This was done deliberately by Igarashi. This was originally a fun activity. Knowing that the girls were kind-hearted, he simply asked them to be more frank and relax. Moreover, Igarashi is actually quite sensitive to the girls' nature. Interested.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Haruna Sairenji was the first to have a different reaction than before. Perhaps it was because she usually suppressed it too much. It was the first time she broke out, or it might be because she was physically weaker than others.



Looking at Haruna Sairenji in front of him with leisurely time, Igarashi was looking forward to her performance. What was the inner feeling of the girl who always acted a little shy.

Chapter 332 Drunk

When are you going to date me?!

Haruna Sairenji slapped the ground fiercely and questioned Igarashi with a stern expression.

Obviously I have given you the keys to my house, but I have been waiting for you at home every weekend.

Hey, Igarashi was startled by Haruna Sairenji's performance that was completely different from before, and then helplessly wiped away the tears on the face of the girl who was crying and laughing.

Yes, yes, I was wrong, but if you are looking forward to it, just tell me.

Although Sairenji Haruna's behavior was a bit strange, except for Lala who was smiling, the other girls who were also affected by the pollen and fell into a state of drunkenness did not pay attention.


Seeing Yui Furukawa approaching with a drunken face, Igarashi was already prepared, whether he yelled angrily or flipped the table, he deliberately let them inhale the pollen. If there were any consequences, he would naturally bear them all. .

Only do shameless things to me.

Holding Igarashi's head in his arms, Furuikawa Yui shook it with a smile on his face.

Otherwise I won't forgive you.

Now Igarashi is very embarrassed. He knows that Mengmeng and Nana are peeping here not far away. The way he is being held by Yui Furukawa is quite indecent. Igarashi can even feel the important parts of the girl's chest. He is in constant contact with his own face.

It turns out that Yui Furutekawa, the upright disciplinary committee member who has always talked about being shameless, also likes shameless things. I understand.

This embarrassing but extremely charming situation did not last long. Igarashi was pulled out by Yuuki Mikan. Looking at Mikan standing in front of him with a pretty face and a slight blush, Igarashi suddenly became a little nervous. This inhalation The pollen-infected girls were getting wilder than the other, and I was a little unable to resist them.

elder brother.

Brother, this is the first time Igarashi heard this title from Yuuki Mikan. She used to call her by her name directly. With a sweet smile, Yuuki Mikan pushed Igarashi down to the lawn, Meikan Looking at him with blurred eyes, the girl who was obviously just a primary school student was now exuding amazing charm.

Igarashi, who had always known the girls' thoughts, hesitated for a moment, and then directly used purification magic to remove the bad conditions of the girls.

Although he enjoyed the intimacy of the girls towards him, now that he was in a public place and watched by two sisters-in-law, Igarashi had no choice but to give up. But, this pollen is a good thing, so collect some quietly.

Pollen has no effect on Igarashi at all.

Mengmeng looked at the people laughing and laughing not far away with some solemnity. She didn't know yet about the mental barrier released by Igarashi, nor did she know that Igarashi had dispelled the bad state of the girls.

To hear you say that, it's true.

That's just my sister's personality, so it doesn't seem like anything has changed.

Mengmeng glanced at the imperial sister with a happy smile, and fixed her gaze on Igarashi.

Why hasn't he changed at all? Is this consistent appearance and deeds the truest appearance of Igarashi? His spirit has not been suppressed in any way, and he has achieved this point.

Although Mengmeng's words were a little solemn, Nana also heard that they were praising Igarashi. Unwilling to admit defeat, she turned her head sharply and looked at Suitani.

Fan some more pollen.

But... Suitani, please.

Originally, Mengmeng continued to explain that the amount of pollen was already enough. If Igarashi did not change now, even if the dosage was increased, it would not have any effect. However, seeing Nana's stubborn look, Mengmeng sighed secretly. , looked at Shan Gu.


The mind-reading Shanshangu is an alien species with certain intelligence. After making a strange sound in response, it keeps shaking its lush branches, and a large amount of pollen begins to spread in the air, even to the point where it is visible to the naked eye.


