(There seems to be a saying that Sirin's mother is Cocolia, but it is no longer the case. After all, Cocolia is pretty good.)

Her mother is indeed dead. This is what Xilin saw with her own eyes. The illusory figure in front of her is her mother, yes, but it is definitely not in a normal state. The girl's eyes were filled with water, and she looked at Igarashi and begged.

...Resurrect my mother, be it a normal person, or protect the world, I will listen to you in everything.

Resurrection, this is a taboo word, but Sirin felt that Igarashi, who crushed herself and God before her eyes, might be able to do it.

After a slight pause, Igarashi, who had already understood the world to a certain extent, spoke.

When people die in this world, they do not disappear permanently, but they reincarnate and start a new life.

Xilin looked at her mother with extremely gentle eyes, but did not dare to touch her. She was afraid that the illusory figure would be destroyed by the Honkai-ridden self, just like it was eroded by the Honkai energy in the past. She could only look at it. He looked at his mother who was unresponsive and listened quietly to Igarashi's words.

Not only is your mother dead, she has also been reincarnated into another person, not even necessarily a woman. If you want to resurrect her, you must find and kill her reincarnation, clear her memory of this life, and then transfer the information about her previous life to All kinds of instillation, so that the soul is right, and then you can shape a body, or you don’t care about the soul and just want someone with the appearance of your mother.”

Igarashi's understated words were vaguely bloody, which made Sirin tremble in her heart. She resurrected her mother, but she wanted to kill her mother's reincarnation. In the end, she was not even the real mother, but just forcibly copied the existence of the memory...

Then she is?

Pointing to the illusory figure in front of her, Sirin still had the last bit of luck in her heart. Maybe Igarashi lied to her, maybe what was in front of her was her mother's soul, and there was no such thing as a reincarnated soul.

This is the last remaining trace of your mother's soul from her past life, mixed with her obsession with you before her death.

Sighing slightly, Igarashi looked at Sirin who didn't even dare to get close, and continued.

She can be regarded as the closest thing to your mother now. Although she is only a soul trace and does not have much wisdom, her love for you remains unchanged. If you want to do something, just do it. Don't worry, one hour There is no way she can dissipate within this time.

In other words, will it dissipate after an hour...

Xilin burst into tears looking at the illusory figure. With Igarashi's assurance, she finally plucked up the courage to throw herself into her mother's arms, just like her young self in memories that had become distant and unreal. , the Second Herrscher, who originally only thought about destruction, choked with sobs.


Chapter 450: Threatening the will of the world, Kallen returns

Although she lacked sanity, Siren's mother responded to her daughter, gently holding the crying girl in her arms. If her longing reaches a sufficient level, can she break through the limitations? Igarashi didn't know. Now, he could only leave the sky to Xilin and stand on the ground and watch quietly.

Walter slipped away, as if escaping, quietly using the ability of the Star of Eden to control gravity to leave quickly. The Second Herrscher incident seemed to have been settled. It would be harmful to Walter to stay any longer, whether it was for himself. , or to reverse entropy, Walter must go, Igarashi naturally found out, but he can let go of this First Herrscher who became a guardian on his own initiative.

The three A-level Valkyrie were silent. They finally understood that some people are S-level because they can only reach S-level, while some are S-level just because the highest level is only S-level. Igarashi is so powerful. They couldn't understand whether such a being who crushed the Herrscher and even said the word resurrection so easily was a human or a god.


The illusive figure dissipated. Looking at Sirin who half lowered her head and fell into silence in the sky, the Valkyries subconsciously tensed their bodies, but when their eyes touched the person in front of them, they relaxed helplessly. No matter what happened next, they would It's not something they can handle, nor is it something they need to care about, because everything is handled by the person in front of them.

You didn't resurrect my mother.

Siren's voice lacked any emotion, making the Valkyries frown.

So I will not be an ordinary person, nor will I be a guardian. Take me to St. Freya Academy.

Although the other party's tone was not very good, Igarashi already understood what she meant. She was no longer the Herrscher who brought destruction.

However, the next moment when Siren said that she no longer wanted to destroy the world, Valkyrie and Siren were as if they were in another stagnant world, still, similar to when they were in the virtual reality. The feeling came, and Igarashi knew that the will of the world would repeat its old tricks, and use this world as the cause to shape a period of history. He was well prepared and looked up at the sky and said calmly.

Originally, I was very excited when I learned that eliminating the hidden dangers of the second Honkai Impact would bring Kallen back.

The movements of the world's will stopped, as if listening to Igarashi's words.

