Lord God, do you know God Hestia?

Mihe once again returned to Tianqing Pharmacy with the materials for making potions, and was greeted by Nazha's question. Looking at those eyes that contained expectations, Mihe answered subconsciously.

Well, I was a divine friend when I was in heaven, and I had several interactions with Igarashi from her family before.

Very good!

Nazha's face, which had always looked weary of the world, now showed a look of unabashed joy. After a moment, she realized this and hurriedly restrained her expression.

Well, can Igarashi come to Tianqing Pharmacy?

God Mihe glanced at Naza meaningfully. As a god of the dependent clan, Mihe naturally understood the character of his children. It seemed that Igarashi was brought up by Naza on his own initiative, which seemed to mean a lot to her.

If I meet Igarashi or Hestia, I will tell them, but whether I come or not depends on Igarashi's opinion.

At least Mihe agreed. Nazha breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly explained while looking at her god's eyes full of meaning.

Ah, look, he brought me the potion last time and healed my hand. I should repay him. For now, I can only tell him some things that adventurers need to pay attention to, etc...

Yes, yes, I understand.

In return, I'm afraid he plans to commit himself to me. Although most gods are disgusted by the children of their own clan falling in love with people from other clans, Hestia is his god friend in the first place, and Igarashi is indeed a charming person. Mihe didn't have any objections to the people, and with Igarashi's potential, even the gods who had a bad relationship with Hestia would probably approve of the contact between the children of the family members and Igarashi.

Generally speaking, Igarashi would go to the dungeon in the morning, collect Xier's lunch box when passing by the Housemistress of Plenty pub, return in the evening, return the lunch box, and if there was a chance, he would stay and eat for them. make some contribution to the turnover.

But Ais resolutely arranged the combat training at night. For this reason, Igarashi had to bear the pressure from Seele, Hestia and Lily. When he said that he had something to do at night, they looked at him with suspicion. Now Igarashi Lan still remembers it clearly.

Now he was being followed by Hestia, Lily, and Chloe Lolo, the black cat girl.

Xie'er, concentrate on your work, and leave your boyfriend's affairs to me!

Thinking of what he had heard from afar before, Chloe's promise to Seele, Igarashi felt a little funny. They were all employees of the tavern, Seele had to work, and so did Chloe, but yet he came out to spy on him so actively. , as expected, I still want to skip work.

Speaking of which, what exactly are you going to do?

Meeting a young and beautiful girl at a certain place in a silent night is just like a date. However, Ais's character and the three followers behind her make it impossible for Igarashi and Ais to take this opportunity to have an affair. What an ambiguous thing.

What should I do...

Ais is now wearing the armor that is only equipped when exploring dungeons. She looks very formal, but unfortunately her performance is very cute.

I've been thinking about what to do since before.

Seeing the long sword at Igarashi's waist, Ais's eyes lit up as she had been having no idea.

Your weapon is a sword, just like me.

Ais's weapon is the Indestructible Sword, a sword with indestructible attributes. Although it is extremely advanced, it is not blessed by any laws. It is just strong enough. It is not indestructible. It is just an exaggeration. However, compared to Igarashi's current weapon The Goblin fang sword is so high!

Looking at Ais making a few moves with the Sword of Immortality, Igarashi knew that she was showing him how she usually fought. Well, there was no ruthlessness in fighting at all, and she was just naturally stupid.


Whether she sensed the smile in Igarashi's eyes or discovered the opponent's flaw, Aisi quickly raised her leg to sweep towards Igarashi's cheek, only to find that he dodged it with just a tilt of his head.

Meeting for a fight in the middle of the night?

Hestia, who was watching not far away, widened her eyes at the scene in front of her. She thought it was some kind of date. In fact, when Ais appeared, she almost rushed out, but luckily Lily held her back. But now, what do you see? How dare Ais attack her lovely Igarashi?

Chapter 392 Even the little kitten girl dares to be presumptuous


Seeing Igarashi dodge her kick, Aisi blinked her eyes, then dodged, quickly ran behind Igarashi, turned the indestructible sword and pointed the hilt at Igarashi's back. Photographed it.