If this continues, there will be quite a disturbance. If this pollen continues to spread, the entire park and even the surrounding people will be affected. Unlike the kind-hearted girl, even Igarashi is not completely real now. The real him Nowadays, people will sleep with each other without any scruples, and ordinary people will have some black desires. If they are affected, the consequences will be very serious.

Igarashi no longer just used his mental power to simply protect his group, but instead wrapped the source of the pollen, the huge cedar tree.

Generally speaking, the things he mastered should not harm him. However, looking at the mind-reading cedar that seemed to be gradually falling into madness, Igarashi discovered a funny fact. The mind-reading cedar was affected by his own pollen.

It made a strange roaring sound. The mind-reading cedar, which originally looked no different from an ordinary cedar tree, suddenly stretched out countless branches without a single leaf like a frenzy. It was as flexible as tentacles and stretched out Mengmeng and Na who were closest to it. Na was restrained and lifted into the air.

In a panic, Mengmeng took out the storage phone. Mengmeng was about to take the mind-reading fir back into the space. However, her tail was suddenly touched by too many branches. Mengmeng, whose body went limp, looked at the phone in despair and fell to the ground. It was terrible. ah.

I have something to do. I'll leave for a few minutes. You don't have to worry about it.

Saying hello to the girls who had just emerged from the pollen intoxication, Igarashi looked at them who were lazy and didn't respond much. He winked at Lala who had already seen the problem. Igarashi directly created The illusion blocked the crazy mind-reading cedar. Originally, the sudden and huge cedar tree was eye-catching enough, but now the cedar tree's aggressive behavior was too terrifying.

With a flame burning in his hand, Igarashi walked towards Suitani step by step, intending to directly deal with the rebellious tree spirit. Feeling the fatal threat, Suitani shuddered subconsciously, and had originally tied Nana tightly. The branches loosened, and the petite girl fell to the ground from a height of more than ten meters. Because her tail was touched, Nana was still in a powerless state. She looked at the changing scenery due to her rapid fall and let out a timid cry. scream.

Suddenly, she found Igarashi stretching out her arms directly below her, as if she wanted to catch her. Nana, who was originally a little scared, was startled.

Chapter 333 Hug left and right


Although with Igarashi's physical fitness, he can catch Nana without any hesitation as she falls with terrifying kinetic energy, for the girl, this may not be much different from hitting the ground directly. While in his arms, Igarashi squatted down to relieve the terrible force, but his hand accidentally touched the important part of the girl.

Hey, where are you touching?!

Looking at Nana who suddenly jumped up and stared at him in shame, Igarashi looked innocent and glanced subconsciously at the girl's chest. He seemed to have touched there just now, but to be honest, there was no soft feeling at all. Flat.

I'm so sorry, I'm just an airport!

From Igarashi's reaction, I guessed that Nana snorted angrily. However, according to her personality, if Igarashi touched her sensitive parts, Nana would make a fuss regardless of whether she meant it or not. But now she Strangely, he did not continue to chase Igarashi, but gave up. He picked up Mengmeng's storage phone that fell on the ground not far away, and took the crazy mind-reading cedar back into the space.


Mengmeng blinked when she saw what was happening below in the air. She started to fall because of the disappearance of the mind-reading cedar. She also screamed. However, Igarashi could not hear much fear from it. Compared with Na before, she While Na was panicking, Mengmeng now looked more like she was pretending to be scared. Even so, her pitiful behavior could make anyone who saw her help without hesitation.

Although he guessed that Mengmeng was in disguise, Igarashi still followed the girl's wishes and caught Mengmeng as easily as he did Nana. After she stood up and looked at the girl with a sweet smile, Igarashi felt something meaningful. Deep opening.

For the majestic Princess Debbie Luke, this height should be nothing, right?

The Chito who rules the galaxy is a Debbie Luke. Although he is better at using energy, Igarashi, who has fought with him, knows that his physical fitness should not be underestimated. Although the girl in front of him will not be as powerful as Chito , but it won’t be hurt by this height.

Hey, hey, what are you talking about?

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