Originally, I didn't want to use this power.

As the words fell, the corrosive force centered on Hitama Maru and spread out to the surroundings, avoiding the other girls and constantly eroding the surrounding gravity, as well as the hostile presence in front.


Although Walter Pseudo was a clone of the First Herrscher, he did not reach the height of the real Herrscher. He was instantly severely damaged by the power of the Twelfth Herrscher from the last civilization era who had spent fifty thousand years.

damn it.

Originally, Walter planned to take away the Third Herrscher and kill Igarashi at the same time. This existence made him feel afraid and turned into a shadow. But now, before seeing Igarashi, he was seriously injured. He was angered before. Only then did Walter, who was in a daze, have the mood to observe the enemy carefully. This power that eroded him was definitely the Herrscher's ability.

Wait for me!

Knowing that this time the plan had failed, Walter controlled gravity and rose into the air, gritted his teeth and glanced at the people who stopped him, and flew towards the sky.

Although the girls had mastered powerful power, they could not fly as flexibly as Walter. Worried that he was making a mistake, they could only watch Walter escape, when a figure approached not far away.

When the blurry figure gradually became clearer, Kiana showed a complaining look. Really, this guy's reaction was too slow.

Igarashi, why did you come just now?

I was comforting Wendy who woke up just now. Now I will leave it to Ji Zi, Fu Hua and the others to take care of her. You will have an extra partner in the future.

Igarashi's explanation made Kiana feel better. Is another beautiful girl going to join in? Yes, yes, and then she glanced at the sky angrily.

It's a pity that I let that guy run away, otherwise I would definitely beat him to death for daring to take advantage of Mei Yi.

Well, that's a pity.

Igarashi nodded in agreement, but his mental power quietly turned into an invisible giant hand, catching up with Walter who was already several miles away at an incredible speed, and then squeezed it gently.

Congratulations, there is one less fake in the world.

Chapter 464 Moonlight

boom! !

I thought the dust had settled, but there was an explosion not far away.

St. Freya Academy has been attacked. All students are asked to find bunkers in their dormitories or nearby to ensure safety. Igarashi, come immediately with your Valkyrie.

Teresa's voice came from the school radio, making Igarashi smack his lips, What is my Valkyrie? Igarashi said after scanning with his mental power to determine the direction of the attack.

Let's go, this time it's the anti-entropy Titan.

The boys' dormitory building had been reduced to ruins under the previous gravity, and now the one named Cocolia came with a bunch of Titans. The anti-entropy organization also worked part-time as a demolition team.

Cocolia, who was guarded by many Titans in the center, looked at Theresa in front of her and smiled.

Your weapon, Judas's Oath, can greatly weaken the power of Death Warrior and Honkaimon by suppressing the opponent's Honkai energy, but how useful is it to my beloved Titan mecha?

Titans convert Honkai Energy into other energy to maintain operation, with a conversion rate of 20%. Naturally, the conversion is completed at the Anti-Entropy Headquarters. Cocolia does not believe that Theresa has the ability to stop her Titan army.

Hey, you anti-entropy female fox, do you think this is the only way Judas can be used?

Holding onto one of the chains of the spear on the cross, Teresa carried it on her back to gather strength.

Let me tell you, Judas... can still be used like this!


The heavy cross was thrown directly by the petite Theresa, smashing a Titan robot like a boulder with unstoppable force.

He actually hit Judas directly? …

Next, this one.

With a slight move, a spear flew out of Judah's Oath and fell into Theresa's hand. It was made of soul steel. The key of God - Judas' Oath is indestructible. With Theresa's The terrifying power destroyed a Titan again with one blow. The Titan was specially designed for combat and did not even have time to react.

Seeing Igarashi approaching with a group of Valkyries not far away, Cocolia couldn't help but frowned. What on earth was that clone doing? Didn't I say before that he would lead the Titan to attract the attention of the principal? Let him do it. Are you taking away the Third Herrscher? Why are everyone here now? He is a guy who fails to succeed but fails to succeed.

Teresa glanced at Igarashi and pointed her spear at Cocolia.

Game over, vixen.

Haha, it's a pity that some Titans with special attributes were not brought, and Heavenly Father cannot easily cross the ocean due to his size.

Although there were dozens of Titans around him, according to Theresa's posture, they could only be destroyed in tens of seconds. Cocolia sighed lightly, but the smile on her face did not disappear.

Since I dare to come here, I must prepare chips to escape unscathed.


Kiana's life experience, and the release of the chip control on Bronya's brain.

When talking about Bronya, Cocolia's eyes softened slightly, and she looked at Theresa and then spoke.

How's it going? These should be enough for me to escape unscathed, right?

My life experience?!

Kiana's eyes widened instantly as she ran over with Igarashi. Originally, she thought her parents had died long ago, so she had been taken care of by her grandparents. However, her grandparents died without any illness before the collapse came. Before they died, they said However, she had no blood relationship with them, and Kiana had buried this matter deep in her heart. Now, when Cocolia said it, the girl suddenly became nervous.


But Bronya looked at Cocolia and said two words that were quite intimate. The blond woman in front of her was the one who redeemed herself who had been constantly performing killing missions, and made herself feel the warmth again after losing her loved ones. This is the reason why Bronya willingly accepted the task of monitoring Raiden Mei. Unfortunately, her growing friendship with Raiden Mei made her feel hesitant.

Igarashi frowned and looked at Cocolia in front of him. He didn't remember meeting her at the end of the 20th century. So, she must have hacked into Tianming's archives and saw the half-true and half-false information files in it. .

Unlock the chip in Bronya's brain and you can leave.

Igarashi's words made Kiana turn her head sharply. Facing those questioning eyes, Igarashi sighed softly.

Kiana, knowing your true life experience will not make you happy.

Which one is more sad, that the parents are dead, or that there are no parents at all and that one is just a being born under the technology?

Even if what Cocolia told was false information, when Cecilia comes back, everything will be ruined.

Oh? It seems that this newly appointed Captain of Destiny knows a lot of things? Do you know about Kiana's life experience? Is it even related to you? Could it be that you killed her parents?

It seemed that Igarashi's words made her sure that she was no longer in danger. Cocolia made a bold joke, but it was Igarashi's glance that touched her. The bloody murderous intention contained in it made her tremble, and the Valkyrie The fighting intention is different. It is the killing intention that can only kill living normal humans. How many people were directly or indirectly killed by Igarashi? Cocolia couldn't imagine it, but she silently closed her mouth.

This was the first time Theresa knew that Bronya had a chip in her brain. Sensing that the atmosphere was not right at this time, Theresa quickly spoke.

Female fox, go and remove the chip control from Bronya.

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