The girl's voice of shame and anger floated far away, and Igarashi's heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment. Naturally, Hestia and Lily had left long ago, otherwise Igarashi wouldn't have done something so easily misunderstood. Well ...Actually, Chloe, the cat girl, is indeed very charming.

The increase in strength brings not only a change in combat power, but the strong have more. Just as almost all gods are handsome men and beautiful women, Igarashi, whose combat power continues to increase, has already reached the level of a god in appearance. It’s just that most of the people he meets are not ordinary people. They have a firm mind and are not so easily influenced. However, just now, Igarashi maliciously released a little of the law that he had always suppressed. There is a huge gap between his strength and his own. Chloe was instantly affected.

Oh, the law of release and recovery will not affect Chloe's mind, but it will affect her mood. She must be very uncomfortable now. Little kitten girl, you dare to talk nonsense to me. It is really unreasonable.

However, Chloe said that she would be very busy tomorrow, which should be true. She and Hephaestus went to the dungeon before and did not tell her in advance. Although the girl was very considerate and said that she didn't need to worry about it, Igarashi always wanted to As for how to make up for it, it would be okay to go to the tavern to help.

Chapter 393 Shura Field?

When Igarashi returned to the church, he found that Hestia and Lily were trying very hard to pretend to be asleep on the bed. Igarashi didn't really have any intention of exposing his poor acting skills, so he was happy and leisurely, and returned quietly. Arrive at your room and spend a rare peaceful night.

The next day, Igarashi went to the Hostess of Plenty pub as planned. Before he entered the door, he saw Xier running towards him.

Mr. Igarashi.

The girl who hugged Igarashi's arm intimately, raised her head with a shy and timid blush on her pretty face, and spoke in a pleasant voice.

I really want to see you.

Just like a lover reunited after a long separation, the Xi'er in front of him was filled with happiness. However, Igarashi felt that things were not simple. In fact, he and Xi'er saw each other almost every day. In addition, yesterday Chloe said that she would be working today. It will be very busy. Igarashi's eyes narrowed. Doesn't Xier also want her to help?

Bowls and plates with various soups are piled up in the pool, and the tastes of various foods are mixed together. If you just talk about one of them, they are all appetizing delicacies, and they are all mouth-watering. The aroma, but when mixed together, it is not a positive energy thing at all. Coupled with the residual oil and water, it is a kind of torture to both sight and smell.

And it is this mountain of things that Igarashi has to face.

You want me to wash the dishes...

I'm sorry, because I was lazy at work yesterday... because I fell behind on something, I was scolded by Aunt Mia, so as a punishment...

Xi'er was also a little embarrassed. What Igarashi had to face was that they had to work for most of the morning.

I'm sorry, Mr. Igarashi, please.

It seems that Xi'er has mastered Igarashi's weakness. She acted cute and ran away briskly after offering a sweet smile. The job in the tavern is not just about washing dishes.


Anyway, I was here to help, so I should just concentrate on washing the dishes.


Originally, Igarashi thought that he would be alone for a long time, but the situation was unexpected. There was only one person in the kitchen, but another beautiful figure appeared. He naturally picked up the piled plates and started cleaning them.

It's so cruel. Let me help.

The tavern did not open for business in the early morning. It was quiet. Igarashi and the elf girl Lyu were washing dishes. The atmosphere was vaguely warm and harmonious.

Have you ever thought about teaming up with someone?

Perhaps he was aware of the increasingly ambiguous atmosphere, or perhaps he was not used to the too long silence, but Lyu kept moving his hands, but he stirred up the topic.

Although he didn't know Lyu's intention, Igarashi didn't hide it.

If I form a team, I now have a supporter in the family who can assist me.

Supporters... If adventurers want to level up, they need to gain merit. Specifically, they need to defeat powerful opponents. It is difficult under normal circumstances, but if you form a team and learn from each other's strengths, it is not difficult to accomplish.

What Lyu is talking about now is the method for adventurers to upgrade. God has given a gift. All adventurers are initially at LV1. There will be some differences due to personal physiques, but it is certain that LV2 is stronger than LV1. If you want to upgrade, there is no other choice. To improve the attributes beyond A, you must have enough achievements, such as defeating LV2 monsters at LV1.

