If you can't pass the make-up exam, you won't be able to become a Valkyrie and you will have to repeat the grade.

He turned in the paper so early but was worried about failing. He wouldn't be like Kiana, right?

Meiyi hesitated for a while, but her gentle nature couldn't help but comfort her.

You just came to the academy, so it doesn't matter even if you fail the exam. I don't think the principal of the academy will embarrass you.

Would that guy who punched and kicked his unconscious self to vent his emotions think about me? nonexistent!

All right.

Anyway, I have a make-up exam, so I will find a few books to read and remember them.

By the way, Igarashi-san, where is your dormitory?

My group and my group live together with the A-level Valkyrie Wuliangta Himeko, because I am a Herrscher who is like a time bomb...

Mei, who was slightly depressed, showed her friendly smile again. She was a little curious about Igarashi's residence. She wouldn't live in a girls' dormitory, right?


Igarashi pointed to a dormitory building in the distance that was empty except for himself. That was the boys' dormitory. Igarashi was brought to the dormitory by Theresa before, and he thought it was unpopular and a bit cold. The place is a haunted house for students to play.

Seeing Igarashi sitting there silently, Mei asked worriedly.

What's wrong? Did the food I cooked not suit your taste?

No, it's just...

What operation? After seeing the place where she lived, Mei Yi had a look of pity on her face, and then took herself to Ji Zi's home, which could be called a luxurious villa, to cook for herself.

It's just what! It's just! Meiyi worked so hard to cook for you, but you eat it!

Kiana looked at Igarashi with a dissatisfied look. Not only did she interrupt her enjoyment of Mei's scent on Mei's bed, but she also asked Mei to cook when it was not meal time. Is this guy her enemy?

Bronya judged that Kiana's current feelings are: jealousy.

Ah ah, do you want to fight?

Okay, let's eat together.

Mei once again showed her leadership position in the family, soothed Kiana very skillfully, then looked at Igarashi and tentatively spoke.

Igarashi, before the collapse came, were you living in Changkong City?

Well, I went to high school in Changkong City.

This is the identity that the world consciousness has arranged for itself. There will be no flaws in this world. If you check it, you can also find the corresponding information.

That's it...

A trace of regret flashed in Mei's eyes, and then the girl showed a reassuring smile again.

Then, in order to become a powerful male warrior, you must work hard.

In this case, even if you become a Herrscher, the other party can kill you in time without causing any damage.

Another personality in Mei's body was stirring, and Igarashi could clearly see it. Is that the personality of Mei in the form of a Herrscher? It's funny that Igarashi, who originally tended to be a ruthless and indifferent personality, has gone crazy to this extent. Even if he is not recognized by the world, does he still have insight similar to that of a god? Don't worry, I won't kill you, you are Mei too.

Today, the results are announced.

Great, passed.

“The actual test results were better than I expected~”

Good! The ranking has gone up.

Second and third place are the transfer students Bronya and Mei! They are so amazing!

Unlike a group of students who rushed to find their names on the huge light screen, Kiana rarely showed a calm side. Until she heard the last words they said, she finally couldn't wait any longer and rushed to the light screen. , raised his head.

The first place must be me!

First place: Fu Hua.

What, it's her?!

That old-fashioned squad leader who talks a lot of things he doesn't understand all day long?

Then where is my name?

Could it be fourth place?

Ahem, Kiana, you are just like me, unqualified.

Sure enough, it is impossible to pass with zero points in two subjects, even if the average score is over 60, Igarashi helplessly pointed to the only two names of those who failed, one is Kiana, and the other is himself, this is probably It's just a public execution. In this case, I really don't like the school's ranking.

How can this be!

Kiana directly tore up the list of unqualified candidates, thinking that the school had gone awry.

You two, one failed all the written exams, with a zero score in history, but the other is great, with perfect scores in four subjects, and zero scores in geography and history. Kiana, I can understand, Igarashi, is this the first time we have met? Nothing No injustice, right? Why is this so? Forgot to introduce myself, I teach history.

Under the scrutinizing gaze of the history teacher who seemed to have been waiting for a long time, Igarashi raised his hands innocently.

I really don't know those things!

Well, forget it if you don't know the year when the Destiny Weapon was unearthed. You don't even know the day when the third Honkai Impact happened? I gave it to you a month before you wrote it!

A true warrior will not answer the exam even though he knows he will fail.

Igarashi knew that the history teacher in front of him was in a bad mood, so it was better not to say anything more.

Prepare to take the make-up exam next week, Igarashi. Although you just came to school and you didn't have to pass this exam originally, but you can get perfect scores in four subjects, you won't tell me that you still failed history after the make-up exam. Right? Kiana, you too, I can’t do better than you in the make-up exam.”

Chapter 427 Hidden Records in the Cross

She's just so small-minded and brainless!

After listening to the girls' descriptions, Himeko scolded Kiana with extremely appropriate adjectives, while Mei also looked worried.

What should I do about the make-up exam next week? If I fail, I won't be able to become a Valkyrie...

There is no other way but to carry out special training, including Igarashi.

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