Ming was at a loss and asked the leader's opinion.

Let's go to the eighteenth floor.

According to Sakura, the leader of the Kenyu Thunder Familia, Igarashi should have entered the 18th floor. There will be no monsters and there are many safe floors where adventurers gather. Even if this is not the case, his group can go there. He is the leader of the group, so he and Qiancao will naturally obey orders to provide supplies there and continue the search and rescue.

However, Captain Sakura miscalculated. Originally, the danger level of the 17th floor and the 13th floor were not much different. However, when they were about to pass through the 17th floor and enter the 18th floor, they were killed by Loki not long ago. The 17th floor floor master that the Familia defeated, the giant monster, LV4 Goliath, was resurrected again.


She made the wrong decision again. Sakura looked at the giant that escaped from the iceberg in despair. This was something that only adventurers of at least LV5 could defeat. Even LV4 of the same level could only ensure their own safety. .

You go first!

There are still a few hundred meters away from the entrance to the eighteenth floor. As long as she can hold Goliath back, she can let Ming and Chigusa enter the safe floor. As for whether she can hold Goliath back, Sakura is willing to risk her life.

Like an avalanche or a tsunami, the huge sound shook the eardrums and screamed. The increasing cracks finally shattered directly. Just the huge rocks that were bounced had the power to crush everything.

Huge and unimaginable silhouette, thick limbs, body shape similar to that of a human, but with a ferocious face, both the physique and the strength displayed by its movements are enough to awe, it is like the gap between heaven and earth.

The lone king of the labyrinth - the giant.

The first moment she saw the giant with her own eyes, Sakura knew that there was absolutely no way she could stop it. With just one step, she would turn into a meat pie, given its terrifying size.

Run, you must run, otherwise you will be killed instantly.

Sakura fled towards the eighteenth floor in the direction where Ming and Chigusa fled. As the one closest to the giant, he had already played a delaying role, because the giant would attack him first.

The giant's arm began to stretch forward, and the terrifying power and speed brought up a violent storm, which bounced the cherry blossoms away. Fortunately, the direction of the bounce was exactly the direction of the entrance to the eighteenth floor. The pain that penetrated into the bone marrow made the cherry blossoms fly. Sakura passed out immediately.

On the sixteenth floor, Igarashi discovered Naza who was in a desperate situation. The monsters that were coming one after another kept attacking the solitary girl. However, Naza had no intention of retreating. She was dealing with the attacks while looking for something.

The scene in front of him made Igarashi moved but also annoyed. The girl was only looking for herself who might be in trouble. What an idiot.

Igarashi, I finally found you...

Seeing that familiar figure appear in the field of vision, Nazha's eyes flashed, and the tight string finally relaxed. What followed was the exhaustion that chose others to eat. That exhaustion made her directly Passed out among the monsters.


Flames appeared at Igarashi's feet and spread at a terrifying speed, forming a ring of fire to surround the unconscious girl. Then it did not spread inwards, but expanded outwards. The originally menacing monsters were instantly reduced to ashes.

Feeling distressed, Igarashi picked up the fainted girl and touched the smiling but pale pretty face. He was about to use healing magic to restore her physical strength, but he found an energy that was a bit terrifying compared to LV2. Came from the seventeenth floor.

problem occurs.

There is only Naza on the 16th floor, so the people who built the Thunder Familiar clan may be on the 17th floor. Originally, if we go to the 17th floor in a team, it is not too dangerous. The words of the floor owner contracted by the Yajuan clan.

Igarashi stopped what he was doing. Naza was not injured, but she was mentally exhausted and physically exhausted. She would be fine if she took a rest. Then sleep for a while, and she would solve everything quickly.

There is no one on the seventeenth floor now. There may have been before, but after the giant Goliath, the master of the floor, appeared, everyone retreated, either to the safety floor of the eighteenth floor, or from the sixteenth floor back to the ground.

