After looking at the chocolate shop not far away and the chocolate shop-specific bag held by Yui Furutekawa, Haruna Sairenji sighed.

She is also here to buy chocolate. Is it Giri chocolate, or is it the same love chocolate as myself?

Arashi-kun, you will receive a lot of chocolates.

Haruna Sairenji, who was still hesitant about whether she should remake love chocolate into giri chocolate, finally made up her mind.

Well...melt the chocolate first.

Furutekawa Yui was wearing an apron, looking at the various types of chocolate in front of her and lost in thought. The most important thing about the love chocolate purchased in a chocolate shop is the packaging and style, but the taste is a bit single. Sure enough, she still makes it herself, making chocolate that contains her heart. That's the most important thing.

Yui Furutekawa, who had always had long hair, now tied her hair into a single ponytail for convenience, suddenly changing her style. In addition, she is now wearing an apron. If Igarashi could see it, he would be shocked. The wife is so terrible.

Giri chocolate, love chocolate.

Now it's up to her to make it again. No matter what kind of chocolate it was before, Yui Furotekawa has another chance to choose.

Her hesitant eyes lingered on the two styles of chocolates for a long time. Yui Furukawa was extremely torn. Of course, she would rather give love chocolates. However, it would be too shameless to give Igarashi this one on Valentine's Day.

Suddenly remembering that day it rained, that day Igarashi even showed up to take him home, and the courage he finally mustered up, Yui Furukawa, who was originally full of hesitation, focused his eyes and started to move his hands.

Two hours later.

Phew, it's done.

Yui Furotekawa, who had been busy for a long time, looked at the hard-earned finished product in front of her, and she smiled happily with sweat on her smooth forehead.

Will he be happy? He is so gentle, he will definitely be happy, but it is better to give it to him secretly.

The moment Igarashi stepped into the classroom, he immediately felt the oppressive atmosphere. Black clouds pressed over the city, and soldiers were approaching. It was as if the battlefield was about to draw swords at the next moment. This was only a few seconds ago. Now, watching After he appeared in the classroom, Igarashi could feel that dozens of pairs of beast-like eyes were staring at him fiercely. They were the boys in the class.

Uh, no, even if something happens, the classmates who have been affected a lot by my own laws should not be so hostile to me. Could it be that my own laws have failed?

This terrible suspicion did not last long. When he saw the things on his desk, Igarashi understood everything.

Red, blue, purple, all chocolate.

Hey, how could it be? Lala and Lun didn't come. It shouldn't be from them. Even if we count them, Haruna, Monoka Risa and the others, there shouldn't be more than a dozen boxes.

There are more than a dozen beautifully packaged chocolate boxes that can be eaten as a meal until you get tired of them.

Igarashi tried his best to keep his facial expression as natural as possible and sat stiffly in his seat. Could someone be trying to mess with him? How come there are so many?

With all kinds of thoughts flashing through his mind, Igarashi put them one by one into the table. If someone really gave them to him, it would be too unkind to throw them away like this.

Lan, this is my chocolate.

Not long after, Lun Qiao blushed and held a chocolate box in her hand. She had tried making it herself before. According to the information, hand-made chocolate can express her feelings better. However, it failed. After several attempts, Lun had no choice but to give up the struggle and gave him love chocolate bought in the store.


Igarashi accepted it with a smile. Well, those chocolates on the table were not given by Lun.

Lan, I did this.


Not Lala, not Seirenji Haruna, not Mooka Risa, not Tenjoin Saki, none of them.

Igarashi-san and Furukawa Yui-san on duty, please take these to the staff room.

The opportunity has come!

Watching the girls give chocolates to Igarashi one after another, Furukawa Yui has been struggling, whether he should give out the chocolates as generously as they did. Unfortunately, after hesitating for a long time, the girl could not muster up the courage and upright conduct. The committee members have forgotten that it is shameless for girls to openly give love chocolates to boys.

Walking behind Igarashi holding her homework, Yui Furutekawa carefully hid the chocolate.

Given to me?

After delivering the homework and the students in the school had almost left, Futegawa Yui finally took out the results of several hours. When she heard Igarashi's cry, Futekawa Yui trembled violently.

This, this is just what I did wrong. I wanted to make giri chocolate. Thank you for sending me home before!

I did it wrong, hey, I originally thought...

Hearing Yui Furutagawa's words, Igarashi showed a sad look on his face, and his expression also made Yui Furutagawa, who had subconsciously amplified his voice to increase his confidence, suddenly regretted it and hesitated to speak.

You, if you look forward to it that much, you're not doing anything wrong.

Looking at Yui Furutekawa who turned around and ran away after saying these words, and the chocolate in his hand that contained the girl's heart, Igarashi smiled, arrogant, it's really hard work.

So, who sent those chocolates?

Chapter 338 The literary master who shocked the universe killer

As time gradually passed, everyone in Cainan High School left the school one by one, and the remaining people's mental power was particularly obvious in Igarashi.

Xiao An?

The golden shadow, who was sitting on the seat next to the flower bed as always, reading a book and taking a few bites of snacks from time to time, raised his head, looked at the person in front of him, and then looked at the backpack in his hand that was obviously full of things. .

Chocolate, is it delicious?

Of course it's not bad. Didn't the snacks I gave you earlier contain chocolate?

Subconsciously about to give an answer, Igarashi's eyes froze for a moment. Looking back now, it seemed that the dozen boxes of chocolates on the table in the morning looked familiar. They were all the things he gave Xiao An as snacks before.

Did you give those chocolates to me? Have you never eaten them?

His eyes paused on Igarashi for a moment, and the golden shadow returned his attention to the open book.

Well, because the book says that chocolates are given on Valentine's Day.

So you didn’t eat before, did you stay here on purpose?

Igarashi was very touched. Although he could roughly confirm that Xiao An did not have deep feelings for him like other girls, he at least regarded him as a friend. It seemed that during this period, he kept providing snacks and snacks to Xiao An. Books really have some effects.

Say less in the book and give chocolates. Just give one to express your feelings.

Xiao An seemed to be very interested in chocolate. Igarashi opened his schoolbag, took out one of the dozen boxes of chocolates she had given him, opened the package, and handed it to Xiao An.

Try it.

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