The two pink-haired girls, who were also in the palace but in different rooms, looked at the scene in the crystal ball in front of them and whispered. They complained about Kirisaki Kyoko in their hearts. They originally wanted to reach the Demon King's Palace from the town at the beginning. , but it was a long journey, and it was just enough for Igarashi and his party to fight monsters and upgrade. Now Kyoko brought Igarashi here directly, completely disrupting the plan.

How about it? Have you decided on your answer?

In addition to her strong strength, Kirizaki Kyoko has never behaved like a Demon King. The Demon King's throne is originally very majestic, and it is obvious that sitting on it will be very imposing, but Kirisaki Kyoko is playfully sitting sideways on the armrest. , looking at Igarashi showing a confident smile.

Should I have a hopeless duel with the big devil, or should I choose to let everyone return to the original world and be my boyfriend?

Unfortunately, Kirisaki Kyoko's so-called strength is only within normal specifications. Even after excluding the blessings given to her by the game world, she is almost the same as Lara. Igarashi is fully capable of forcibly destroying this world and incarnate to break it. rules man.

However, it would be a pity to destroy the game world like this. This is related to Igarashi transforming the illusion he created from virtual reality, so...

A duel with no chance of winning? I don't think so.

Igarashi's words made Kirizaki Kyoko's smiling eyes freeze for an instant, and then a flame suddenly lit up in her hand, and she waved lightly at Igarashi. The fireball, which was originally only the size of a fist, quickly expanded in the air. , and finally turned into a raging flame, and the terrifying temperature filled the air with a burning smell.


He stretched out his hand and held it in the air. The originally fierce flames made an abnormal muffled sound and went out strangely in the air. Igarashi smiled at Kirizaki Kyoko, whose eyes widened.

This game world is good. There are NPCs, monsters, professions, and levels given by professions. Unfortunately, it is not a complete world after all.

Most of Kirisaki Kyoko's combat power comes from the conferment of this game world. However, what this game world has is just barely enough to become a low-level mysterious rule. For Igarashi, who has mastered the law of supremacy of strength, no matter it is mysterious In terms of intensity or strength, he is in a weak position.

Chapter 330 Lala’s sister

how come……

Unwilling to give up, she used her best flame to attack several times in succession, but all failed. Kirisaki Kyoko's eyes widened, and she suddenly had the idea that Igarashi in front of her was the big devil.

It's really annoying. I don't give answers to others just because I'm strong.

No, Lan has already given the answer.

Lala, who had been sleeping all the time, woke up at the right time. She looked very elegant in her white princess costume. She may have guessed whose prank this was. Now Lala looked serious, and as Lala woke up, Two more figures appeared in the palace.

Sister Huang, long time no see.

Sister, long time no see, Igarashi, first time meeting, hello.

Nana, Mengmeng?

Hearing two familiar voices coming from behind, Lala turned her head in surprise. Their looks were somewhat similar. Two pink-haired girls who were younger than Lala stood there very pretty, with twin tails, looking at fifty The one with Lan's hostility is Nana, and the one with short hair and a smile is Mengmeng.

They are my twin sisters.

After Lala introduced Igarashi, she walked up to the two sisters with her hands on her waist and a serious look on her face.

You created this world, right? Why do you do this?

Because we want to understand the humans on Earth, and...that guy.

Seeing that her sister seemed a little angry, Nana's voice suddenly became weak and she pointed at Igarashi.

Only when faced with this kind of situation can we know a person's personality more clearly. It's a pity...

It's a pity that the invincible demon king that he tried every means to strengthen is no match for Igarashi.

Thanks to this, we finally know that my sister has many wonderful friends around her.

Compared to Nana, who was always targeting Igarashi, Mengmeng always smoothed things over, and what she said took into account everyone's feelings. Even Haruna Sairenji and the others who were still in the initial town took it into consideration.

I'm sorry for bringing Lan and everyone into this.

Her sister's fault was her own fault, so Lala apologized to Igarashi with an apologetic look.

It's nothing. This world is quite interesting. I believe Haruna, Mikan and the others won't mind. Besides, it actually means something extraordinary to me.

Okay, now it's time to send everyone back to their original world.

Nana did not object to what Lala and Mengmeng said, and kept groping on her body. After a while, her expression gradually became a little stiff.

Although a terrible suspicion had appeared in her mind, Mengmeng still tried her best to keep smiling.

Nana, where is the controller?

That gone.

a ha ha ha!

Kyoko Kirizaki, who had been silent after Mengmeng and Nana appeared, laughed out loud. A black device appeared in her hand. Looking at the surprised expressions of Nana and Mengmeng, Igarashi was sure that it was control. device.

I am the controller of the world. Igarashi, be my boyfriend. Or do you want them all to disappear? Choose one.

Kyoko Kirizaki now finally acts as evil as a real devil. Although if the devils in fairy tales were so cute, the brave man would probably abandon light and follow the dark side.

The controller should be the center that controls most things in this world. Nana and Mengmeng do not have much magical power. They created this simple world using technological means. Therefore, as long as they know the specific methods, almost everyone can You can use this controller, which is also the drawback of the technological path.

Kirizaki Kyoko, who has mastered the controller in front of her, has become the master of this world.

I will keep the controller to prevent it from being abused again.

Before Kirisaki Kyoko could react, Igarashi's figure flashed indiscernibly. After the blurry afterimage became clear again, Igarashi returned to his original position with an additional figure in his hand that was originally blocked. The controller held by Kyoko Kirizaki.

Ahhh, you guy!

Once again, once again, once again, she thought she was stable, but was instantly defeated by Igarashi. Kirizaki Kyoko scratched her hair in a frenzy.

Well, let's go back first.

After taking a look at the controller, he roughly knew how to use it, and gave an apologetic look to Kirisaki Kyoko, who looked decadent. After Igarashi operated it for a while, Lala, Mengmeng, Nana, and Kirizaki Kyoko were still far away. Haruna and the others in the original town have all returned to their original places in the real world.

In addition to Yuuki Mikan, Lala, and Ren who were already living at home, there were two more figures in front of Igarashi, Mengmeng and Nana.

Brother-in-law, you will definitely take us in, right?

Mengmeng looked at Igarashi pitifully, her pretty face full of flattery, while Nana beside her curled her lips with a look on her face.

Hmph, I want to watch you anyway, don't try to drive me away, the emperor will definitely let me stay.

Okay, okay, our house is big enough anyway, so you can feel free to live there.

Igarashi waved his hand casually, and he naturally agreed without hesitation to the beautiful girl's request to live there. As for the cheap parents who had not shown up until now, Igarashi had forgotten about them.

In the early morning, Igarashi was lazily enjoying the morning light, but he was surprised to find a figure crawling onto the bed. It was not Lala. Her body was smaller than Lala.


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