Facing the giant's majestic punch, Igarashi pulled out the Goblin Fang Sword he had bought earlier, looked at the already somewhat fragile blade, and chuckled.

How about killing the LV4 floor master as your final achievement?

The divine weapon may have spirit, but this sword is not a divine weapon. Of course, Igarashi did not receive any response. He raised the long sword in his hand. This is only a LV1 level thing. It is impossible to break through the LV4 defense. However, using a sword The human being is Igarashi, and Igarashi does not need to rely on the long sword to break through the giant's defense, he only needs it as a tool to transmit power.

Then, after resting for a while, Nazha slowly opened her eyes from the coma and saw the peerless grace of killing the lonely king of the labyrinth with one sword.

Chapter 403 This is the magic I happened to understand!

Did you see it? You have to keep it a secret for me.

Naturally, Igarashi knew that Nazha had woken up, but he did not deliberately hide it. The girl was willing to return to the dungeon and even give her life for her. Igarashi no longer needed to hide this little thing.


Nazha responded feebly, aware that she was being held by Igarashi with one hand, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she rested her head on Igarashi's shoulder, enjoying the novel warmth.

The eighteenth floor, unlike all other dangerous floors, has a bright sky. It is not the light of stars from the sun and moon, but the sky is filled with white crystals of blue light. Not only the sky, but also the ground. It's a bit inappropriate to say it's the sky. This is a sky made of white crystals.

Igarashi smiled when he saw the two girls who had met each other and were wandering anxiously at the door.

What's wrong?

You, you are Igarashi?! Great, you're okay.

The body was swallowed up by fatigue and pain, and the consciousness kept wandering on the line of awakening. Sakura, the leader of the Jianyu Thunder Familia clan, finally woke up.

The blurry vision gradually became clearer. The cloth ceiling seemed to be inside the tent.

Eighteenth floor...

Sakura gradually began to feel hesitant. Last time, when she led her family deep into the dungeon, she failed to protect her companions, and then mistakenly sent monsters to Igarashi. Before she fell into coma, she made the wrong decision to go to the 18th floor for supplies, which led to her encountering Floor Master, these decisions don't seem wrong even to me now, but bad things happened one after another.

I really don't have the qualifications to be a group leader.

Captain Sakura, how do you feel?

Sakura turned her head towards the source of the sound, but she saw the target of her group's rescue, Igarashi, standing in front of her.

Huh, I'm really uncomfortable, letting you see me like this.

The person whom the monster sent to her, the person whom she wanted to rescue, but seeing her current weak and unbearable posture, a certain impulse in Sakura's heart became stronger and stronger.

That's great, thank you, Igarashi.

Ming thanked Igarashi, and although the introverted Chigusa did not say a word, her eyes towards Igarashi were also full of gratitude. Sakura was stunned, and then she saw Igarashi floating on her body, shimmering. hand.

Healing magic?

Yes, I happened to realize it when I was upgrading.

Naturally, Igarashi was talking nonsense, but after he changed the content of the gift behind him accordingly, the lie became a reality. Understanding magic, which is only one thing among high-level adventurers, made everyone present wide-eyed. But he had no choice but to accept that it was not a big deal for the monster who was the fastest to level up to understand magic.

Then I'll go out first, Captain Sakura. I have no grudge against you. Under the circumstances, your choice was not wrong.

After saying that, Igarashi turned around and left. Of course, there was no resentment. Even if Sakura didn't send the monsters, Igarashi, who knew that Takemira was a friendly camp, would help them. Sakura's actions just made Igarashi a little unhappy. , but this discomfort has almost dissipated after seeing Sakura's current weak posture. This is just a poor person fighting for his family.


Hearing this familiar name again, Sakura felt a little harsh. Watching Igarashi leave the tent, Sakura's eyes went back and forth between Ming and Qiangusa, and finally stopped at Ming.

When I go back this time, I will ask Lord God to remove me from my position as captain. I leave my life and the future of my family to you.

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