Remembering that when he first arrived at the door of the Hephaestus Familia, there was no obstruction at all. It seemed that Hephaestus had informed the family members in advance. Igarashi knew that this reason was not very convincing, so he quickly changed the topic. .

Isn't your injury healed? Why are you still wearing a mask?

The injury on her face was indeed healed. Igarashi even confirmed it again with her mental power just now. In order to make this deal with herself, Hephaestus was even willing to risk being sent back to heaven to release her divine power. Now After she recovered, she still wore a mask. Igarashi could no longer see through her thoughts.

...I'm used to wearing a mask.

Turning her head unnaturally to avoid Igarashi's sight, Hephaestus continued hesitantly.

If you want to see it, I can take it off now.

At this time, Igarashi already understood Hephaestus' attitude towards him. The other party had said so. It would be unkind for him to refuse again. Moreover, Igarashi still wanted to confirm again whether Hephaestus's injury was Really healed.


The flawless face of Hephaestus, who took off the mask, was once again displayed in front of Igarashi. The sacred and moving face did not make people feel inaccessible because of the shy blush, but instead added a bit of approachability. In terms of appearance, the perfect Hephaestus at this time was not inferior to any god.

It's perfect, it looks great.

Igarashi was not stingy with his words of praise, and these light words also made the shy Hephaestus put on the mask again to cover up the increasingly obvious blush on his face. The goddess was in the room. Ikkaku took out a box and held it in front of Igarashi.

This is the equipment I built for you.

As if afraid that Igarashi would not accept it, Hephaestus continued to explain.

I know that with your combat power, you will not encounter any danger in the dungeon, but it seems that you do not intend to reveal your true combat power. If a new adventurer always enters the dungeon without wearing armor, people will pay attention. .”

What was in the box was a suit of light armor. The silver-white body was dotted with streaks of red that were the same as Hephaestus's hair. It was like a work of art. In terms of strength, Igarashi's eyes could tell that it was probably at LV4. Igarashi naturally knows that it is an unexpected thing for a low-level adventurer to wear high-level equipment. Hephaestus has considered it very carefully. It is not that LV4 is not high-level, but that most people cannot see that this equipment is real at all. quality.


The deal was over long ago. The equipment Hephaestus gave him was completely a gift, and it would not be a burden like heavy armor. I didn't expect Hephaestus to be such a considerate person.

Just try it.

Hephaestus made the armor according to her impression of Igarashi's figure. Now she naturally wants to see how effective it is. This kind of armor that is not full coverage does not require Igarashi to change clothes, which is not a big deal. taboo.

After just groping for a while, Igarashi understood where these iron pieces should be equipped. After putting them on one by one, he moved a little and Igarashi nodded.

It fits you very well. If you give me this gift, I have to think about how to give you a gift in return.

Ah, no, no, I just want to give you something... um.

Originally seeing Igarashi who had a bit more iron-blooded aura because of his armor, Hephaestus smiled subconsciously on his face. After hearing Igarashi's words, he waved his hands repeatedly, but suddenly realized that what he said seemed easy. It made people think crookedly, and what was crooked happened to be Hephaestus's true heart. The panicked goddess began to talk about him.

Well, you haven't explored the dungeon today, have you? Go try the defense of this armor!

Hephaestus was pretending to let Igarashi explore the dungeon, and made excuses to let Igarashi leave, so that he would not realize that his shy mood was true. However, Igarashi, who realized this, excused himself empathetically. Because the other party invited me this time, I didn't use unconventional means such as portals and walked out normally.

Is that... the armor that Lord God gave him?

A gift? Why do you think it's a gift?

Seeing the extra equipment on Igarashi who left Hephaestus' office room, several blacksmiths from Hephaestus's family whispered.

Think about it, our family's equipment is so expensive. Even if Igarashi is an adventurer around LV2, he can't afford it. Hestia's family doesn't have that much money, so most of the time it's given as a gift.

It's true what you said. Is it possible that Lord Kami is also wooing Igarashi?

