Ah, don't think too much.

Theresa waved her hand casually, and as if to prove it, she punched Igarashi's body wrapped in the quilt.

He was very healthy. He was in a coma at the time and was not in a vegetative state. The people at the medical department said that he would be fine after just a few days of sleep. Oh, by the way, your wings were broken by him while he was comatose.

Although the fact was a bit unbelievable, looking at the hospital bed that was shaking after being punched by Theresa who looked like a little girl, Mei Yi couldn't help but remind her while reducing her fear of the Herrscher herself by more than one level. road.

Well, it's better not to touch him and let him get good news.

A few more days of sleep or something... I can't say anything.

It's okay. His body is very strong. I was careful before, but if I think about it carefully, maybe he will be woken up by me?

After saying that, there was another punch, and Theresa felt refreshed.

Chapter 424 Isn’t this what close combat is like? !

Academy City, St. Freya Academy, exists to train the Valkyries to fight against the Honkai Impact.

The European-style buildings occupying a large amount of land in the Far East are filled with many young and beautiful girls. They are all future Valkyries or even already Valkyries.

The Valkyries are divided into D-level to S-level. The S-level is a legend. It is the Valkyrie among the Valkyries and has the ability to rival the Herrscher. The A-level is a true elite, and the B-level is capable of resisting Honkai Impact. The mainstay of the team, as for Class C and Class D... are responsible for serving tea, water and cleaning.

It has been a month since Kiana and her group entered school, and Igarashi's injuries have fully recovered. The biggest gain during this period is the understanding of the law.

Lying on the hospital bed, looking at the empty room, Igarashi sat up.

During this period, people watched him every day, and even St. Freya Academy began to spread his own legend - the God of Sleep.

What an embarrassing title.

According to Igarashi's judgment, Honkai energy is a kind of energy that is lower than divine power but higher than his own mental power. It can be said to be a high-level energy, but the cause of all mistakes is precisely because of the high level of Honkai energy. It is so advanced that even if there is People with corresponding potential cannot use it unscrupulously.


The door of the ward opened. Theresa-sama originally wanted to visit Igarashi and vent her anger on the sandbag that could not be broken no matter how hard it was hit. Seeing Igarashi wake up, Theresa's eyes flashed with pity. , and then his face straightened.

you're awake.

Little one, who are you?

This is probably the first thing everyone who doesn't know Theresa wants to say when they face her. A girl who looks like a primary school student puts on a very serious look.

However, Igarashi, who already had some understanding of the world, and although he was unconscious during this period, was still aware of all the happenings nearby, would naturally not anger Teresa anymore.

Excuse me, lady, who are you and where are you?

Sure enough, it's the most normal thing to ask when you wake up. Igarashi looked confused.


Teresa was shocked, he actually called her lady? Don't you think you are a child? Have some discernment.

This is St. Freya Academy, and I am the principal Theresa.

Seeing that Igarashi wanted to speak, Theresa waved her hand.

Okay, I know you still have a lot of questions, but there is an exam in the academy today. I am very busy. You, go and take the exam too!

Ah, it's time to take the exam again. It hasn't been long since the last exam, but I get a headache just thinking about it.

The students of St. Freya Academy gathered together in twos and threes and complained. They looked curious when they saw their new classmates who had just transferred to another school not far away.

Kiana, aren't you worried? We just came here and have an exam not long after.


Kiana thrust her arms into her waist with an air of pride. If it were the previous school, she would really be in agony when she knew she was about to take the exam. But now, this is St. Freya, the place where Valkyries are trained. Valkyries, eh, when it comes to fighting. , Who has I, Kiana, been afraid of?

With my talent, it's no problem to pass this kind of exam~

Hi, classmates, a new classmate is going to take the exam today. He is the guy we have been famous for for a long time. Please get along well with him in the future.

After temporarily allocating a dormitory to Igarashi, Teresa took him directly to Kiana's class. Perhaps she felt that Igarashi and Kiana were from the same place and would be easier to get along with.

Famous for a long time...

Igarashi smiled bitterly, and then smiled at the girls wearing the white uniforms of St. Freya Academy in front of him.

Hello everyone, my name is Igarashi.


The students in the class looked shocked. Where is this place? St. Freya Academy, the place where Valkyries are trained. Of course the Valkyries are all girls. Why is there an extra boy? Male Valkyrie?

Ah, it's you, you finally woke up, you are such a good sleeper.

Kiana didn't think as much as the others. She pointed at Igarashi with a dissatisfied look. It was so enviable that the other party could sleep all the time while she was in class... She was so lazy. Can she be like this? Will I study hard as well?

Okay, let's talk about it later. Let's start the exam now. The first item is actual combat. Igarashi, you are the first.

Teresa waved her hand and directly disrupted the exam schedule. She led a group of students to the square and signaled Igarashi to be the first to participate in the actual test. A guy who can tear apart high-concentration Honkai energy products even if he is unconscious , is he a lucky person with great potential, or a super strong person ignored by destiny?

Although it was deliberately designed to be similar to Honkaimon, it must be a robot made by Tianming. The size of about three meters is quite intimidating.

Igarashi looked at Teresa, who was looking at him with a serious look on her face, and a group of girls who had been studying at St. Freya Academy, an all-girls academy, for a long time, and looked at him as if they were looking at something new. The students pondered slightly, are they going to let themselves perform dismantling of mechas with their bare hands?

If you don't act, the test robot won't wait for you.

As Theresa finished speaking, the powerful robot raised its giant mechanical hand that occupied most of its body.

Well, the academy leader, the academy has not assigned weapons to Igarashi-san yet.

Fuhua, the former assistant officer of Himeko and now the monitor of Kiana's class, tried his best to choose his words carefully, reminding the academy principal who had not thought carefully about the current situation. Even if this was just a test robot, it would be unarmed. , even a B-class Valkyrie can't defeat it, right? She doesn't have a battle suit or a weapon. How can she fight with her fists? That also requires gloves.


Igarashi smashed the head of the robot in front of him with one punch, and then heard the conversation between Fu Hua and Theresa behind him. Igarashi stiffened. He was acting a little abnormal, but didn't Valkyrie also have melee combat? In his long-term memory, Igarashi still remembers Kiana as the character who punched and kicked Honkaimon with a pistol.

Haha, Igarashi-san is really born with supernatural powers.

In the weird scene of big eyes staring at small eyes, Fu Hua pushed up his glasses, broke the silence, and gave an unexplained compliment.

Chapter 425 Cool, zero points

Okay, you passed the actual combat test.

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