It turns out that Lyu wanted to form a team with others. In fact, Igarashi's combat power has long been beyond the scope of adventurers, and he has no gifts. He doesn't need to upgrade, and he doesn't really want to form a team. For Igarashi, For me, it's just one more person to take care of.

You are an adventurer, and you will have your own adventure one day, but my feelings are often inaccurate.

When the word adventurer was mentioned, Lyu's eyes showed the color of memories, then he smiled lightly and ended the topic in a self-deprecating manner.

Adventurer? Although I am not an adventurer in the traditional sense of Oralele, I am indeed an adventurer who travels through various worlds. An adventure of my own? always have.

Xi'er, who had been leaning against the outside wall of the kitchen and eavesdropping on the conversation between Lyu and Igarashi since a while ago, had a depressed look on her face. She was not an adventurer, but just a little person in the Orarili tavern. They are just employees. As an adventurer, if Igarashi has any problems, it should be solved by Lyu, who was once a high-level adventurer.

Xie'er? What are you doing?

Chloe had always known that Igarashi was coming, but the last thing that happened yesterday made her not sure what attitude she should take towards that guy. She was hesitating in the tavern when she saw Xier. What happened? Xi'er is here, who is washing the dishes and talking to Igarashi, spending their time together?

Ah I……

Igarashi and Lyu were in the kitchen. If they explained to Chloe at the door like this, they would definitely be discovered. Xi'er looked serious, pulled Chloe and ran away.

That troublesome guy!

Before leaving, Chloe glanced at Igarashi who was washing dishes with Lyu in the kitchen. She raised her eyebrows and suddenly felt an unknown anger in her heart. If she hadn't been pulled by Xi'er, she would definitely be fifty-year-old now. Arashi is good-looking... Tsk, I don't seem to have a reason to reprimand Igarashi.

Xie'er, are you just looking at me like this?

Chloe's words of hatred made Xi'er shake her head slightly.

Lyu was once a high-level adventurer. She can help Igarashi.

I was also a high-level adventurer. Do you mean that it doesn't matter even if Igarashi and I stand so close together?

Chloe's overly intense reaction made Xi'er blink in a daze, at a loss.

Even if Chloe is not the kind of girl who is very considerate, she still understands that she made a mistake. Even Xier herself is not as anxious as she appears. What is wrong with her? Tsk, it must be because that guy yesterday was shameless. if.

But Chloe can't just complain to Xi'er like this. If she hadn't followed Igarashi, there would have been no follow-up development. Originally, Chloe didn't care much about stalking, but now that she thinks about it, she doesn't care about Igarashi. Didn't she show too much concern? Even Xi'er just prepared a lunch.

Chapter 394 Gift

Mr. Igarashi, God-sama asked me to tell you that you can go to the Hephaestus Familia to get together in your free time.

Igarashi, one of my family members in Tianqing Pharmacy really wants to see you. If you have time, go and see her.

Hello, God invites you to visit the upper level of the Tower of Babel.

Not long after the interval, Igarashi received invitations from members of the Hephaestus Familia, as well as from the god Mihe and another Familia with no clear origin. Since the last trip to the dungeon to repair the Sword of Glory, he It's true that Hephaestus hasn't been seen for a long time. Speaking of which, he repaired the injury on her face, and Hephaestus should be doing well now.

As for Tianqing Pharmacy, although he cured Nazha's hand, he also created a pharmacopoeia. Once the medicine in the pharmacopoeia appears in Orario's market, the business of Tianqing Pharmacy will definitely be affected, so he still needs to find a pharmacopoeia. This is an opportunity for Nazha to learn how to prepare some powerful enough potions.

And the last invitation... The most famous Familia living in the Tower of Babel is only the Freya Familia. Since the last monster riot, Freya has not done anything for a long time, and Igarashi almost forgot about her. , now Freya has once again proved her sense of existence.

Tsk, I didn’t expect that my popularity was quite high. Igarashi shook his head and walked directly towards the Hephaestus Familia in accordance with the first-come, first-served principle.

You finally came.

Hephaestus's tone sounded a little plaintive to Igarashi, and she blinked innocently. Igarashi's eyes were fixed on Hephaestus' still covered face.

I'm not from the Hephaestus family, how could I come here casually...

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