Is your weapon a sword? This sword is too ordinary.

My favorite weapon was the Sword of Glory, which was also the strongest weapon I owned. However, it broke.

Thinking of the Sword of Glory that had accompanied him in two worlds but was broken due to a battle he led, Igarashi couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Yes, this sword is quite ordinary, but I can't use a good weapon now.

This is not possible...

Seeing Igarashi's unconcerned look, Hestia secretly shook her head, remembering a certain divine friend who had taken her in for a long time, and silently made up her mind.

Chapter 368 Request

Igarashi, I'm going out for the next two or three days.

Going out for two or three days? Igarashi thought about it carefully and raised his head to look at Hestia.

Participating in the feast of the gods?

There are no regulations on which god will hold the conference and when it will be held. It is just held by the gods who want to hold it and participated by gods who want to participate. This fully demonstrates the capriciousness and unrestrainedness of divinity. .

Yes, there is no other way. Only gods can participate in the feast of gods, and they cannot take you with them.

Hestia actually doesn't like to attend such gatherings, because her proud figure will always be ridiculed by Loki's tablet. The key is that she didn't have a family at the time, and she didn't have the capital to fight with Loki. Although she does now Although Igarashi is still far behind the Loki Familia, the current main goal is to find Hephaestus and build a weapon for Igarashi.

Then let me prepare a dress for you.

Hestia trusts her, and Igarashi can clearly feel this. Although it cannot be said that a drop of kindness will be repaid by a spring, at least, he should shoulder the responsibilities that a family member should bear.


Hestia originally wanted to refuse, but when she saw Igarashi's determined look, she smiled softly and nodded.

At the feast of God held by the god Ganesha, except for the waiters from the Ganesha family who kept walking through the banquet, placing food and arranging the environment, everyone present was a god.

Good evening, Hestia.

Freya, who has attracted countless eyes since her appearance, is now wearing a pure white dress, which highlights her beautiful figure. Looking at Hestia who seems to be looking for some god, Freya's face shows elegance. smile.


I can't talk to her. Whether it's personality, figure, or family members, she is completely different. I can't talk to her.

Hestia had a dead eye, looking unmotivated.

You and I can't get along!

Hestia's blunt attitude did not make Freya show any dissatisfaction at all, and she still had that elegant smile on her face.

I like this about you very much. This dress was prepared for you by your dependents, right?

The blue and white dress that perfectly suited Hestia's temperament made the gods who were accustomed to Hestia feasting on banquets stunned. Hestia, who was always known for eating and waiting to die, when did she do this? Got money.

That's right, hey, he's a kid I like very much, but I won't tell you his name.

Even if she and Freya didn't have much dealing with each other, Hestia couldn't help but smile proudly when the topic came to Igarashi, and Freya's expression, which had not changed much before, narrowed her eyes.

Loki, who was wearing a black dress, ran over with a very different behavior from the elegant Freya, and the first words he said to Hestia were tit for tat.

Freya~Little Douding!

You guy, what are you doing here?

Why, what does it have to do with you? Damn Douding.

Tsk, Tablet God!

Hestia's height and Loki's breasts are the opposites of each other. When the two gods met, they skillfully pointed out each other's shortcomings.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen you in a dress for a long time.

Freya who was standing aside did not stop the fight. Even because of the presence of a certain person, Freya hoped that Hestia and Loki would fight as fiercely as possible. Loki rarely attended banquets, and when he attended banquets, he wore Wearing a formal dress is a rare occasion in several years.

Yes, because we heard that a little Doudin was coming to attend the banquet, so we made a special trip to confront the poor god. Unexpectedly, Little Doudin was actually wearing a dress, and it was a high-end item worth tens of thousands of Wallis.

Tens of thousands of wallis? The dress was prepared by Igarashi. In Hestia's eyes, she was reluctant to part with a dress worth several thousand Wallis, but she didn't expect it to be worth tens of thousands of Wallis. Thinking of the guy who handed the dress to her casually, Hestia was angry and moved at the same time, but the Loki in front of her was the perfect person to vent her anger on.

What? You didn't expect it, did you come here to humiliate yourself? With your lonely breasts~ahhahaha

Hestia has a childish face and big breasts, while Loki has a flat face. There are excuses for everything else, but this one is too fatal!

Loki was repulsed and left with a sad look on his face.

Like this again, Hestia.

She was obviously a mature sister, but as if she had lost her strength, Hestia turned around. What caught her eyes was red hair that seemed to be on fire, a red dress, slender lines, a heroic face, and... There is a leather cloth that covers half of the face.

Hephaestus! You are indeed right, I am anxious to see you!

Meet me? The dirty talk comes first. I won't even borrow money from Wallis.

How rude. Do I look like a god spying on his friends?

Hestia's expression of injustice did not make Hephaestus feel any guilt at all.

You really dare to say that not only did you live and eat in my house, but after you were kicked out, you pretended to be pitiful and said that you had no money, no home, no dependents.

Tsk, that was indeed the case in the past, but it's different now, because I also have a dependent family now.

Oh, your name is Igarashi, right? I heard that he defeated Milotaurs with some magic equipment. He seems to be very good in appearance and personality. You can let me see him for the time being, Hestia.

It's almost time for me to take my leave.

Freya can no longer stay here. She is afraid that if she continues to stay, the jealousy that has become more and more intense in her heart will affect her smile that is almost unsustainable. Damn it, why can a guy like Hestia have Such a person, such a soul.

So, what do you want from me?

Although he had a friendly conversation with Freya, in fact, in the eyes of Hephaestus and Hestia, Freya was not a being that they could contact casually.

What about the request for money? Hephaestus looked at Hestia with a headache. He was obviously a powerful god in the heaven, how could he be like this in the lower world.

Actually, I would like to ask you to build a weapon for Igarashi.

Chapter 369 God? !

God Mih.

Oh, Igarashi.

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