
If you are not serious, you can give a more perfect answer. I don’t know what Sairenji Akiho’s sense of herself is now. It must have dropped a lot. Forget it, if she really hinders herself and Haruna It's a big deal, it's better to use some rules.

After hearing the plain but decisive answer, Risa Mooka felt a little sweet. She stretched out her hand and held it directly with Igarashi.

I support you, starting a harem or something, hehe.

One day later, space fluctuations suddenly occurred. If he didn't stop it, he would probably be transported to another space.

After a slight hesitation, Igarashi recorded the current space node to ensure that he could return by releasing the highest-level teleportation magic portal and let this space fluctuation envelope him.

Yui Furutekawa dressed as a fighter, Haruna Sairenji holding a long sword, Mikan Yuuki holding a small magic book, and three monsters in front of them with purple tongues as long as their bodies. There are various event prompt boxes that you can see. Igarashi is a little weird. Is this a game? Virtual reality games.

No, thinking of the previous space fluctuations, Igarashi denied his conjecture. This is more like a small world with game rules imposed. Although it is a bit crude, this method is amazing enough. It is Lala's two My sister's masterpiece?

Perhaps the girls really regarded this place as a simple game world. Haruna Sairenji, who has always been gentle, actually rushed towards the long-tongued monster named Licking Monster with a sword, splitting them in half with extremely crisp movements, and There was no blood splashing, and the defeated Licking Monster turned into data and dissipated.

This is a gamified world. Haruna Sairenji turned into a hero. Yui Furutagawa and Mikan Yuuki also had their own careers. However, when Igarashi looked at himself, he found that his clothes had not changed like the girls. , and does not have any weapon skills. If expected, his career should be empty. However, Igarashi's combat power has not been suppressed at all, or in other words, this simple world is not enough to suppress Igarashi.

What's going on? Why can't he be given a career?

In a somewhat dark palace, two pink-haired girls wearing white cloaks looked at the unexpected sight in the crystal ball and exclaimed.

Don't worry, Igarashi can fight against dad. His combat power is definitely not low, and he won't be hurt by these monsters. On the other hand, we still have an ace in our hands.

In another magnificent room in the palace, Lala was quietly lying on the extremely luxurious bed and fell asleep in a white princess dress.

I'll leave it to the big devil next.

One of the pink-haired girls raised her head and looked at the big devil in the huge swimming pool in front of her - a beautiful girl with short black hair. She was completely different from the image of the hateful big devil in fairy tales. The girl bathing was undoubtedly a beauty. That line and that neat short hair made her look dashing.

Just leave everything to me, the most powerful transformation character in the game, the invincible devil.

Not only the appearance, but also the girl's voice was soft and pleasant, which really didn't match the image of the so-called great devil.

It seems that I arrived a little late. According to Haruna and the others, they had directly appeared in the job transfer station full of bunny girl NPCs before, and got their current occupation and attire.

Defeat the devil and save the princess.

This is the information obtained from the NPC, which is the main mission. Although I don’t know who the so-called Demon King is, Igarashi is sure that the princess is Lala who has not appeared until now. This world is similar to an RPG game. It is probably a certain It was done by two guys who wanted to test themselves.

As Lala's younger sister, it is impossible for them to harm Lala. Igarashi is not in a hurry to save the princess. Although this world is a bit crude and fragile, even to the extent that Igarashi can break it as long as he has the will, but this is not the case. It is undoubtedly a miracle. If given enough time, Igarashi may be able to combine his mental power to create illusions with laws to create a small world that seems real and fake.

Although Igarashi had used his mental power to explore the environment, he did not say anything. The directionless Haruna Sairenji, Yui Furutekawa, and Mikan Yuki were wandering around and broke into a splendid but almost empty casino. inside.

Welfare, as soon as he opened the door of the casino, Igarashi saw Welfare.

Dressed like a bunny girl and wearing black stockings, Risa Mooka was standing there with a generous smile.

Hey, Igarashi, where are you looking?!

