Although in this short period of time, Igarashi used fireballs to eliminate several incoming one-horned rabbits, a large number of hellhounds and monster groups composed of evil bats appeared in the distance. Magic consumes magic power, but the magic power is Limited, Lily made the most practical suggestions.

But Igarashi is not really LV2. It is unrealistic to be forced into a desperate situation by these weak monsters.


Igarashi, who was standing on a stone bridge with Lily, directly blasted it with a fireball, blocking the monster's path. Igarashi knew that the dungeon was alive. Even if he destroyed the terrain, he would be gone after a while. It will recover automatically.

In the afternoon, Hestia was in the Azure Medicine Shop of the Mihe family.

In addition to Hestia, Mihe, Naza, Jian Yulei and his family members were all present.

Sorry, Hestia, your child hasn't come back yet. Maybe it's because of us.


Although Hestia was a little angry at Takeyurei's apology, she was not worried about Igarashi's safety. Igarashi and Hephaestus had gone deep into more than thirty floors, and it was impossible to meet them on more than ten floors. Danger.

He'll be fine.

Everyone except Hestia only regarded this sentence as her self-comfort. It was a group of monsters composed of LV2. Igarashi was quite famous and highly recognizable. When he was in the dungeon before, , they had some guesses, and after confirming Igarashi's whereabouts through the Lord God and Hestia, their faces turned livid, and they told the whole story to their Lord God.

Although he had no choice but to kill them, Jian Yulei still felt guilty for his children's behavior of pushing monsters to others.

Previously, the most seriously injured member of the Jianyu Thunder Familia was a girl named Chigusa, whose eyes were covered by bangs on her forehead. But now she is the one who feels the most guilty. In her opinion, the beginning of all this started with her own injury. .

Let's go to the dungeon!

Everyone in the Jianyu Lei Family fell to their knees on the ground and bowed with guilt on their faces.

Although she knew that nothing would happen to Igarashi, Hestia could not expose Igarashi's true combat power. Anyway, these things happened because of them, so it would be okay if they had to make one more trip.


Then Sakura, she's going to die for sure. Chigusa, how about you come along as a supporter?

These three people are the only LV2 in the Kenyu Lei Family. However, Chigusa's injury has not healed yet, so it is not suitable to explore the dungeon again. However, Kenyu Lei, who knows his child's character, still plans to let Chigusa go there again, otherwise , this will become her inner demon.

I am coming too!

Nazha, who had been listening quietly, stood up with a determined look on her face.

you are not……

Hestia frowned. She knew something about the only LV2 Mihe family member. Her arm was bitten off by a monster before, so she never went to the dungeon again.

Since Naza is going, Hestia, don't refuse.

Mihe knows the importance of Igarashi in Naza's heart. For him, it is a good thing that Naza can muster the courage to enter the dungeon again.

All right.

After taking a deep look at Naza, Hestia curled her lips secretly. If this hadn't happened, it would have been impossible for her to discover that even the members of her divine friend's family had been captured by Igarashi. Oh, one of my divine friends must have also been conquered.

It wasn't until she saw the well-prepared people entering the dungeon that Hestia suddenly remembered that there was no way Igarashi was okay. He had probably taken Lily back to the church, so wouldn't they have missed the point?

The anxious Hestia returned to the church, and as expected she saw Igarashi chatting and laughing with Lily. Remembering how nervous Naza, who had always lacked energy, was towards Igarashi, an unknown feeling suddenly rose in Hestia's heart. fire.

Didn't you, guy, get sent away by a monster? Why did you come back like this?!

Looking at the menacing Hestia in front of him, Igarashi's expression froze. Could it be that he should be injured or trapped in the dungeon?

Well, I damaged the terrain a little bit and didn't encounter much danger.

Yes, yes, Lord Igarashi just destroyed the stone bridge and made it impossible for the monsters chasing us to get through!

Lily echoed Igarashi's words with bright eyes, her heart full of admiration for Igarashi's intelligence. However, that stone bridge cannot be destroyed by LV2, not even LV5. The so-called intelligence is also established. On top of strength.

Sakura, Ming and Chigusa from the Jian Yu Lei Familia, and Naza from the Mihe Familia have formed a rescue team to find you in the dungeon.

Hestia took a breath, then defended herself.

Of course I know nothing will happen to you, but they don't believe it. No, you go to the dungeon again and make yourself more miserable, otherwise I won't be embarrassed.

Not complaining about Lord Kami's so-called embarrassment, after hearing that Naza also went to the dungeon, Igarashi knew that he had to go there.

I'll leave now.

Seeing Lily carrying the package again and wanting to follow him, Igarashi shook his head.

Lily, the current situation is that because of the monster's gift, we were chased by monsters, and then we ran away separately. Most of the monsters chased me, and you were able to return to the ground. Remember?

Lily opened her mouth and recalled that when she was sent by a monster this time, Igarashi was slowed down by her presence. Faced with this situation, she felt like a burden. After being slightly depressed for a while, she raised her head again. Lily started with a smile on her face.

Lord Igarashi, I remember, please come back safely!

So, what is going on? A group of people want to save me who has returned to the ground, and I have to go to the dungeon again to find them. Igarashi embarks on the journey helplessly.

Chapter 402 The Lone King of the Labyrinth

However, it was not just the Jian Yu Lei Familia and Naza's group who went to the dungeon. After hearing that Igarashi might be in danger, Xi'er was pleading with her friends in the store.

Lyu, I...

I will go, and I don't want Igarashi to die.

Before Xi'er could finish speaking, Liu nodded simply, and the cat girl Chloe who was also present was also ready to make a move, raising her hands high, looking at her, it didn't look like she was rescuing someone, but more like she wanted to skip work. .

I am coming too!

Lyu glanced at Chloe. As an elf, Lyu could slightly sense other people's moods. The worry in Chloe's heart in front of her was not much lower than that of Xi'er. This guy Igarashi, hey.

Even if I don't let you go, you don't want to work anymore, right? Go ahead, but no one else is allowed to go.

Her clerk's heart was taken away. Aunt Mia waved her hands in displeasure, but she looked at Xi'er and the other cat girl Aniya with stern eyes. Her meaning was self-evident.

Igarashi used his mental power again. Since the last battle with Hephaestus and the black dragon in the dungeon, the dungeon seemed to be afraid of him. When Igarashi did not use his mental power to cause damage, , the dungeon endured silently, neither spawning additional monsters, nor changing the terrain. Well, good boy, he reciprocated the favor, and Igarashi didn't do anything inappropriate.

One floor, two floors, all the way to the thirteenth floor that was withdrawn before, Igarashi didn't find anything. He only saw a lot of traces after the battle. Even if those people were well prepared and went all the way here, they should be quick now. You're exhausted, it seems you need to hurry up.

Nazha believed that the search scope of a team was too small and they parted ways not long ago. The Jianyu Thunder Family naturally tried to stop her. It was too dangerous to act alone in the middle level of the dungeon. However, Nazha, who fell into madness, ignored them at all.

What should we do now?

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