Yes, your friend is living very well there now.

Igarashi nodded. Although Sirin in front of him has become a peak Herrscher, her sanity has not been affected much by Honkai. Yes, as a messenger of Honkai, if she is as stupid as Honkaimon, even if she fights The power is very high, so it might be destroyed.


After staring at Igarashi in silence for a while, Sirin's imaginary space began to spread towards Walter on the ground.

You are not a Valkyrie. I will not kill you. Just leave. I can let you live to see the destruction of this world.

That won't work. I'm here this time to eliminate the second Honkai Impact.

Stretching out his hand and patting it gently, the imaginary space that was about to swallow Walter dozens of meters away suddenly shattered, and this scene also made Xilin show anger and murderous intent.

You're looking for death!

More imaginary spaces than before fill the entire sky like stars. The terrifying Honkai Energy gathers in it. All sounds are inaudible in the overly powerful meaning. This is much more terrifying than the nuclear weapons just now. hit.

Whether Walter or the three A-level Valkyrie, they can only be pinned down on the ground by the aura that destroys everything, looking at the battle in the sky that they cannot intervene in, which represents the future destiny of the world.

Honkai energy is second only to divine power and is a very high-level energy. If Igarashi uses his mental power, he can only counteract and offset the beams of destruction in the sky, protect a few people on the ground, and then use his physical power to forcibly suppress Xi. Lin, but now Igarashi's law, which has been studied to a high enough level over the years, can easily change the status quo.

The weak eat the strong, and strength is paramount. As long as Igarashi's strength is higher than that of the enemy, he can control almost everything of the enemy.

This enemy could be the Herrscher or Honkai.


The beams of light in the sky are no longer controlled by Sirin and close on their own. Perhaps Igarashi's strength is not as good as the total Honkai Energy in the entire world, but the Honkai Energy in this area is far from Igarashi's opponent.

The stormy attack that seemed to be able to destroy everything just showed a prelude that could make anyone despair, and then disappeared like a child's play. This scene also made Walter and the three Valkyries widen their eyes.

Is this really something that S-class can do?

Feeling that her god was collapsing and screaming involuntarily, Sirin shouted in panic.

who are you?!

Igarashi, temporarily ranked S-level in destiny, is currently fighting for the survival of the world.

Not only Sirin's attack, but also her own Honkai energy fell into silence under Igarashi's law. Now Sirin, using all her strength, can only barely maintain her posture, and cannot directly attack from the air. Fall to the ground like a mortal.

With a flash of his body, Igarashi appeared behind Sirin who was unable to move under his own suppression. He stretched out his hand and pulled off the clothes on Sirin's back.


Although from the angle of the ground, only the front of Sirin can be seen, the strongest guardian of mankind was really tearing off the clothes of the Second Herrscher just now, right? At this critical moment, he actually acted like a hooligan? Walter and Valkyrie felt that their three views were shattered. No, after Igarashi easily crushed Herrscher, their three views were already shattered. What was broken now was the image of greatness that had just been established in their hearts.

what are you doing?

Siren's pretty face turned red instantly. Although she transformed into a messenger of Honkai, she was still a pure girl in essence. Igarashi's actions made her feel shame and anger that was almost as strong as the despair she just felt.

Give you the gift of God and wrest your ownership from Honkai's hands!

Perhaps, and in the hands of this world.

Biting his own finger, Igarashi used his own blood, which contained the law and the power of all things, to write strange words on Sirin's white back, which were the divine words of the dungeon world.

Chapter 449 Resurrection?

The gift of God is a favor given by the gods of the dungeon world to the creatures in the lower world. It can tap people's potential and at the same time make the recipient a vassal of the god. Of course, the gift is not perfect. One of the drawbacks is the strength of the recipient. You can never surpass the person who bestows the gift, but Igarashi does not think that this is a disadvantage to himself or others. There is a system, the power of all things, and laws to travel between worlds, so that he will continue to become stronger. It would be too ridiculous for me to be afraid that the gift of God that I have laid will restrict the development of some people.

Ownership? Do you treat me as cargo?!

Although she was suppressed by Igarashi and couldn't move, and from time to time she could feel the guy's fingers dipped in something and writing on her back, Igarashi's words kept Sirin from giving up her struggle.

To Honkai Impact, you are indeed just a commodity, just a tool.

Looking at Sirin who was gritting her teeth, Igarashi continued the movements in his hands, and then spoke.

I don't know much about you, but don't you think it's unusual that you, who were just an ordinary person, can crush an A-level Valkyrie so easily?

That's the strength God gave me, and the way God taught me to fight!

Yes, your so-called god not only taught you how to fight, but also taught you how to recognize the nuclear weapons just now, and also taught you how to use the imaginary number space. I think it should have also taught you how to destroy the world, right? You can do all of this Do as you are told and act like a puppet on strings under God’s guidance.”

Originally, Sirin would not listen to anything Igarashi said, but under the current situation, she had to listen. After a brief moment of sluggishness, she felt a burning sensation in her back. The burning sensation gradually filled her body, replacing After losing the dominant position of Honkai energy, Xilin at this time actually felt that the Honkai energy in her body was somewhat evil.

God’s gift is complete.

Now Sirin, even if she still wants to destroy the world, she can't make a big splash.

Igarashi looked at the Second Herrscher in front of him and smiled.

You have been defeated. The god who is entrenched in this area has also been defeated. How about becoming the guardian of the world like the first Herrscher Walter?

As he spoke, Igarashi pointed at Walter, who was barely able to move at this time, which also surprised the First Herrscher. When Walter saw Igarashi crushing Siren so easily, the messenger of destruction was in When Igarashi was as helpless as a child in front of him, apart from joy at the fact that the world had been saved, there was only a touch of fear. Destiny and reverse entropy were ultimately opponents.


Siren hated this world and could never become a guardian, even if such an answer would bring her death.

Then how about taking a step back and being a normal person? In exchange, I can grant you a wish.

Looking at Sirin who was indifferent to his proposal and had a determined look on her face, although Igarashi could use the law to directly change her mind, she was still a pitiful person. He sighed slightly and continued.

You could try, for example, to see your mother again.

Igarashi's words finally made Sirin widen her eyes and look at the person in front of her in disbelief.

It seemed that Siren was shaken.

Igarashi raised his head and looked at the uninhabited sky filled with smoke and suddenly made a sound.

You saw it, right? Cooperate with me.

Xilin's mother has died long ago, and Igarashi does not know her. Even according to his understanding of the world over the years, Xilin's mother may have been reincarnated. Igarashi needs the cooperation of the will of the world.

Rules and legal principles have become ambiguous at this moment.

No matter whether it was the three A-level Valkyrie, the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance, or Sirin, they didn't know what Igarashi did or who he was talking to. They only saw a somewhat illusory figure appearing in the sky.


The person in front of them was not familiar to Igarashi and they had never seen her before, but Xilin's eyes became hazy in an instant. This was indeed her mother, who had not been destroyed a few years ago. The appearance of death due to bad energy.

Honkai can erode and kill...

At this time, Xilin suddenly remembered all the past events. She had become the messenger of Honkai. Compared with this Babylon laboratory, Honkai was her biggest enemy and the culprit of the destruction of her family.

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