Later, I was not brought to the time of the collapse by you. Instead, it was a few years ago. I have been thinking and looking for the meaning of what you did. But in addition to establishing a bond with Cecilia, these few Years seem meaningless.”

At the end of the sentence, Igarashi had an angry look on his face.

From the beginning, you sent me to the end of the 20th century not to prepare for the second collapse, but to promote the development of history and establish enough bonds with Cecilia until Kallen returns. , let Cecilia be your new bargaining chip, the original archbishop was controlled by you to have any engagement, right?

Igarashi was sure that the will of the world was listening, but did not give himself any response. Even the world that was originally just stagnant had a tendency to turn into points of light like the original virtual reality. This scene also made Igarashi He became a little ferocious, and the laws on his body surged.

Let's try, try if I can take Cecilia back from your hands, and try if I can destroy this world before you take it back!

The divine contract created by the gods in another world, written with Igarashi's blood, began to take effect. In the stagnant world, Cecilia and Sirin, the two gods written by Igarashi, The eyes of the girl who made the contract gradually became smarter. At the same time, an abnormal aura erupted from somewhere on each of the seven continents of the world. The light beams reaching into the sky were even worse than the second collapse caused by Siren. That is the place Igarashi visited in the past few years, and the seeds planted with the power of law will now bear the fruit of destruction under Igarashi's intentional control.

Once history is made, everyone comes back, including Cecilia.

After a brief silence, the will of the world softened. Perhaps it felt that it could not push Igarashi too far, or perhaps it felt that the cost of destroying the world was too high, but in terms of the result, Igarashi won the gamble.

Yes, bet, Igarashi took out his chips and told the will of the world that he also has the ability to destroy the world, but he has no intention of destroying the scale, even if Cecilia survives in the end, there is also the gift of Siren , but Kallen hasn’t come back yet. Once she and the will of the world are separated, if the world is really destroyed, those important people, Igarashi, will not have time to bless God’s gift.

But it is inevitable that the will of the world will continue to use the important people as chips unscrupulously. Igarashi needs to take a gamble. Fortunately, the result is not bad.

The strange auras of the seven continents returned to calm, and the stagnant world turned into points of light as before. In a daze, Igarashi returned to the normal point in time. This is the Far East, but it is not St. Freya Academy. The girl in front of him who looked at him with a sweet smile was Kallen, the girl who only spent less than a day with him and left him with unforgettable memories.

Finally see you again.

Smiling lightly and shrinking into Igarashi's arms, Kallen Kaslana, the strongest Valkyrie who was active five hundred years ago, is still as young and beautiful as before, and she is close to Igarashi's ear.


Listening to the girl's whisper in his ear, Igarashi's eyes widened slightly. Why does Kallen look like he knows the existence of the will of the world now? She even knew that she herself had once become a bargaining chip for the world's will.

Although my strength is far from reaching the level of Tianting, it may be because of you that the will of the world has not deliberately concealed its existence. Well, that's right. Knowing the will of the world has not only made me more aware of my own weakness. , it seems like nothing more can be done.”

Igarashi looked at Kallen. When the will of the world had finished shaping Kallen's history, Arthur and the members of the council appeared one after another, but Kallen was the only one missing.

How did you get here during this time?

It's safe to be in a place similar to a different space. Although it's been five hundred years since then, the time I spent in the different space didn't last long, only a few dozen days.

Igarashi doesn't think that the different space mentioned by Karen will be a paradise-like place. It should be just a small space temporarily opened by the will of the world and attached to this world.

Seeing the distress in Igarashi's eyes, Kallen smiled slightly.

It's nothing. Although I'm the only one in that space, I can see you from time to time through that invisible barrier. Well, I'm happy every time I see you, although sometimes I feel a little jealous.

What are you jealous of?

...I also saw what happened between you and Cecilia.

Chapter 451 Reunion

Don't panic, it's not a big problem. The era that Karen lived in was the old era in Europe. Monogamy was not strictly followed at that time. Only religious countries did this, such as Christianity. Well, destiny seems to be essentially a Religious organizations.

Igarashi's thoughts were racing for a while, but when he saw the smile on Kallen's face, he stopped talking.

Don't worry, it's really just a little bit.

In order to prove the authenticity of her words, Kallen stretched out two fingers and gestured. She didn't know whether it was really just a little bit, or the universe between her fingers.

This is a small place in the Far East. The World Will probably felt that sending himself and Kallen to St. Freya Academy was too abrupt. However, Igarashi is certain that the World Will has never properly shaped Kallen. History, now Kallen is still the strongest Valkyrie who mysteriously disappeared five hundred years ago, so she will return to St. Freya Academy later and think about excuses.

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