I'll take you to St. Freya Academy.

Igarashi's words made Kallen blink, think for a moment, and look curious.

Hey, are all girls in St. Freya Academy?

Kallen originally didn't know about St. Freya Academy, but in the alien space, she saw Igarashi mention this word. An academy that trains Valkyries sounds quite normal, but considering Igarashi Due to Arashi's charm, Kallen suspects that St. Freya Academy has become Igarashi's harem.

Well, yes, but don't think too much about it. At this point in time, I'm just an ordinary student inside.

Karen Kaslana?!

In the principal's office, Theresa looked at the girl next to Igarashi in shock. Although the girl was a Valkyrie who was active five hundred years ago, Theresa was very familiar with Kallen's deeds for some special reasons. .

Ahem, yes, she is Kallen, the destined most powerful Valkyrie five hundred years ago.

Your name is Teresa, right? You're very cute~

Kallen looked at Theresa who was very similar to her when she was a child, but she didn't ask about her life experience. She just touched her head with a smile. Theresa always didn't like others treating her as a child. Standing there in silence, she was neither disgusted nor enjoying it. What filled her heart was hesitation.

She was born by chance, a clone of Kallen. Now that Kallen appeared, it was like a fake encountering a genuine product. Theresa began to doubt the value of her existence.

It was impossible for Kallen not to notice that she was very similar to her, but even so, Theresa did not see any disgust in her eyes. She felt Kallen's almost all-encompassing tenderness, and Theresa's face He forced a smile.

So, Igarashi-san, what are your plans for bringing this S-class Valkyrie to school?

...How about being a combat instructor?

Igarashi looked at Kallen with questioning eyes, and then at Theresa. As a teacher, the S-class Valkyrie was of course overqualified, but Igarashi did not want Kallen to return to the Destiny Headquarters. Although the Destiny Headquarters was in power They are all affected by their own laws and cannot treat Karen badly, but the distance between Europe and this far east is too far.

I can't arrange an S-class Valkyrie without permission.

Theresa curled her lips. She was no longer the most powerful person in St. Freya Academy, but Igarashi. Since Igarashi spoke and Kallen herself had no objection, Theresa would naturally not say anything more. What.

Position, residence, daily necessities, everything is arranged by you. Future Captain Hyperion, I will leave first.

After all, Theresa was not used to facing Kallen, and it was impossible for her to make any arrangements for Kallen. She coughed lightly and left the principal's office.

That child...

If you don't count the time you spent in another dimension, Theresa is older than you, so you can call her sister.

Seeing Kallen's eyes widen, Igarashi was a little amused.

She can be regarded as your clone. She has physical defects and will always look like this. Of course, this is not a defect for some people. Youth is not old.

Recalling the situation at St. Freya Academy, Igarashi's smile deepened.

We'll talk about other things later. Let's go and take you to meet someone.

Meet someone? In this day and age, do you still know anyone?

Kallen was stunned for a moment, but still followed Igarashi.


The moment she saw Kallen, Yae Sakura was stunned. Unlike Kallen who lived in an alien space where time flows at a different speed, Yae Sakura had indeed spent five hundred years, and she had been alone during these five hundred years. When she was young, the only good things Yae Sakura could recall were the happy times she spent with her sister, and all the things she spent with Kallen. The passage of five hundred years has made this longing grow deeper and deeper.

Then the rest of the time is left for you to reminisce.

Seeing the surprise in Kallen and Yae Sakura's eyes, Igarashi took a few steps back knowingly.

Hitamaru, come out and follow me.

Hey, brother, although I'm happy that you want to play with me, I still want to see...

The little fox girl who emerged from Yae Sakura's body was picked up by Igarashi with one hand just as she was halfway through her words. Hitamamaru, who was well aware of the strength gap between the two sides, did not struggle and looked at the distance between him and her with a look of pity. Yae Sakura and Kallen, who are coming further and further away, can no longer be seen.

Carrying Hitamaru to a quiet open space in the academy, Igarashi carefully looked at the little fox girl, and after confirming something, he took out the Jizo Mithun.

Is this your Herrscher core?


The originally innocent and cheerful little fox girl was silent. Although she had always behaved ignorantly and cheerfully, Hitamamaru had experienced an unimaginable amount of years. She often used the term eldest sister or big brother to call others. Of course, this was not a simple title. It could fill 50,000 yuan. The gap of years has allowed Hitamamaru to return to his youth, but now, looking at Jizo Yuhun and his Herrscher core, Hitamamaru thought of those unhappy past events.

Chapter 452 Regaining Life

An innocent girl, but possessing strong Honkai energy, was identified as the Twelfth Herrscher who brought destruction. She was captured by the anti-Honkai organization in the last civilization era. Although she has not shown any special abilities or dangers for the time being, Some members of the organization killed her out of fear. Death was just the beginning. The Twelfth Herrscher's ability finally awakened, eroded the entire base, and launched revenge on the world. She was then defeated by the Fusion Warriors, sealed into a black box, and the core was controlled. He became the key to the twelfth god - Jizo Yuhun, and his own will escaped by chance five hundred years ago and met Yae Sakura.

The girl's current name is Hitamaru.

Hitamaru's face showed a little sadness, and then he smiled at Igarashi again.

Well, it's my core. If it can help big brother, it can be considered a good use.

Everything in the past has become the past, and now I am Hitamaru who coexists with my eldest sister.

Ksitigarbha Tamami, the Twelfth God's Key, is a weapon that only S-level can barely use. Holding it, it can compete with the Herrscher, but when Igarashi saw it for the first time, he had already thought about it. its ending.

Hitamaru, you only have soul and will now, right?

Well, what's wrong?

The confused Hitamaru saw that Jizo Tamamaru, one of the most powerful weapons in the world, began to dissolve under Igarashi's hands.

Then become a truly complete being again.

Although Hitamamaru always looks full of energy, her heart has long been scarred, and that strong sadness is as conspicuous to Igarashi as the bright moon in the dark night. This is why the giant fox originally When she wanted to attack Teresa in her physical form, Igarashi did not retaliate in kind. Now, this Jizo Mitamaru, which is of little use to him, can bring Hitamamaru back to life and become a Herrscher again.

It took tens of thousands of years to independently evolve into the core of Jizo Yuhun under the established procedures. It transformed towards its original form under Igarashi's laws. Only then did I understand what Igarashi said and what Igarashi did. Hitamaru's eyes widened as he did so.

That's the key of God...

It is the final crystallization of the ancient civilization era. It is the most powerful weapon that makes people fear and yearn for it.

The God Key doesn't do much for me. Although it improves others well, it is more important to let you return to normal life.

Jizo Yuhun disappeared and turned into a Herrscher core containing terrifying energy. The corrosive force wanted to attack Igarashi at first, but under the law, it became as docile as a pet.

With a gentle flick, the Herrscher core was bounced back into Hitamaru's body. The little fox girl, who was originally only as big as a fist, began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. After just a moment, she turned into a normal girl, still a fox. Female, with fox ears and even three fiery red tails behind her.

Well, brother...

Hitamaru stared at his own changes. His eyes, which were always smiling, became hazy. It had been a long time since he had felt such kindness...

Thank you.

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