Igarashi sighed lightly. Hestia was not so easy to comfort, and he could not break his agreement with Seele. After writing the note, Igarashi also left the church basement.

Mr. Igarashi, you are here.

Not long after Igarashi stood at the door of the store, Xi'er happened to come out.

Yes, it's an agreement. How can we break it? This is a lunch box. The lunch is delicious. Thank you.

The Hospital Hostess store is indeed good, as can be seen from the current booming business.

Oh, are you Xier's friend? I will keep serving you food! Although he is an adventurer, he has a cute face.

The proprietress is like a little giant, with a bold face. Of course she is bold, but you have to pay for the food in the store.

Please show mercy.

If the landlady's physique was achieved through eating, it would be too scary. What kind of appetite would this be? Igarashi immediately surrendered.

Having met Aisi before, Igarashi has some ideas about LV5 in this world. LV5 and LV6 are the first level adventurers, unique among them. However, in this small shop, there are actually many LV4s gathered there. The above existences, and all of them were young and beautiful clerks. Igarashi originally thought that Xi'er was special, but this specialness was not conspicuous in this store.

What's wrong?

I don’t know whether Xi’er in front of me clearly understands that the place where she works is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Igarashi shook his head to indicate that it was okay, but found a problem. It seems that the employees of this store are not half-elves, cat-people, or dwarves. Human beings.

Three hundred Wallis for noodles, two hundred Wallis for drinks, and today's recommendation of 850 Wallis just brought by the landlady, this is like treating yourself like a fat sheep.

How is it? Are you still enjoying yourself?

Xi'er's cute face with a sweet smile, so close at hand, also turned dark in Igarashi's eyes.

It's almost ruined.

Sorry, my bonus tonight seems to be quite exciting.

That's really great.

All kinds of people come to this store. Isn't it interesting? With a lot of people, there will be a lot of discoveries. My eyes light up when I see it.

Hearing Xi'er's words, Igarashi took a closer look at the low-level adventurers who had been ignored by him. It was indeed the case. Creatures of different races and personalities exchanged different things in this store with a strange harmony. .

The reserved customer has come to the store, meow.

The lively brown-haired girl circled around the door, and then a group of people walked in.

The god Loki, who has a goddess-like appearance but always squints, and has a flat figure, and the elite adventurers in his family, attracted the attention of the entire tavern as soon as they appeared.

What a good force. Igarashi's eyes lingered on those LV6s for a moment, and he sighed. Those ordinary people are so eager to join the powerful family, just because they want to be protected by high-level adventurers, so that they will not Be bullied.

The Loki Familia returned from an expedition to the depths of the underground city. It was a celebration party. After drinking some wine, one of the werewolves roared drunkenly.

Okay, Ais, let's talk about that, the so-called new adventurer who can easily defeat Milotaurus.

Chapter 366 Storm

It really doesn't exist at all, right? When I saw Milotaurs's magic crystal, I thought it was that person who killed him. He didn't even know the entrance to the sixth floor. He was just a stupid newcomer.

Seeing that Ais didn't answer him and the other members of the family members were suddenly silent, the werewolf Bert thought he had convinced them and raised his voice even higher.

It must be Ais, you saved some idiot newcomer, but you are too embarrassed to say it directly, right? Let me think about it, could it be that Milotaurs was exhausted by you chasing him and suddenly died in front of a newcomer? That newcomer? You won’t be frightened, right? Hahaha.”

Burt, whose mind was not as developed as his limbs, did not notice at all in his drunken state. Whether it was his companions from the Loki Familia or other low-level adventurers in the tavern who were not at all high-level and were no match for Milotauros, he looked towards His eyes gradually became stern.

Enough is enough, Bert. No matter what, it was our negligence. Milotaurs escaped on the 17th floor. Let's reflect on it.

Riveria, a green-haired elf from the Loki Familia who is known as the strongest mage in the city, spoke up to stop Burt's increasingly annoying behavior.

Huh? Weak people are weak. What's wrong with what I said?!

As a weakling in the eyes of LV6 adventurers, Igarashi sat helplessly at the dining table not far from Loki's family. If you really want to count, in the entire tavern, except for Loki, in Igarashi's eyes They are all weak. Being provoked by a weak person is like being bitten by a mosquito and should be slapped to death.

However, the Loki Familia did not simply rely on strength to become the strongest Familia. As the top recognized by the entire Orario, the character of the Loki Familia is also worthy of praise. The werewolf Burt just hates weak people who are not enterprising. Not a bad person, but now he is drunk and crazy.

……It's you.

Aisi, who did not want to pay attention to Bert and turned her gaze away, happened to see Igarashi not far away. Although they had only met once, Igarashi did not look like he would be lost in everyone.

It seemed that I was indeed unlucky today. I noticed that as Ais finished speaking, the eyes of the entire Loki Familia and other adventurers who were eavesdropping on their conversation were all focused on him. Igarashi nodded lightly. sigh.

As much as I want to say no, it seems like you've made up your mind.

Oh? Are you the idiot newcomer?

The person he had ridiculed before was in the same tavern with him. Even in a drunken state, Bert became a little unnatural, but this unnaturalness only lasted for a while. As an adventurer with LV6 standing at the top of Orario, , Bert would not allow himself to give in to a low-level adventurer.

Come, let me see if you have the ability to deal with Milotaurs without getting hurt?

Orario is filled with many races. Compared to the elves with magical talents, the dwarves with outstanding strength, or the agile werewolves and cat people, the most obvious feature of the human race seems to be just its large number. The Loki Familia in front of them had top adventurers of different races, but there were no humans.

Even Bert's eyes in front of him have become cloudy. Let alone LV6, anyone can overthrow him, right? As long as he didn't wake up with murderous intent, Igarashi didn't respond to Burt's words, but turned his head and looked in another direction.

Fighting is not allowed in Mistress Rich's shop, right? Boss lady.


Mia, who was entertaining guests, paused when she heard Igarashi's words. She took a deep look at Igarashi and nodded.

What? You guy...

Shut up, Bert.

This time, it was not Riveria who spoke, but Loki himself who spoke. Seeing the god's serious expression, Bert trembled all over, and most of his alcoholism dissipated immediately, and he sat back in his seat quietly. .

sorry for bothering you.

Aisi realized that the current situation was caused by her words just now, and a hint of apology appeared on her pretty face that had always been expressionless.

It's okay, you'd better go back, otherwise, I'm afraid I will be watched by many people.

Although he was already being watched by the only person who needed his attention, oh no, God. He glanced at the god Loki who was staring at him because of his reaction just now. Igarashi suddenly felt like he could break a jar. , Freya and Loki, two powerful gods, also have two powerful families under their command, and now he seems to have become the object of their attention.


Ais is currently at LV5, only one step away from LV6. She is undoubtedly a top adventurer, but now she is apologizing to a new adventurer. This scene makes everyone who sees it feel different.

It's amazing, Lord Igarashi, you can still be so calm in the face of a top level 6 adventurer.

Xi'er didn't seem to notice the condensed atmosphere at all. She was talking to Igarashi as before. It was obviously a busy time in the tavern. Is this really okay? You are not a waiter.

Actually, I'm quite nervous too.

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