Igarashi...I don't want it. I will go home by myself when the rain stops.

The deserted environment, the constant falling raindrops, and the chilling cold wind all made Yui Furukawa, who was hiding alone in the mushroom house to take shelter from the rain, a little desolate. Seeing Igarashi appear, she was originally in a low mood. The girl subconsciously showed a surprised smile, then turned her head sharply, avoiding Igarashi's smiling gaze, and said angrily.

According to what the girl showed, he should just turn around and leave now, but Igarashi clearly saw the joy that Yui Furukawa showed when he saw him before, and raised the corner of his mouth with some malice, and Igarashi nodded. nod.


Is that guy gone? Igarashi's straightforward answer made Yui Furukawa tremble in his heart. After hesitating for a while, he turned his head. The figure standing outside the circular hole had disappeared. He had left without hesitation. , Furuikawa Yui hugged her legs a little aggrievedly, huddled up, and murmured.

People are just talking.

Chapter 335 The Rejuvenated Skunk

It looks like the rain won't stop soon. Do you want to stay here?

Hearing Igarashi's voice again, Furukawa Yui's eyes suddenly widened. He quickly stood up and stuck his head out, only to find that Igarashi was standing next to the entrance of the cave. Due to the viewing angle, he couldn't be seen just now. He didn't leave. Furotekawa Yui, who had tears already starting to well up in her eyes, first smiled and then became angry.

You bad guy!

Therefore, it is difficult to be a good person.

Seeing Yui Furutekawa who suddenly lost his temper in front of him, Igarashi shook his head helplessly, and forcefully grabbed the girl's cold skin.

Okay, let's go, you'll catch a cold if you continue like this.

Having said that, after Igarashi secretly used some physical strengthening magic, Yui Furutagawa has completely eliminated the possibility of catching a cold for the time being.


Suddenly being grabbed by Igarashi, Furukawa Yui's pale face instantly turned red. I don't know if it was an illusion or something else. The girl suddenly felt warm and comfortable. Thinking of Xiao An's words before, she was now in love. Come on, if you are so tough with this guy, you can't refuse at all.

Holding an umbrella and walking on the deserted road with Yui Furukawa, the girl's clothes soaked by the rain highlighted her beautiful curves. Igarashi was thinking about whether he should do something shameless. After struggling for a long time, , Igarashi shook his head secretly, well, forget it, we are outdoors now.

Thank you.

Yui Furutekawa, who had kept his head down all the way, finally plucked up the courage just before arriving home. After thanking him gently, he kissed Igarashi's side face with extremely quick movements. Although for Igarashi, It was more like a headbutt than a kiss.

It was funny to watch the discipline committee member run away quickly. It was not until she took out the key and opened the door that Igarashi turned around and left.

Hello, Galaxy Express, Miss Lun, the goods you ordered have arrived.

Hey, hey, it's finally here.

After glancing at the small spaceship flying away in the sky, Lun looked at the box in front of him with a proud expression.

Come out, precious beast of the universe, rejuvenated skunk, I will use you to turn Lala into a child.

As long as Lala is turned into a child, no one can stop her from being intimate with Igarashi. Lun clenched her fists proudly, imagining all kinds of wonderful scenes. Unfortunately, she doesn't know yet, Igarashi's home , in addition to Lala, Mengmeng and Nana are also her competitors, and even Liancheng Mikan is also a potential enemy.


As soon as Lun grabbed his magic weapon, the rejuvenating skunk's eyes flashed, and it suddenly released its veritable rejuvenating gas.

Turned into a child because of skunk gas?!

Igarashi's eyes widened and he looked at the little girl who had just reached his waist. He had previously wondered why Lun was missing, but he didn't expect that he had turned into a child.

That... I bought it because it looked cute in the catalog...

Lun panicked and explained to Igarashi, who was looking at him with an inquiring look. It wasn't just as simple as his appearance and body shape had become younger, even Lun's voice now sounded childish and cute.


Igarashi nodded clearly. Although he could use purification magic to restore Lun to his original state, Lun bought the rejuvenated skunk not because it was cute, but because he had ulterior motives. The young Lun is also very cute now, so Igarashi won't use it for the time being. Magic was considered as punishment, but also to soothe my suddenly overflowing lolicon heart.

Be good, be good, Lun-chan, don't cry.

Igarashi directly hugged Ren, who was a little scared and shed tears because of the rejuvenated skunk's escape, and comforted him like a child. At the same time, it also greatly satisfied his overflowing heart. Being influenced by the rejuvenated skunk, he became a child and returned. The ability is halved. Originally Igarashi thought that the so-called halved ability was just strength. Now it seems that even the mind has been halved. The previous Lun would not shed tears so easily.

To appease Haolun, Igarashi released his mental energy to search for the skunk's location. He found the skunk in the bushes just a few dozen meters away, and Lala was approaching it curiously.

Tsk, even though I was very curious about what Lala's child form would look like, Igarashi used his mental power to directly suppress the skunk in advance, making it unable to move. One child is fun, but two children are a headache. .

I, I was wrong.

Seeing Igarashi catching the rejuvenated skunk, Lun smiled subconsciously, and then noticed his meaningful gaze on him, and apologized timidly.

Okay, don't make any more trouble.

Directly use purification magic to restore Lun to his original state, Igarashi reminded him like an exhortation.

Tai, I'm not causing trouble.

Lowering his head with some grievance, Lun has gradually understood that he still always feels that Lala is bullying him, not just because of the trivial hatred in childhood, but because Lala has always been able to stick to Igarashi. Compared to himself, Lala It's jealousy that Ra and Igarashi are noticeably closer.

It was obviously his fault, but now he feels aggrieved?

Looking at Ren, who had clearly returned to a girl but still looked pitiful, Igarashi sighed, somewhat guessing what the girl was thinking.

Tell me what you wish for, as long as I can fulfill it, I can fulfill it.

As long as he wasn't reaching for the stars and catching the moon, Igarashi really didn't have many wishes that he couldn't satisfy.


The sudden surprise made Lun's eyes widen for a moment, and it was not until a few seconds later that he was sure that he was not hallucinating.

I...it's Valentine's Day in a few days...I want Lan's chocolates.

Little fool, on Valentine's Day a few days later, girls give chocolates to boys. On White Day, a month later, boys give gifts in return. If you want to give them, you should give them to me.

Giving chocolates on Valentine's Day is a unique festival and custom on Earth. Although Lun, an alien, knows a little bit, he doesn't understand it very well. Looking at Lun who mustered up the courage but made a joke, Igarashi scratched her nose. , which also brought a sweet smile to the girl’s face.

Well, then I will make chocolate well.

Well, I will look forward to it, and I will definitely return the gift to you in a month.

Chapter 336 Valentine’s Day

This period is very tiring. I have to prepare chocolates for important people.

During class, Risa Mooka was complaining to her good friends seemingly casually, and noticed Yui Furutekawa looking over from the side, with an inaudible curl in the corner of her mouth.


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