Sakura's words made Ming's eyes widen. His injuries were obviously getting better, but now it was like leaving a last message.

Master Captain, you...

Ahem, don't think too much.

Sakura saw Ming's expression and knew what she was thinking, and explained helplessly.

This time, I made too many mistakes. Even if God doesn't punish me, I still can't forgive myself. Although I will no longer be the leader, I will continue to work hard for the growth of the clan.

How does it feel to go back to the dungeon and fight monsters again?

Igarashi asked with a hint of ridicule as he looked at Naza who had fully recovered in front of him.

At that time, I was only thinking about finding you. Looking back now, it's really not a good memory at all. It's all your fault!

Nazha said with some complaints, but if it weren't for Igarashi, she would never step into the dungeon again. Huh, it's a blessing in disguise. After all, he is a dignified LV2 adventurer. I remembered that Igarashi's sword destroyed the floor before. Lord, Naza knew that she, LV2, was probably not worth mentioning in front of Igarashi.

Tsk, even though he was so strong and had to rescue himself, God Hestia was not too nervous at the time. Now it seems that she already knew Igarashi’s true strength. So what she thought was that Igarashi and the family members The speculation that the relationship between the Lord and God is general has also been overturned. The relationship must be very close.

I don’t know what would happen if I told Nazha that she was actually back on the ground when they entered the dungeon.

Igarashi suppressed his eagerness for knowledge, and happened to see Ming and Qiancao of the Thunder Familiar Clan walking out of the tent not far away.

I'm sorry, thank you.

Ming bowed deeply to Igarashi, but Chigusa remained silent, but Igarashi could feel that in terms of guilt, Chigusa felt much more guilty than Ming.

Captain Sakura is only slightly injured, and this silent little girl, your injury seems to be more than just a minor injury.

Chigusa must have been seriously injured before, bleeding excessively and even fell into a coma. Although she was treated, in terms of weakness, this silent little girl was no better than Sakura who was still lying on the hospital bed.

Yes, she was sneak-attacked by the Unicorn Rabbit before, and the ax was directly on her shoulder. If possible, please use healing magic to treat her again, and we will pay you in full.

Seeking help from Igarashi who had been persecuted made Ming, a girl who was only good at fighting and not very good at socializing, a little embarrassed. But for Chigusa, Ming could only be shameless. In fact, facing Igarashi, Ming had already The jars started to break.

Although the eyes of Naza next to him seemed to become a little deeper, Igarashi could only bear the invisible pressure and showed a stiff smile.

It's just magic. It's just a little effort and doesn't require any reward. Chigusa, right? Is this the place where you were injured?

Igarashi pointed at Chigusa's shoulder, where a hideous wound was slightly exposed and already scarred. Although it had been professionally treated, it was not perfect.


Whispering like a mosquito, Chigusa finally spoke. Her eyes, which were already covered by the drooping Rumi, became even more difficult to see clearly because of her lowering her head.

Seeing the white little hand on the collar, seeming to want to pull it away, Igarashi said quickly.

Uh, no, magic is not an ordinary treatment. You don't need to take off your clothes.


Chigusa was already shy enough, but now because of Igarashi's words, the mixed feeling of embarrassment and shyness made her at a loss.

Chapter 404 Liu

The floor master was defeated.

Lyu and Chloe, the two LV4 adventurers on the seventeenth floor, looked at the huge wall of despair that was obviously broken by something, and the ground full of ravines. After a moment of silence, Lyu spoke.

It seems that the Titan was defeated without going through a group battle.

It should be the work of a certain LV6.

Although Igarashi had not been found until now, the two of them were relieved. Either he had returned to the ground or he had reached the eighteenth floor. Chloe stretched.

Go back first? Otherwise Aunt Mia will get angry.

Lyu shook her head slightly, showing an apologetic expression.

I still want to...

I know, that day has come again.

Before Liu finished speaking, Chloe nodded clearly.

Well, if you meet Igarashi on the eighteenth floor, you must tell him that I worked hard to find him.

Okay, be careful when you go back.

The middle level is very dangerous, and acting alone is no different from thinking. However, this principle does not apply to LV4 adventurers. At least in these dozen levels, for LV4, the only thing to consider is the distance.

There will be no monsters on the eighteenth floor, but it is not without monsters. Just as adventurers can travel between floors, monsters can also come to the eighteenth floor from other floors. Perhaps only monsters with a pure heart can find the eighteenth floor. The path to the first floor, maybe the eighteenth floor has the function of concentration and meditation. Although there are monsters here, they will not actively attack adventurers.

This place is a bit like heaven...

Igarashi pondered and looked at the environment on the 18th floor. However, Naza, Ming and Chigusa, who had been following him next to him, made Igarashi a little uncomfortable. Their scrutinizing eyes, guilty eyes, and shy eyes, if it weren't for Igarashi, Lan asked herself that her endurance was excellent, and now it was not as simple as being uncomfortable.

I said, what are your plans next?

You won't just follow yourself like this, right? Igarashi also wanted to find an opportunity to hide the grimoire as a treasure in the dungeon.

We will stay on the 18th floor for the time being. It would be too dangerous to return in the current state.

Since Sakura expressed that she wanted Ming to be the leader, Ming is now trying to proactively think about the pros and cons of things. Faced with Igarashi's question, it didn't take long for Ming to respond.

I'll follow you. The drug store doesn't have much business anyway.

Nazha gave up the drug store neatly. If Mihe heard this, she would probably cry.

In fact, with the current situation of himself and Nazha, they can immediately leave the eighteenth floor and return to the ground, but Igarashi still has something to do, and the weirdness of the eighteenth floor also makes Igarashi want to explore it.

Then let's stay on this level for the time being. I will entrust other returning adventurers to report to God that they are safe.

Well, let's find someone from the Hephaestus Familia.

Things on the ground, including food, daily necessities, equipment, potions, etc., are very valuable on the 18th floor, and the price has increased ten to twenty times, while things in the dungeon, magic crystals, monster drops, herbs, ores, etc. Wait, it’s cabbage price on the 18th floor.

As long as Igarashi is willing to use teleportation magic to travel between the eighteenth floor and the ground, he will probably become rich in just a few days. However, now Igarashi randomly collects some magic crystals, and the Wallis in exchange for them is enough to spend. , but there is no need to run around deliberately for money.

“We welcome colleagues to visit our town.”

Well, looking at the wooden sign on the town gate built by adventurers on the 18th floor, Igarashi felt sincerity. Although it was just a house made of dilapidated wooden boards, it looked like a simple heart... If Igarashi wasn't If you know the prices of things here.

This guy actually ran here...

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