She was really stupid. Aisi looked like she would not give up until she was knocked down. But even so, Igarashi did not intend to show weakness on purpose. Like a prophet who predicted the unknown, Igarashi used the same speed as ordinary people to strike again. Evaded Ais's attack.

……what are they doing?

In Chloe's eyes, Ais is a first-class super adventurer, while Igarashi is just a newcomer with good potential. Even if he is suspected of reaching LV2, he is only LV2 and cannot be Ais's opponent. What do you see now? Igarashi avoided Aiz's attack so easily? Sure enough, they are not fighting or training, but playing like a couple. Well, write it down and show it to Igarashi. Will there be a servant who obeys his words? The plan will pass. .

Once, twice, three times.

Ais attacks again and again, and Igarashi dodges in slow motion that can be seen clearly by ordinary people. This time, even Hestia can see that something is wrong. She knows that with Igarashi's combat power, It's easy to deal with Ais, but showing it so obviously will definitely make Ais suspicious. If Ais spreads it everywhere, won't she let other shameless gods compete with her for Igarashi? Ah, no, wouldn't it make Igarashi the target of public criticism?

...It seems you don't need my training.

After looking at Igarashi and leaving these emotionless words, Ais turned around and left.

Igarashi could clearly see that there was no anger on Aiz's face, but annoyance that made her frown. She opened her mouth, but Igarashi realized that he had no reason to say anything to stay, Wait a minute, You can train me”.

Let's do it again, I was too serious just now, hey, if you really say these words, you are really stupid.

Originally, Igarashi thought that when the so-called training was over, the three peeping guys should leave. Unexpectedly, Hestia and Lily did leave. They wanted to go back to the church first so as not to find out when Igarashi returned. There was no one, but the cat girl Chloe actually appeared in front of him.

Hey, Mr. Igarashi, I saw it.

Looking at Chloe, who was smiling like she had caught something, Igarashi was a little helpless. This dignified LV4 adventurer seemed to have little eyesight. Couldn't he see that the one just now was not only not a date, but also a date? Parting on bad terms?

Yes, yes, you caught me, I'm so scared.

Chloe didn't notice Igarashi's nonchalant attitude at all. She touched her smooth chin and thought seriously about how to use this to benefit herself.

It's okay to be afraid. Well... I have a lot of work tomorrow. I need help. What should I do~

Igarashi even felt that as long as she was careful, the cat girl in front of her would not notice that she had been sold to him. She actually got carried away because she had grasped the so-called handle.

That's really hard on you.

Igarashi complained and planned to leave. If he stayed any longer, Igarashi suspected that he would be influenced by the other party. He really believed that he had some leverage or that his IQ was brought to the same level as hers.

Hey, don't leave.

He grabbed Igarashi's arm, but it didn't happen as Chloe expected, pulling Igarashi back. Instead, he was pulled forward by the other party, and gave me a gesture that was not elegant at all. Julan delivers a headbutt to the back.

Ugh, you guy! Go to the store tomorrow to help, otherwise you're doomed!

How could a person with such self-respect as Igarashi tolerate someone bossing him around, even a stupid beautiful girl?

With a flick of his arm, he changed from being held by Chloe to grabbing Chloe's jade hand, and a frivolous smile appeared on Igarashi's face.

Actually, I wasn't on a date with Ais just now. What you call a handle doesn't exist. However, I don't mind creating a handle on the spot to date you or something like that.

The development of the matter was completely beyond Chloe's expectation. The girl's eyes widened as she looked at Igarashi, who had a very different image from the simple, kind and good man he used to be. Normally, she would normally do something like this in such a situation. It was only right to use the strength of a LV4 adventurer to punch the opponent in the face. However, Igarashi now gave himself a strange feeling, like a poison that people can't help but approach despite knowing the danger. This situation made Chloe Yi was at a loss and slammed away Igarashi's hand. Hongxia, with half anger and half shame on her pretty face, left angrily.

It's a beautiful thought.

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