Walter, who accidentally inherited someone else's name and the core of the Herrscher, actually didn't know much about the existence of the Herrscher. He only had the ability of the first Herrscher. Seeing that Sirin seemed to be talking to Honkai, Walter's expression changed. Congeal.

Hahahaha! So that's it!

After a moment, Siren laughed wildly.

I see. It seems that before me, there was a traitor who betrayed God, and you are just an imitation of that traitor. You are just a fake, but you have the nerve to call yourself the Herrscher.

Your god is just using you. It seems that he must defeat you first before he can have a good talk with you.

The red-black light shot towards Xilin under the control of Walter. This was a relic from the last civilization era, the key of God - the ability of the Star of Eden to control gravity.

However, the red-black light emitted by the Star of Eden, which destroyed hundreds of Honkai Beasts in an instant and rendered the A-level Valkyrie incapable of fighting, seemed to have entered an alien space in front of Sirin, and had no effect. A little effect, although Walter currently does not use the Herrscher's ability, Siren's ability is already obvious, creating an imaginary number space that is both real and illusory on top of the real world.

In that case...

Walter was silent for a while, then ducked closer to Sirin, no longer using the Star of Eden, but using the Honkai energy from the core of Herrscher, which had the same origin as Sirin, intending to break through the imaginary barrier and severely injure Sirin.

I was fooled.

Things did not develop as Walter expected. Siren's imaginary number space was not limited to these methods. A creature that did not exist in reality in the imaginary number space, a dragon, roared out and slapped Walter into it with one claw. into the imaginary number space.


The Tower of Babel collapsed, capsized by the attack of the dragon that suddenly appeared and disappeared instantly. The three Valkyries were also able to see the fantasy-like battle taking place in the sky from all directions. Silence was something they couldn't. The attack of understanding silenced the A-rank Valkyries.


Walter, who looked slightly embarrassed, tore open the imaginary space again, took a deep breath, and the Honkai energy surged in his body. Compared to the Second Herrscher in front of him, he, the traitor of Honkai, would not get Honkai. With the support, he can neither command the Honkai Beasts, nor can he freely use the Honkai energy scattered around him in front of the real Herrscher. His energy all comes from the core of the Herrscher, so he must go all out, no, squeeze himself.

Second Herrscher, are you ready to face the First Herrscher and face Walter's power?

As Walter finished speaking, a large number of Titan robots appeared behind him.

Ambush? You are shamelessly using human weapons!

As soon as Siren finished speaking, she saw tongues of fire spitting out of the Titans' weapons and sneered disdainfully.

Is this what you call the Herrscher's power?


The imaginary number barrier that even the Star of Eden could not break through before actually cracked under the Titan's attack.

How is it possible? Don't look at the joke! How can human weapons harm gods!

Siren regards Honkai as a god, and she also regards herself as a god. She has lost her sense of identity with human existence.

This is the ability of the First Herrscher. As long as I understand the principles of its construction, I can create weapons through Honkai Energy. As long as I am alive, this army will not fall!

Overloading the energy from Herrscher's core, blood overflowed from the corners of Walter's mouth.

I, Walter, declare war on you on behalf of mankind! God, let's test whether mankind is qualified to survive. All troops, fire!


I won't run away!

Siren roared angrily. Honkai is her backing. She is the real Herrscher. Compared to Walter, she can summon much more Honkai energy. The imaginary space almost permeates the entire sky. Honkai energy constitutes The orange-red light beam shot down towards Walter and the army he created.

Honkai Impact. In ancient times, it eroded ferocious beasts and slaughtered the entire world. In the Middle Ages, it transformed into the Black Death and took away the lives of countless creatures. Now its messenger, the Herrscher, will bring destruction to mankind. Thousands of years ago, or even further back, the Honkai Impact Since then, they have begun to fight against Honkai. Today, anti-entropy humans have possessed god-killing weapons, special nuclear weapons called silver bullets.

Compared to Destiny, the current high-end power of Anti-Entropy is only Walter. However, Walter knows that he, the traitor's heir, cannot kill the real Herrscher independently. Therefore, he must rely on other things, relying on human power. What needs to be done is to hold back Xilin.

