When she heard this term, Yui Furotekawa was a little confused. Then she looked at the calendar hanging in front of the classroom. It turned out that Valentine's Day was coming.

Hey, is it possible that Furategawa-san is also excited about Valentine's Day? Have you finally found someone?

Risa Mooka, who had been observing secretly, naturally noticed Yui Furutekawa's movements, with a curious expression on her face.


Finding that Risa Mooka was talking to herself, Furukawa Yui was suddenly startled. After a secret observation and found that Igarashi was not in the classroom, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly noticed her own reaction. The girl suddenly blushed. Face, why did I subconsciously think of Igarashi when I mentioned the word loved one, and turned my head to avoid Risa Mooka's sight.

I...I'm not interested in this shameless behavior!

Even if she deliberately didn't look at Risa Mooka, Yui Furukawa still felt like a light on her back. This feeling made her stand up extremely uncomfortable and leave the classroom as if running away.

Ah la la, it seems that I am the only one who can prepare chocolate.

Furutekawa Yui's too clumsy concealment was a bit ridiculous to Mooka Risa, but she didn't show it and spread her hands with a look of helplessness.

Walking in the corridor, Futegawa Yui was able to relieve his embarrassment and think normally about Valentine's Day. Unfortunately, the hard-won peace did not last long. When he heard the unusually familiar voice, Futegawa Yui, who was about to walk to the corner, stopped suddenly. Step down.

Hey, Lan, Valentine's Day is coming soon.

Seeing Lala's eyes that seemed to be shining, Igarashi nodded strangely. Could it be that she, like Ren, didn't know the specific customs of Valentine's Day?

How many chocolates will Lan receive? It must be a lot, right?

Nodding her chin, Lala looked thoughtful, then seemed to remember something, and patted Igarashi on the shoulder comfortingly.

Don't worry, I will definitely give you chocolates that will surprise you!

The chocolate surprise was ok.

Thinking of the dark dishes that Lala made, Igarashi suddenly felt a sense of crisis and smiled bitterly.

hope so.

Is Igarashi looking forward to receiving the chocolate?

Listening to the conversation between Lala and Igarashi, Furukawa Yui hesitated, and then clenched his fists with determination.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, business in stores specializing in chocolate becomes extremely booming.

Mengmeng, why do you come here to buy chocolate?

Valentine's Day is coming in a few days, and girls have to give gifts to important boys~

The three princesses of Debi Luke all have smart minds, and Mengmeng actively puts a lot of energy into understanding various things on the earth. Naturally, she is very aware of the upcoming Valentine's Day, so she drags Nana and sneaks here.

Important boys or something...

The image of that guy suddenly appeared in her mind, and Nana, who had been very demotivated by Mengmeng being forced out of the house, suddenly became energetic.

So, do you want to buy Giri chocolate, which represents family and friendship, or do you want love chocolate, which represents the love between men and women?

A harmless and friendly smile appeared on Mengmeng's face, and she looked at Nana who was starting to look unnatural.

I, I don't understand! Just take it!

Although she picked it up casually, Nana still picked up a box of heart-shaped love chocolates with great purpose.

Oops, I got it wrong. The one I gave to the imperial sister should be Giri chocolate.

It seemed that because Nana didn't care, Mengmeng looked at her with annoyance, picked up two boxes of Yili chocolates, and signaled Nana to put down the love chocolates.


Nana would never tell Mengmeng that she didn't have the imperial sister in her heart just now, but even though Mengmeng said so, Nana still grabbed the heart-shaped chocolate in her hand, really unwilling to let it go.

Hey, do you like it that much? In that case, I'll also buy a box of this type of chocolate.

Mengmeng gave up with a look of helplessness and continued to persuade Nana. She imitated Nana and picked up a box of love chocolates.

Nana was really happy to see that Mengmeng no longer stopped her, but then she noticed that she had picked up a box of love chocolates as if nothing had happened. She was startled, and she didn't quite understand Mengmeng's reaction.

Thank you for your patronage.

After settling the bill and leaving the chocolate shop, Nana suddenly realized that last time, she saw Mengmeng crawling onto Igarashi's bed. Who was this box of love chocolates for? Definitely not the imperial sister, right? This guy must have wanted to buy it just now, but he fell into her trap and was lucky for a long time.

Mengmeng...who are you giving your love chocolate to?

Eh? Of course it's the same as you.

Mengmeng, who was smiling along the way, heard Nana's words and spoke innocently.


Lala's two sisters left.

After confirming this fact again and again, Furutekawa Yui, who was wearing a hat and sunglasses and changed out of the Ainan High School uniform, secretly entered the chocolate shop, suddenly picked up a box of chocolates that she selected after observing outside for a long time, and rushed in In front of the cashier.

Bill, please!

Ah, yes.

The young cashier was startled by the aggressive guy in front of her. She had noticed this guy before. The package was too tight, as if he was here to rob. The cashier had even entered the alarm number on her phone. Once you discover anything, call the police immediately. As a result, the guy took a box of love chocolates and rushed straight to me. To be honest, I almost called the police if I didn't hear the voice of a girl.


After hiding the chocolate in an opaque bag, Yui Furukawa breathed a sigh of relief as she walked out of the chocolate shop. The most dangerous time was over. Now, all she had to do was go home.

Chapter 337 Extra Chocolate


Looking with some uncertainty at the suspicious figure wearing sunglasses in the dim weather, Haruna Sairenji spoke carefully. Judging from her figure and the voice she just made, it should be Yui Furutekawa, right?


Following the sound, Furuikawa Yui looked stiffly at Haruna Sairenji who was looking at him with a bag in hand. Only when there is pressure can you be motivated. The current discipline committee member came up with a clever plan in a hurry.

Ahem, you got the wrong person.

Putting her free hand into a fist and coughing, Furotekawa Yui spoke in a hoarse voice.

Uh, yeah, I'm sorry.

Haruna Sairenji watched the person in front of her leave quickly, and she was already sure in her heart that it was Yui Furutekawa. What was she here for?

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