Furutekawa Yui, who was wearing a somewhat revealing fighter's attire, noticed Igarashi's gaze and scolded him. Just now, that was not how he looked at her. Humph, he was really shameless.

This was actually the first time for Risa Mooka to wear such revealing clothing, so she felt a little uncomfortable, but if it was Igarashi and her other good friends, it wouldn't be a big deal.

This boy is really a playboy.

One of the two pink-haired girls who were spying on Igarashi and his party with a crystal ball sighed in annoyance.

Really? But he has such capital, hey.

The other girl held the opposite opinion and stuck out her tongue playfully after finishing her words.

Chapter 329 Kyoko Kirizaki

At night, Igarashi felt a strange presence approaching. He had been sleeping on a chair and sat up, only to see a woman who was even more revealing than Risa Mooka. Apart from underwear-like clothing, she only had a cloak. girl stands in front of her.

Good night, little brother, do you want to do something comfortable with me?

The black-haired girl in front of her was perfect in terms of voice, appearance, and figure. In the dead of night, it was really unbearable to make such a proposal.

Are you Magical Girl Kyoko?

Because Lara likes to watch TV, Igarashi has some understanding of some of the idols on the screen. The black-haired girl in front of him seems to be the protagonist of a drama called Magical Girl Kyoko. Her real name is Kirizaki Kyoko. , under normal circumstances, ordinary people can only see it on TV.

Ding ding ding, you got the answer right, reward reward.

Kirisaki Kyoko's attitude towards Igarashi was a bit strange. After hearing Igarashi's words, she chuckled and hugged Igarashi, as if she wanted to give Igarashi a suffocating facial cleanser massage.

Stop, you are not an ordinary player, right?

If this world is regarded as an RPG game, then Haruna Sairenji and the others are players in it. In addition, there are NPCs with some slight intelligence. However, Kyoko Kirisaki in front of her is a very low-level Haruna compared to They appear to be very powerful, and they are obviously real people, more like GMs than players.

Kirisaki Kyoko, who was held down by Igarashi's shoulders and unable to get any closer, showed a pity expression, but she was not angry because of it, and still had an intoxicating smile on her face.

Lan, do you want to see La La?

Kirisaki Kyoko's words made Igarashi narrow his eyes. Defeat the Demon King and save the princess. If expected, the girl with high combat power in front of her is the so-called Demon King. It is not just a temporary gift given by this game world. Skills, in reality, Kirizaki Kyoko should also have mastered some special powers.

Lala is an imprisoned princess, waiting for you to rescue her.

Reaching out and touching the side of Igarashi's face, Kirisaki Kyoko continued to speak.

If you want to save Lala, you must defeat me, the big devil.

Tsk, you are really the devil.

Igarashi's memory of the Princess is not comprehensive. The cute girl in front of him is the big devil, which he did not expect. Did the two sisters-in-law do it on purpose? Or is it because Kirisaki Kyoko is not an ordinary person in reality.

Well, Kyoko, I am a transformed character set to be invincible. You will never be able to defeat me.

Although Kirizaki Kyoko, who had been staring at Igarashi, found that the opponent did not show a frustrated look as she expected, Kirizaki Kyoko, who knew that she was almighty in this world, still felt that she had a chance to win.

But I like you very much, so I will arrange a special event for you. Give up Lala who is imprisoned in the castle and become my boyfriend. In this way, I will let everyone return to the original world.

It's a very tempting special event. Kirisaki Kyoko is also very cute, but there is no way Igarashi can make him give up Lara.

Although you are very cute, I am not someone who loves the new and hates the old.

Hmph, the special event begins!

Igarashi's answer made Kirisaki Kyoko hum softly and snap her fingers. Igarashi, who was originally in the hotel, instantly came to a palace with Kyoko, and Lala was sleeping not far away. With.

Ah, what should I do, Mengmeng, we can't give Igarashi a job, so it's absolutely impossible for him to defeat Kyoko.

Don't worry, Nana, I believe that a man who can fight with dad will not lose so easily. We can terminate the operation of this game world if necessary.

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