Then let's go. What's wrong, uncle? Are your legs weak?

Igarashi helped up the adventurer who almost fell down with a worried look on his face, as if the action he just put his hand on the adventurer's shoulder was just a greeting between friends.

You bunch of idiots, please pay before leaving!

The adventurers who knew the strength of their companions knew that Igarashi was not the rookie they expected. In addition, Aunt Mia, who was suspected of being a super-advanced adventurer, was watching eagerly from the side. They quickly helped their companions to leave, but were called by Mia. live.

Yes, it is!

After throwing down a bag of money, the group of adventurers fled away.


Lyu is LV4, so he naturally knows that it was Igarashi who secretly used force to make the uncle who was harassing him unable to move. A smile appeared on his originally plain face. The strength shown by Igarashi also made Lyu feel relieved, at least in the future. Within a dozen floors, if you want to escape, there shouldn't be any danger.

Chapter 400 Monster Presents


Don't block the road. Don't blame me if you get cut in half!

With your slow slashing, you won't be able to cut until it's done!

The Loki Familia is collectively attacking the dungeon. It is not an expedition, but they just want to go deep into the dungeon to collect some medicinal herbs. In order to prepare the medicines recorded in the pharmacopoeia, although with the level of LV2 pharmacists in their family, they can only refine medicines to treat injuries. But according to the description of the pharmacist who understood the pharmacopoeia, this recovery potion is ten times more effective than Orario's existing potion. The Loki Familia must give it a try. If this trip can also upgrade the pharmacists in the Familia, that would be great. .

Those guys, what are you agitating about today? Are you trying to set an example for others?

Seeing his fellow members of the clan fighting against monsters so fervently, Chongji Grace was stunned.

It must have been stimulated by a certain adventurer.

The guy who upgraded to LV2 at an incredible speed.

Although Riveria did not become as fanatical as them, she also became eager to upgrade. LV6 has never been the pinnacle of adventurers. When Orario was at its most glorious, the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia had A record of defeating LV10 monsters, although they were also destroyed because of a LV10 monster.

Oh? What happened?

Well, Igarashi, it only took half a month from becoming an adventurer to being officially awarded the title.

I'm going to fuck.

Even Ais, who was leaning towards Sanwu, was stimulated by Riveria's words at this time. Like her companions, she rushed into the group of monsters.

A safe return is more important than anything else, do you understand?

The god wearing wooden clogs was giving instructions to the children of the clan in front of him. Jian Yulei was once a famous god of war in the heaven. Although his children of the clan are not very powerful now, Jian Yulei believes that as long as they are tempered by battle, they will be able to fight. Keep getting stronger.

Yes, let's set off, Lord Jian Yulei.

Enjoying the life of being raised by Igarashi, Hestia is very comfortable now. She can even wander on the street. When she sees Takemurei, whom she met in the heaven, Hestia takes the initiative to step forward. Hum, so do I. He is a member of the family, and even if Igarashi doesn't show off his god-like combat power, he is the fastest person to reach LV2.

Hestia was so proud of herself, but she completely ignored the fact that Igarashi had no gift at all. The so-called upgrade only required him to change his disguise.

Oh, are those the children of your family?


“Are they targeting the middle class?”

Well, that traveler over there shouldn't give in too much.

Igarashi has already made a magic book, which records magic from LV1 to LV10. There are three volumes in total. It is similar to the pharmacopoeia and is not a one-time consumable. At the same time, Igarashi has added thicker rules to it than the pharmacopoeia. Now , just need a chance, Igarashi can let the magic book flow into Orario.

However, there are only attack magic, summoning, healing, auxiliary, and control magic in the grimoire, but there are none. This is another consideration of Igarashi.

After the thirteenth floor of the dungeon, the number of monsters no longer appears in waves of two or three as before. If the adventurers stay in place, they will be constantly attacked by monsters, and the terrain is no longer like the previous floors. It is so flat, with numerous cliffs, and dead ends from time to time. While fighting monsters, adventurers must pay attention to their steps, otherwise they may slip and fall to their death.

In such an environment, Igarashi and Lily were able to deal with the monsters with ease. Since he had upgraded to LV2, Igarashi simply added the fireball spell to the magic column of the disguised gift on his back, and then without any scruples When using magic in front of Lily, even weapons are rarely used.

But the sword, which was just a drop from the LV1 Goblin, is no longer of much use. It’s time to buy a new one. Uh, is it possible that I have to go to the Hephaestus Familia? I always accept other people's equipment. Next time, bring a gift to Hephaestus.

On the other side, the people of the Jianyu Lei Family were escaping. The number of people had been significantly reduced compared to when they entered the dungeon before, and the remaining ones were either injured or obviously exhausted.

They fled all the way from deeper layers. Because the noise of their footsteps was too loud, they were chased by more and more monsters. But if they stopped here, they would be surrounded by monsters again. In their current state, there is only one way to die. This is Dead end.

The newly added monster, the Unicorn Rabbit, was the closest to everyone in the Jianyu Thunder Family. It jumped around with agile movements. The rabbit holding an ax confused the hearing and hearing of the team members, toying with them while they were clapping, and then a stone ax suddenly flew over. , causing another person in the team to be injured.

Damn it! You go first, and I will leave the rear to you.

A girl let her tied black hair sway in the wind and left the evacuating team. In order to protect her companions, she stood behind alone and swung her long knife to kill the closest horned rabbit with extremely fast movements.

Sorry for burdening you.

Kashima Sakura, the leader of the clan, is named after Sakura, but he is a tall man. This time the clan is in dire straits. No matter what, as the leader, he has the greatest responsibility, and now he must also shoulder the responsibility of the leader. The obligation is to bring the remaining people back to the surface!

Oops, Cerberus appears again.

In a desperate situation, Captain Sakura suddenly discovered that two lonely people appeared on the thirteenth floor. Her originally cramped steps paused slightly, and Sakura gradually became expressionless.

Go through them, fate.

Yamato Ming was the girl who had cut off the queen alone before. After hearing the leader's words, Ming's expression changed.

Master Captain, if this is the case...

Compared to strangers, your lives are more important! If this makes you sick, you can scold me all you want when you return to the ground.

A group of guys whose clothing style was obviously different from ordinary adventurers, but very uniform, ran past him.

With Igarashi's physical ability, he listened to their conversation word for word. He glanced at the Kenyu Thunder Familia who had his head lowered and seemed to have no face to look at him. Igarashi looked behind them.

Oops, those people lured the monster here.

Lily had a look of panic on her face as she looked at the group of monsters getting closer and closer. How could two people save their lives when they were being chased by a hungry leopard at the same time? Just run faster than the other person.

It's a gift from a monster!

Chapter 401 Rescue Team

The Jianyu Lei Family walked away, and after the monster's target changed to Igarashi, they left this floor safely.

In fact, Jian Yulei is somewhat of a divine friend of Hestia. Seeing Jian Yulei's family in dire straits, Igarashi is not afraid to show a little bit of his strength to help them, but treating himself as a victim like this makes Igarashi a little unhappy. .

Lord Igarashi, let's run!

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