Opening his eyes suddenly, Igarashi saw that his sister-in-law Mengmeng was only wearing a light blue pajamas, not even buttoned one by one. The girl was showing her fatal charm at this time.

Good morning, how do you feel when you wake up?

After being discovered by Igarashi, Mengmeng did not show embarrassment, but generously flipped her hair and showed a gentle smile.


Unfortunately, the ambiguous atmosphere did not continue. Nana opened the door of Igarashi's room fiercely, ran in quickly, used a grappling move to lock Igarashi's neck with her arms, and scolded her with a red face.

Why do you sleep in the same bed with Mengmeng?

I am innocent!

Although Igarashi was fully capable of breaking away from Nana, he did not do so. Instead, he raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. It was so pitiful that he would not have any bold ideas on the first day that his sister-in-law moved in.

Lan, damn it, it was obviously me first!

Lun also ran in to join in the fun. She was not here to accuse Igarashi. Instead, she looked at Mengmeng with full hostility and shrank into Igarashi's arms. This also made Nana lock Igarashi. Lan's arms tightened around his neck.

A new day, just at the beginning, becomes a little chaotic.

Chapter 331 Flower Appreciation

Mengmeng, what are you thinking about?

Using Debbie Luke technology to create an extra small space in Igarashi's house, Nana stared at Mengmeng who was humming with a relaxed expression. Although she had locked Igarashi's neck angrily before, Nana She also knew in her heart that it was Igarashi's room, which meant that Mengmeng ran there by herself. Even so, Nana still subconsciously targeted Igarashi, but now, she couldn't help but blame Mengmeng.

What do you mean?

Mengmeng, who was washing up, wiped her wet hair and seemed a little confused.

Why did you get into that guy's bed?


Seeing Mengmeng tilting her head and acting cute, trying to pass the test by being cute, Nana approached her and tried to wake her up.

That guy is the royal sister's fiancé.

Of course I know this, but who he wants to date and whether I like him are two different things.

Nana was shocked by Mengmeng's bold statement, and her slightly groggy eyes suddenly widened, while Mengmeng smiled with understanding.

You still don't understand now. After all, the form of love varies from person to person.

Really, I don't know what's so good about that guy. Apart from being handsome and having a gentle personality, well, he's pretty good at being able to fight with dad, there's nothing good about him.

Nana hugged her chest with disdain, expressing that she could not understand Mengmeng's thoughts at all.

But, what you mentioned seems to be all advantages.

Mengmeng blinked and looked at Nana, who looked contemptuous, with a meaningful expression.

Ah, eh eh eh?!

Going to... view flowers?

That's right, let's eat and drink while enjoying the cherry blossoms.

Mengmeng and Nana were stunned when they heard Yuki Mikan's suggestion. After they realized what they were doing, Nana suddenly became excited.

It feels very interesting.

go together?!

Nana couldn't wait to nod in agreement, but Mengmeng secretly stretched out her hand as if nothing had happened, and grabbed the weak point of the Debi Luke star. Nana's tail was suddenly caught, and the girl trembled, and her body froze instantly. I couldn't say the next words.

I'm sorry. Although I'm glad you invited us, we still have things to deal with next. I'm really sorry. Please have fun.

Although I have some understanding of Mengmeng's character, her behavior this morning and the way she secretly grabbed Nana's tail made Igarashi smack her lips. This considerate and gentle girl is really disgusting. Hey, the tail seems to be a very important part of the Debbie Luke.

Well, if you can come back after you are done, the flower viewing will last for a long time.

Although he didn't know what Mengmeng was planning, Igarashi still nodded in agreement. In the previous game world, Igarashi has been groping and trying to evolve his illusion ability. If these two sisters-in-law can continue to make similar Even if it causes a little trouble, Igarashi is very happy to accompany him.

Why refuse? It's rare for the imperial sister and the others to invite us to come with them.

Nana looked at Mengmeng who had pulled her away, with a puzzled look on her face.

What are you talking about? This is a great opportunity.


Don't you want to know Lan's true thoughts?

Yeah, what to do?

Even Kirizaki Kyoko, the Great Demon King who was previously set to be invincible, was crushed by Igarashi. Nana really couldn't think of any other test that could force Igarashi to make a choice.

Don't worry, I've already made a plan.

In the bright sunshine, the pink cherry blossom petals were flying chaotically with the breeze. Although many people were already spreading out mats on the grass and sitting to enjoy the flowers, the spacious enough venue allowed Igarashi to easily find a place. No one has a nice view at the same time.

In the beginning, only Lala, Ren and Yuuki Mikan were together, but based on the principle of equality for everyone, Igarashi sent Haruna Sairenji, Risa Mooka, Yui Furutagawa, Golden Shadow, Saki Tenjoin and the others. They have all been invited, and the group of people at this time is quite loud. However, the combination of handsome men and beautiful women not only does not make people annoying, but also makes other people who are concentrating on flower appreciation look here from time to time.

Now how to do?

Seeing Igarashi and Princess Huang not far away with happy smiles on their faces, Nana suppressed her inner envy and looked at Mengmeng who was hiding behind the bushes with her.

Do it like this.

After using some gadgets to keep irrelevant passers-by away, Mengmeng took out a storage phone similar to Lala's. After skillfully clicking a few buttons, a fir tree that seemed to have wisdom appeared out of thin air in the light and hung there. Stop in the air.

this is?

This is the mind-reading cedar - Suitani. It is said that inhaling its pollen will release people's normally suppressed spirit and reveal their hidden nature.

The princesses of Debi Luke have special abilities. Lara is currently showing super invention ability, Nana is the ability to talk to animals, and Mengmeng is the ability to communicate with plants. Although she has the ability to communicate with plants. There are rumors about using it, but Mengmeng is sure that Shangu's pollen does have such an ability, which is similar to being drunk, and the effect is super strong.

After Mengmeng and Mindreader communicated for a while, Suitani Yiyan, who understood what she meant, kept shaking his body in the direction of Igarashi, and the light yellow pollen that was difficult for ordinary people to detect gradually enveloped the area.

In fact, Igarashi had discovered Mengmeng and Nana a long time ago, and heard their whispers. He looked at the floating pollen, and after waiting for a while, he quietly released his mental power to form a barrier to isolate the pollen, but the girls They all more or less inhaled some pollen, and their expressions gradually became richer.

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