Igarashi is indeed quite nervous. Even if a god declares his own divine power, the laws and related divine rights are not ineffective. If Loki sees that he has the same combat power as a god, will he be sealed like a god? As for power, it is still treated as an uneasy factor. Loki, Freya, and Igarashi can stop it. However, there is a more powerful god in the center of this city.

Then you have to have a good meal to calm down. Don't worry, if there is a conflict in the store, Sister Mia will not sit idly by and ignore it.

Xi'er was a waiter after all, and she spent too much time talking to Igarashi. After she finished speaking, she was dragged to the kitchen to wash dishes by the cat-eared girl with an angry look on her face.

You'd better leave as soon as no one is paying attention. Otherwise, some people may use their brains to teach you a lesson to please the Loki Family, although even Bert won't appreciate it.

The elf girl who walked over calmly reminded her kindly, but Igarashi shook his head slightly.

Your name is Liu, right? Xi'er just introduced you to me. Thank you for reminding me. I've already experienced running away once, and I don't want to experience it a second time.

The escape I have experienced is facing a god in another world who can reset everything, a god stronger than the one currently seen in this world.

Take care of yourself.

The reminder only needed once, and looking at Igarashi's calm appearance, he should be able to rely on it. Lyu didn't say anything more and walked away silently.

Chapter 367 Send you on your way

Except for Loki, everyone in this hotel is weak.

Bert unintentionally uttered arrogant words when he was drunk. Igarashi could tolerate it, but if someone else seeks death with pure malice in the future...

Pack these things up and take them away.


Xi'er seemed to know the seriousness of the matter from Liu, looking at Igarashi but hesitating to speak. She even hoped that Igarashi would stay in the store for the time being, but Sister Mia refused, saying that Igarashi would not I was hurt by the noobs who didn't wink, but in the eyes of Sister Mia, the rookies were at least the same LV1 as Igarashi.

Seeing Igarashi leaving, two tables of adventurers also stood up, saluted the Loki Familia, and left in a hurry.

Burt, you have to deal with the trouble you caused. The Loki Family has never been a bully.

The one who spoke this time was Finn, the little human who had been smiling and trying to ease the atmosphere. He looked young, but he was actually in his forties. He was also the leader of the Familia. Now he, It also showed the courage of the group leader, with a serious look on his face.

I'll go ahead. Bert is drunk now. Don't do anything unnecessary again.

Another old man with wrinkles and beard, the dwarf Grace planned to take action himself.

You don't need to go, what Ais said should be true.

Loki still maintained her squinting posture, but her face no longer had the casual smile before. However, her seriousness did not last long, and she hugged Ais very affectionately.

Hey, that Hestia guy seems to have found a good person, but Estan is not allowed to fall in love with him. Estan is mine!


Aisi has become accustomed to the lily actions of her own gods, and skillfully raised her fists to beat the self-proclaimed god to the ground, while the others fell into silence. Is what Aisi said true? A newcomer who could kill Milo Taurus unscathed?

Boy, did you deliberately walk on such an uninhabited road? Did you know that we were following you? You looked at me with a wink, and let us take you to the Loki Familia to make amends. But before that, listening to their conversation, you seemed to have defeated LV2. Milotaurus? He has a magic weapon, right? Hand it over too, not to mention it is a magic weapon that can only be used once.

What if I say no?

Looking at the six people who appeared in front of him and their ferocious and excited faces, Igarashi was a little amused. A group of LV1 people dared to follow a person who was said to have defeated a LV2 monster.

Then break your limbs and send you to the dungeon to be used as monster feed.

Two teams of people came, but the people of one team did not come to please Loki's family, but came to seize the treasure based on the principle of preferring to believe what they have rather than what they don't have.

Magic weapons, is that what it is?

Seeing the dazzling staff in Igarashi's hand, although it was a little strange why a LV1 adventurer would use the staff as a weapon. This is not a level that can possess magic or skills, but it is obviously an extremely advanced thing. ah.

Boy, that's right, give it to me.

No, give it to me!

Before they could get the magic weapons, the two teams started fighting among themselves.

Okay, enough fussing, I'll send you on your way.

Putting the artifact-level staff in his hand back on impulse, a purple-black flame suddenly ignited in Igarashi's hand. With a flick, the flames turned into raging flames in mid-air, but because of the color, they could not be seen in this dark night. It was inconspicuous and swallowed up the adventurer in front of him in an instant. There was no sound, no struggle, and there was nothing else except the face with fear that turned into ashes in an instant.

It turns out that the high-end equipment of the King of the Undead can also be regarded as magic weapons in this world, although the magic weapons in this world are consumables.

Where has that Igarashi guy gone? Could it be that this is it...

Carrying the dinner specially brought for Hestia, Igarashi returned to the church and saw Hestia's pretty face with obvious sadness and murmuring.

I'm back.

Hestia, who followed the sound, saw Igarashi coming back. Her original sad expression disappeared, and she couldn't help but smile, but then she puffed up her mouth.

You and the one named Xi'er had a great time eating, right?

Actually, I eat it alone. This is the dinner I brought to the Lord God, and I also invited the great God Hestia to enjoy it.

Igarashi's pretentious gesture of respect made Hestia blush. She took the paper bag filled with food from Igarashi, but Hestia was easily coaxed into smiling by Igarashi.

By the way, how long does it take to upgrade from LV1 to LV2?

Hestia, who was happily eating delicious food, felt a little strange when she heard Igarashi's sudden words.

Why do you care about this? Aren't you unable to accept gifts?

I plan to explore the lower level. If it is still LV1, it may be a bit abrupt.

The lower level Igarashi mentioned was of course not just a dozen levels, but deeper.

...Do you know how long it took the so-called genius Ais to reach LV2?

how long?

One year! Do you want to change the level of the disguise on your back to LV2? Compared with exploring the depths of the dungeon at LV1, compared with not being able to accept favors, it would be more shocking to upgrade from LV1 to LV2 in three days, okay?!

Hestia said excitedly, taking a breath to calm down, and looked at Igarashi with inquiring eyes.

What is your strength? You simply said that you want to become LV2. If converted into levels, your strength should be more than LV3, right? LV4? Could it be that you are LV5, which belongs to the top adventurers?

Seeing Hestia's excited expression at the end, Igarashi had no intention of telling her the truth.

Well, I can definitely serve the gods well anyway.

Igarashi, Igarashi... Is there any hero named Five? No, could it be Igarashi? Or is it Igarashi? Is it a fake name?

Unable to ask the answer, Hestia pondered in distress, and after a moment she chose to give up, looking at the unremarkable standard long sword that had appeared on Igarashi's waist in the past few days.

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