel disgusted by Theresa's words, even though her words still contained nicknames that made her unhappy. She took a tentative step, and after finding that Igarashi didn't respond, she ran away like a disaster star. Quickly ran to Bronya.

Kiana didn't believe what Cocolia said about Igarashi killing her parents, but Igarashi's performance also convinced Kiana that he definitely knew her life experience, and he might even know more than Cocolia Also be clear.

Tell me...even if I cry after listening to it, I will listen!

Kiana's voice was not loud, but it contained the determination not to give up until she got the answer. Igarashi made a move, walked to Kiana, and gently touched her head. Kiana's The name comes from the moonlight. Igarashi once had the opportunity and qualification to change the name, but still did not change it without authorization. She is indeed as beautiful and bright as the moonlight. Now, is the moonlight going to be stained with haze?

Isn't it good to be a carefree fool?

Kallen, the only one who knew Kiana's identity, could only stand aside helplessly, waiting for Kiana's reaction and Igarashi's choice.

Chapter 465 Fortunately, the moonlight is still bright

Idiot, there is something you want to know...

I don't know since when, the word idiot seems to have become Igarashi's unique nickname for himself. If it were normal, Kiana would not be able to refute it. However, this time, Kiana did not make any move. Although there was no expression on her face, She shed tears, but also showed obvious sadness. Childhood without parents is not a good memory.

Glancing at Cocolia, who caused this incident, Igarashi spoke.

At the end of the 20th century, Destiny had two S-classes. Perhaps they were well matched, or perhaps they were eager for a future where there would be no shortage of super soldiers. Under the secret promotion of various forces, those two S-classes got engaged.

Are you talking about Cecilia and the guy who claims to be the strongest human being?

Theresa's eyes flashed, looking at Igarashi, and she couldn't help but have various speculations in her heart.

Nodding, Igarashi continued.

The two S-classes have a good impression of each other and are not opposed to this marriage. Valkyrie is not a safe profession and may be sacrificed at any time. Cecilia decided to keep their bloodline just in case.

Hearing this, the girls couldn't help but look at Kiana. Could she be the two S-class children?

But the plan to use the genes of the two to create test-tube babies failed. After many attempts, the Ministry of Science decided to change their strategy. As long as the blood of outstanding warriors was retained, they gave up one of the S-class genes that could not be controlled. Based on Cecilia's genes, we began to genetically modify the original strongest Valkyrie, Kallen Kaslana, so that she could have the advantages of two super warriors at the same time.

Kallen Kaslana, this name once symbolized the glory of Destiny, and also symbolized Destiny's history of provoking the wrath of gods. It was not known to ordinary Valkyries.

But this is not an unfamiliar name to the girls, because the owner of this name is living in St. Freya Academy, and is even next to her now.

Having already learned about Kiana's life experience from Igarashi before, Kallen felt the many eyes looking at her, smiled bitterly, and then nodded.

It's me. Because of some special reasons, I have lived until now, but the real years I have experienced are not long.

Cecilia didn't know what happened, but another S-class already knew everything. Unfortunately, he didn't know what role he should play in this child's life. For some reasons, he couldn't always accompany that child. , so I decided to find a kind family to adopt her, and finally let the child live in the far east, named Qiana, which means moonlight.

Although Igarashi didn't say who the S-class was, almost everyone had already guessed that there were very few men who were destined to achieve such combat power, and Igarashi was granted such a great power by destiny just after he appeared. Power, the answer is obvious, Igarashi is the S-class.

...I don't believe it, I don't believe it.

Igarashi didn't know how Kiana was feeling now, but he still produced evidence.

The thing on your back is neither a birthmark nor a stigmata. It is the only thing I left for you - the divine contract to protect you. Kiana, I'm sorry.

On my back...

Kiana was a little ashamed and angry, but she also knew that there had been strange symbols on her back since she could remember. Very few people knew about this. Unless Igarashi peeped at her while she was taking a shower, otherwise...

The girl could no longer deceive herself. She gave Igarashi a complicated look, but she didn't know what to say. She didn't have a real father, no, not even a mother. She could only be regarded as Kallen and Ceci. Leah's clone.