The huge silver bullet flew from the sky at high speed. Within a few breaths of discovering it and understanding its horror, the silver bullet was already approaching Xilin's head.

Use all your strength to send this dangerous weapon underground, as deep as possible, using the earth as a shield!

Xilin gritted her teeth and used the imaginary number space. In this short period of time, this was the only method she could think of.

boom! ! !

The power of nuclear weapons is far beyond imagination. Looking at the crazy approaching shock wave, the three Valkyries Sabu, Salome, and Patrick closed their eyes in despair, with a faint bitter smile, although dying against the Herrscher is not too tragic. The ending, but dying so simply in the aftermath of the battle is really, like a joke...

Without the expected pain, the Valkyries slowly opened their eyes, only to see a person standing in front of them. He only stretched out one hand to withstand the shock wave of the god-killing weapon. No, it was not just that. Under the suppression of that person, the destructive power of nuclear weapons was like a child running around meeting a parent, quickly settling down under the palm of an adult.

Looking at the person in front of her blankly, Sabu murmured.

If it's not the Herrscher or the Valkyrie, then it can only be him. Is this the strongest human being...

Chapter 448 Humanity is the Strongest

(Pictured: Xilin)

Walter had no time to take into account the surrounding situation. He must seize the time to kill the Second Herrscher who had temporarily lost his fighting power in front of him.

I only have the strength left for this last blow. Goodbye, Second Herrscher.

The Key of the Ninth God - Star of Eden, maximum power, black hole simulation!

Siren is being swallowed by the red-black black hole. When it is completely swallowed, everything will be settled.

However, the Herrscher is the messenger of the Honkai Impact, and the Star of Eden is made from the core of the Herrscher!

When the owner of the Herrscher Core is still alive, Honkai cannot have any significant impact on it, but when it becomes a dead object, Honkai can control it to a certain extent. The black hole created by the Star of Eden is slightly After a tremor, it disappeared.


Overloading the Herrscher Core, resisting the aftermath of the silver bullet, and forcefully activating the Star of Eden, Walter was now at the end of his crossbow, looking at him floating in the air with his eyes closed, constantly absorbing the Honkai energy in the air, Not only is there a tendency to return to the top, but he has even become a stronger Second Herrscher, with a bleak smile on Walter's face.

Is this the end...

Next, leave it to me, First Herrscher, you showed me the possibility of saving the world.

The sudden sound made Walter's eyes widen. In this world-destroying battle, were there any survivors?

Later, Walter saw the three intact Valkyries, and the guy standing in front of them, who seemed to have not only resisted the aftermath of the god-killing weapon, but also had time to protect her people.

Although he didn't know Igarashi, Walter could only nod feebly and collapsed on the ground. Now he can only be a bystander. Is this the mysterious S-class of Destiny? , if he fought side by side with him before, he might be able to kill the Second Herrscher, but now... Looking at the rich and substantial Honkai energy in the sky, Walter sighed.

Igarashi has been thinking about how to change the ending of the world's destruction. Igarashi can easily kill the messenger of the Honkai Impact, the Herrscher, but according to the information he has obtained, in the last civilization era, there was also a law of killing. However, that civilization was eventually destroyed. As only Igarashi knew, twelve Herrschers appeared in that civilization era. The collapse was immortal, and the Herrschers could not be killed.

But Honkai is not endless. Most of the twelve Herrschers died before the next one appeared. This is a cycle of destruction, but perhaps as long as there are enough If more Herrschers divide Honkai's power, Honkai will not be able to cause any big waves. Now, what Igarashi has to do is to restrain the second Herrscher, or directly let the second Herrscher do like Walter, the first Herrscher. She transformed from the messenger of the collapse to the guardian of the world.

Save the world, hahaha!

In a short period of time, Xilin returned to her peak. Although her spirit was obviously a little tired, her momentum was more than improved. Looking at the sudden appearance of Igarashi, Xilin said.

That voice was made by you, right? Send us to St. Freya Academy or something.

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