Looking at the students making a fuss, Theresa curled her lips, couldn't she just smash the test robot's head with one punch? I can do it too! I can smash the whole robot!

It has some brute strength, but while it can resist the damage of Honkai energy to a large extent, it seems that it cannot make good use of Honkai energy.

Teresa had a general understanding of Igarashi's combat power, but there was indeed a Valkyrie, ah no, the potential of a male Valkyrie. The principal of the academy, who had a lot of things to do, turned and left. The subsequent cultural test would take too much time. I don’t want to wait any longer. Let’s go back to the principal’s office to read comics and have snacks.

Is this a common thing?

Looking at the back of the academy principal who had a casual look on his face as he left, a group of female students whispered in awe.

I heard that the S-class Valkyrie's battle is enough to become an epic legend. This kind of thing should be common for academy leaders.

Then...can we do this in the future?

It should be no problem to at least become D-class or C-class. I really want to dismantle this robot with my bare hands like Igarashi. It looks really awesome.

The principal said that only B-level Valkyries can participate in battles. Judging from how casual she was just now, Igarashi is definitely not B-level. It seems that the minimum standard for C-level is to smash the robot's head with one punch.

Facing the classmates who had let their minds wander, Fu Hua, the class monitor, explained that even the S-class Valkyries did not rely on their physical fitness, but on their rich experience and skills, as well as their superior mastery and use of Honkai Energy. Theresa was so casual because she was a monster who was good at using brute force. However, due to her current status, she didn’t know how to speak. Fu Hua could only look at Igarashi angrily.

Well, what should I do next?

Seeing the girls starting their exams and taking out various weapons, Igarashi deeply realized his mistake. Kiana was not the character who punched and kicked with a pistol. Look, she is now Wasn't it holding a chainsaw that was about the same size as its body, and cut the robot in half?

It's time to take the cultural exam. Don't worry. This is the place where Valkyries are trained. The cultural exam is just a formality. Don't worry about it. Just take the test casually.

Kiana, who had solved the robot and completed the actual combat test, looked at the debris on the ground and clapped her hands with satisfaction. When she saw Igarashi next to her, she comforted her like a senior.

Cultural examinations, biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, these subjects are very similar to the world before Igarashi. Although some things have changed due to the existence of Honkai energy, mastering more advanced power and standing at a sufficient height Igarashi understood Honkai Impact very quickly and was not stumped by those questions.

Then, geography and history…

Was the 3rd holy relic found in Lake Baikal or Lake Ladoga? Please briefly describe the country and importance of this location.

The 2nd holy relic, the guardian of the moon god, the 7th holy relic, the blade of nothingness, which one was unearthed in the country of dé? Where exactly?

How many years ago did the first collapse occur?

Igarashi doesn’t even know this!

He is a world traveler, a being who defeated gods, but he was stumped by an exam?

Is it possible to use mental power to plagiarize? The spirit will make you cry!

Forget it, just hand in the blank.

Igarashi had a look of despair on his face. After leaving the classroom, he saw Kiana again who didn't care. Although he didn't use his mental power to cheat, Igarashi only observed with his naked eyes and felt that Kiana's performance in answering the questions was The speed obviously shouldn't be handed in the paper so early. Thinking of some of Kiana's characteristics, Igarashi tentatively spoke.

Your name is Kiana, right? You have to hand in the paper so early and you have finished all the questions?

You idiot, I told you not to worry about it. Except for the answers you can get at a glance, I didn't do anything else. I just handed in the paper.


But judging from how serious other people were during the exam just now, it didn’t seem like something they didn’t need to care about. Is this really okay? Igarashi no longer thinks about it. Anyway, if these things are really necessary, it will take some time to remember them.

Hey, Igarashi, wake up. My name is Wuliangta Jizi, please remember it well.

While chatting, Igarashi saw the red-haired sister coming in front of her. As an A-level Valkyrie, although she lived in St. Freya Academy, she was not a student there. She should have other jobs. This time shouldn't happen...

Looking at the person who came to his ward most frequently and showed the most emotions during his coma, Igarashi nodded seriously.

Most definitely.

Seeing Igarashi's cautious look, Wuliangta Himiko smiled.

I heard that you took the exam as soon as you woke up. How was it? How did you do on the exam?

Cool cool.


Well, I think I might fail a few subjects.

It's not just a failure, it's a zero score.

That's it...it doesn't matter. Some knowledge can only be understood by entering the academy and becoming a student, such as the weapons of destiny, secret history, etc. It's okay if you don't know.

It's not a big deal in the first place. It's just a cultural exam. By the way, Himeko, why do you care so much about Igarashi? Why do you hang out when you finally have free time?

Kiana scratched her head, looked at Jizi strangely, and then her eyes widened, feeling that she had discovered a blind spot.

Wow! This isn't free time at all, is it? Are you following my example of skipping classes and making excuses to avoid work?

Who can be like you?

Glancing at Kiana angrily, Himeko waved her hand.

I just happened to be passing by, so I'll say goodbye first.

It's really strange.

If I am absent from work, would it be too short to only be absent from work for a few minutes?

Kiana stopped thinking about these troublesome problems and looked at Igarashi.

Today is full of exams. I turned in the papers in advance to save time and go to Meiyi's bed...cough, so the rest of the day is rest time. You can hang out while you like, I'll leave first.

Watching Kiana, who was in an inexplicable state of excitement, leave with some amusement, Igarashi raised his head and looked at the sky of this new world quietly.

Honkai Impact, S-Class Valkyrie, Herrscher...

Oh, are there divine powers and gods that are not recognized by the world?

Chapter 426 Unqualified

She had obviously handed in the paper in advance, but it was not like when Kiana handed in the paper, she was glared hard by the invigilator, but she was full of surprise, Igarashi must be very powerful, thinking so, Mei said hello to Igarashi.


There is no terrifying strength in the body at all, and from the outside, he does not look like a barbarian, but he smashed the robot's head with one punch. Is this the person who defeated the Herrscher himself...

My name is Mei, and this is Bronya. We will be classmates from now on.

Although according to Himeko's description, it was just a coincidence that Igarashi defeated her, there seemed to be another voice in Mei's heart reminding her that the person in front of her was very dangerous, dangerous enough to kill the Herrscher herself.

Hello, um... do you know what will happen if you fail this exam?

After Igarashi paused slightly on Bronya and Raiden Mei, he said with some embarrassment, If you fail to pass, you won't be ordered to drop out of school, right? Hey, I should have known about cheating earlier, but it’s still too late now. I’m going to find the judge teacher and control them all!

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