Where is Cecilia? Is she...dead?

Theresa asked a question that Kiana was also concerned about.

No, she will be back soon.

Cocolia, who was also listening from beginning to end, was in fear. Igarashi was that S-class. The alliance leader once said that he was more like a god than Herrscher or Honkai. Since his information was so secret, he knew everything now. myself, will the ending be okay?

Well, Cocolia, I'll give you two choices. Be influenced by my law and offer absolute loyalty and then return to reverse entropy, or stay here and stay with Bronya from now on. Choose.

The relationship between Cocolia and Bronya is obviously not simple. Igarashi can't treat her like Walter's clone, but Igarashi will also not treat this guy who reveals things he doesn't want to mention. Too kind.


Mumbling and repeating this word that he had heard for the first time, Cocolia felt fear of the unknown in his heart. Igarashi was confident that he would be absolutely loyal after being affected by the law. Absolutely... that would be for him. It must not be a good thing. Looking at this great god who could not give anyone a sense of danger from his appearance, Cocolia smiled with difficulty.

I will never tell anything about what happened here, it's okay...

No need to discuss.

Now that Kiana already knows, Igarashi is not afraid that Cocolia will continue to spread these past events, but is simply unhappy. He coldly retorts what Cocolia wants to say, but Igarashi's eyes glance at him from time to time. To Kiana.

By staying here temporarily, not only can she live with Bronya for a while, but she can also have a chance to escape. However, if she is affected by the so-called law, there may be no room for recovery. She feels that it is almost swallowing her whole body. Feeling fear, Cocolia did not hesitate for long.

Then I'll stay here...

Seeing the joy in Bronya's eyes, Cocolia sighed inwardly. This time, she really miscalculated.

Kiana could feel Igarashi's eyes looking at her from time to time. The feeling of being cared for made her feel a little dazed and angry, but she had no real connection with him.

Kiana is your first name. Your last name can be Kaslana or Shaniyat. You are a unique existence.

Igarashi's voice made Kiana's eyes return to focus, her face changed several times, and she finally showed her usual nonchalant smile.

Hmph, my name is Kiana, sister Kallen, please comfort me~

Yes, yes, touch your head.

Kallen recognized Kiana as her sister before, and the relationship between the two was very good. Kiana threw herself into Kallen's arms with a hurt expression, and received Kallen's gentle treatment as she wished.

Chapter 466 You know too little

Igarashi thought he would comfort Kiana later, but he didn’t expect Kiana to recover so quickly. It was not a disguise. Igarashi could feel that her mood was indeed only low for that period of time. Huh, it seems Her childhood experience taught her how to be strong and pitiful.

Igarashi also didn't expect that he would be dragged to the principal's office by Teresa. Anyway, with Kallen and the others here, Cocolia, a guy who prefers to rely on Titan and other technologies, can't make any big waves. .

Cecilia had taken care of Theresa for a long time. Theresa didn't quite understand why this S-class had time to take care of herself when she was a child, but her all-encompassing tenderness made Theresa deeply moved. Deeply remembering this, she knew that she would definitely do something for Cecilia in the future that she knew she could not do. Therefore, when she learned that Igarashi was the one who took away the Saint, Theresa became hostile.

Tell me! Where is Cecilia? Do you want to taste the power of Judas?

Theresa felt that she had done her best. She had not questioned him in public before, and had held it back until now.

Igarashi was actually not in a good mood. He laughed angrily when he looked at Theresa, who was looking coldly at him. The world's will has not shaped history well, and Theresa can still take advantage of it.

He stretched out his hand and put it against Theresa's head, taking advantage of the height difference to easily put one hand against Theresa's head. Even if she spread her teeth and claws, she couldn't reach her body at all.

If I had known, Cecilia would have been back long ago.

The world is so big. With the power of destiny, how can we not find it?

Teresa had a look of disbelief on her face and was still struggling hard. Although she gradually used some strength, she did not expect to use Judas's oath attack behind her.

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