This should be it!

Chapter 395 The girl’s thanks

If Soma is the most unhappy person living among the gods Igarashi has seen in the lower world, then Mih is the busiest. Even Hestia enjoyed it before being kicked out by Hephaestus. Mihe has been living a life of eating and waiting for death for a long time, but from the first time Igarashi met him until now, he has been running for life. The great god has no idea where he went to buy medicinal herbs. .

A few days ago, there was an explosive increase in the sales of Tianqing Pharmacy. This was due to the newly obtained pharmacopoeia of the Loki Familia and the influence of Nazha's suddenly intact right hand. Now it is confirmed that Nazha just drank a bottle from the underground city. After removing the potion from the ruins, all the adventurers' attention was attracted by the Loki Familia, and the Tianqing Pharmacy became deserted again.

Nazha, who was lying on the counter out of boredom, perked up slightly when she saw someone entering the store. After she saw the person clearly, her face showed a look of joy and complaint.

Igarashi, it's not easy to meet you. Hey, your equipment is pretty good.

Orario has no shortage of adventurers wearing various types of equipment, but compared to other heavy armors that are a bit clumsy just for defense, Igarashi's equipment is quite nice.

Well, a good man gave it to me.

A good person? How can there be such a good person?

Seeing the contentment on Igarashi's face, Naza recalled her memory of him directly giving her the magic medicine that could regenerate severed limbs, and quickly warned her.

Be careful, don't be deceived. This armor won't be poisoned, right? Kill people and steal treasures or something.

Why is this little girl so mentally dark?

Igarashi glanced at Naza speechlessly and decided to let the girl experience the beauty of the world.

How could it be? I don't have any treasures. This was built for me by one person. Didn't you see that this armor fits well?

Fits well?

Nazha took a closer look at this good-looking armor, but the seriousness in her eyes became even more obvious.

To be courteous for nothing, to be either an adulterer or a thief, it seems that person has a big intention. Speaking of which, is that guy a boy or a girl?


Igarashi was speechless. In fact, what Nazha said made sense. It was just what Hephaestus wanted. In fact, Igarashi was very willing to give it.

Woman, seeing Igarashi's reaction, Nazha was sure that she was a woman, and she was probably a very attractive beauty. Hey, he is really a guy with lots of love. There is nothing he can do about it, with such an appearance. With a personality like this, no wonder girls like him.

Although she is full of good (enemies) and strange (interests) towards Igarashi's confidante, Nazha doesn't want her chance to get along with Igarashi to be ruined because of someone.

As an adventurer, you should be careful about monster sneak attacks, you should not trust supporters or other adventurers too much, and you should collect enough information before exploring the dungeon. Naza and Igarashi talked a lot about it.

Although with Igarashi's strength, almost everything Naza said was of little effect, but seeing the girl reminding herself of her broken arm experience from time to time, Igarashi couldn't show contempt and could only Accept the girl's teachings honestly.

Yes, yes, I have gained something in the dungeon recently. It's the same floor where I got the potion last time. I picked up a page. See if it's useful.

Igarashi said this and took out a piece of paper that looked ordinary. In fact, it was the product of Igarashi's extremely streamlined pharmacopoeia. It included powerful medicines for treating injuries and even allowing people to regenerate lost limbs or... It is a magical medicine that temporarily improves combat power.

This is?!

Naza, who was just roughly looking at what Igarashi handed over, her eyes widened after a moment. This turned out to be a similar book to the pharmacopoeia obtained by the Loki Familia that was widely circulated in Orario.

Why are you……

The last time Igarashi gave her a potion, Nazha could regard it as just Igarashi being ignorant, but he was too hasty, and he was just not scheming enough. But now, when Igarashi gives this potion that is of inestimable value, When the paper was handed to her, Naza already understood that Igarashi was not the fool she thought, and he was going out of his way to help her.

This seems to be a tool for teaching people how to prepare potions. You are the only person I know who is a pharmacist.

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