The blond beauty in front of him had a flattering face. After observing at such a close distance, Igarashi finally discovered that the person in front of him was real, and it was not Chito. He was just being controlled by Chito. Chito was standing in another place and watching. He, the terrifying energy in his body, even if the master tried his best to suppress it, was as dazzling to Igarashi as the bright moon in the dark night.

You should already know my character. You don't need to do these things anymore. What I show is always my true self, the overlord of the universe, King Cheetos.


The blonde beauty fainted instantly. Just before her body hit the concrete floor, she suddenly floated in the air and floated a little further away before landing smoothly.

Turning around, a small black-haired man appeared in front of him. His height only reached Igarashi's waist, but the energy in his body was the strongest Igarashi had ever seen, without a doubt, the strongest. There was a god in the world who forced Igarashi back, but her strongest means were law and reason, and the person in front of her had the strongest energy.

Boy, now that you know me, how dare you get entangled with someone other than my daughter?

Chido Lucion Debbie Luke, a child who only reached Igarashi's waist, made a very mature male voice, holding his chest and looking up and down at Igarashi in front of him. Although his tone was quite vicious, in fact he was Not waiting for Igarashi's answer.

I heard that you killed a malicious competitor before, and your methods were good and your heart was good. Let me ask you, do you really like Lala?

Because of the unification battle decades ago, Chido consumed a lot of energy, and in addition to the destruction of the Rebel Star a few days ago, in order to speed up recovery, Chido has been in this childish posture since a long time ago. When he came to Earth, an uncivilized planet that had not yet entered the interstellar era, Chido felt angry in his heart.

Lara actually fell in love with a person on such a planet. However, the report from her loyal guard captain Sustin changed Chido's attitude and he was able to catch Sustin's lightsaber with his bare hands. Being able to protect Lala without hesitation, and being able to repel alien competitors attracted by the news he deliberately released, Igarashi may be a good person.

Hearing is better than seeing. When he saw it with his own eyes, Qi Duo was a little surprised. Can an earthling really do this? Such a strong body, and the other party was not confused by his current appearance and could easily see his identity, which was good.

Yes, I like Lala.

Regardless of the identity or combat power of the person in front of him, it was enough for Igarashi to treat him with caution.

Hmph, let's put this topic aside for now. Let me ask you, do you know why Debbie Luke became the ruler of the galaxy?

Before that, Igarashi had many speculations. Debbie Luke had conquered the vast galaxy with his invincible army, advanced technology, powerful subordinates, or a combination of vertical and horizontal conspiracy, but what was happening in front of him was that King Qiduo broke all the speculations of Igarashi.

Feeling Igarashi's gaze focused on him, Chido's originally cute and childlike face gradually revealed a ferocious and wild smile.

It seems that you have guessed that there is almost nothing in Debbie Luke that is the strongest. However, no one or any planet in the galaxy can stop me. Igarashi, let me see if you can You have the capital to become my successor!

Chapter 317 Both sides suffer losses


At this time, the blue energy emitted from Chido's body made a crisp sound in the air like electricity. At first, it was just a few strands, and then it continued to surge, causing the fragile ground of the rooftop to collapse.

Ding, the mission is released. If the host defeats Chidor Lucion Debi Luke, all effects caused by the battle will be eliminated. If the host fails, a thousand experience points will be deducted from the host to make up for the losses caused.

The voice of the system sounded in Igarashi's mind. Although it was a so-called release mission, the reward did not seem very attractive. However, according to Igarashi's guess and the method of obtaining the power of all things that the system did not explain clearly, If you win the battle, you will definitely get a lot of experience points, so you have to go all out. The system will also eliminate Igarashi's worries. At most, it will cost a thousand experience points.

The originally clear sky suddenly changed color, but Igarashi knew that the current King of Chido did not use his full strength, not even one-tenth.


Taking a deep breath, Igarashi began to use his body to accumulate strength for the first time in a long time. He was different from Chito. He did not have the vast energy that could bless the body like Chito. The only thing that was barely similar was mental power, but Igarashi couldn't do it. To the extent that one point of physical strength plus one point of mental strength equals two points of combat power, so...


Deliberately avoiding the unconscious blond woman, Igarashi stamped his foot and punched Chito. Seeing this, Chito faced Igarashi's fist without evading, and their fists met.


Under Igarashi's deliberate action, the two were carried into the air by force. Although the touch on his hand told Igarashi that he had indeed hit the target, Igarashi could see that Chido's fist was full of energy. There wasn't a single scratch on it.

Boy, not bad! Hahaha!

Chido felt that the opponent's power was not weaker than his own, and his eyes widened in shock, but then he laughed, and his laughter also let Igarashi know that even if he used 70% of his power, the opponent would still be able to handle it with ease. .

The white cloud behind the two people was divided into two halves as if cut by a giant blade, but the clothes of both parties were not damaged.

King Qido, do you want to continue fighting?

Although the current commotion is very loud, it is still within Igarashi's control. He can still use his mental power to create illusions to make up for the disturbance. But if he continues, even with the help of the system, Igarashi feels that he needs to move the battlefield. In space, he had determined that Chido had at least two hundred points of combat power. The two fought with all their strength. Even in the air, the impact was not as simple as destroying a city.

Go on, why not go on!

Chido punched Igarashi from afar, and just the wind of the punch annihilated the clouds around the two people. As the target of Chido's attack, Igarashi had to face more than just this person who contained terrifying power. Shock waves, and blue energy erupting towards him like a beam of light.


Covering his whole body with mental power, except for the power of all things, Igarashi used almost all the means he had that were suitable for the current situation.

No sound came out. The vibrating medium on which sound propagation relied had been annihilated by two terrifying forces. There was even a ferocious crack between Igarashi and Chido. Within the crack was a deep and predatory creature. black.


But it was Lala who used her own invention to fly into the sky and prevent the two from continuing to fight. However, what made Chido feel distressed was that Lala actually opened her arms to protect Igarashi. The surging blood energy that Chido had suppressed before was , and now it almost backfires.

Looking at his bloody fist, feeling the frenzied energy that invaded his body along the wound, and the deep feeling of powerlessness, Igarashi smiled helplessly.

King Qiduo, am I qualified to be your heir?

Well, I agree. Now take Lala and me back to Debi Luke, and I will pass the throne to you.

Igarashi's words made Chido, who was a little sad and angry because of Lala's performance, his face froze, he rolled his eyes and said vigorously.

Um? What rhythm?

Igarashi frowned when he saw Chido looking impatient and a little happy. He felt that things were not simple. Could it be that the King of Debbie Luke was a very bad job? Why is it like Cheetos can’t wait to abdicate.

Ahem, um, father-in-law, my injury is a bit serious now. I don't seem to be able to recover for a while, and I won't be able to take on this important responsibility.


Igarashi's words made Chido frown, seeming to regret that he had struck too hard, and then looked at La La.

Is this the person you like?

There was no emotion in Chido's words, and Lala was not frightened and spoke loudly like a declaration.

Yes, I like Lan the most!

Okay, this time, you have done something rare that makes me happy. Igarashi, I will give you time. I hope you can recover well next time we meet.

As soon as the words fell, Chido disappeared in a ball of blue energy.

Ding, the host and Qi Duo both suffered losses and failed to achieve victory. In order to calm the turmoil after the battle, 500 experience points have been deducted from the host.

Will both sides suffer...

Seeing that the space cracks caused by the battle gradually disappeared, Igarashi breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that Chido was not as relaxed as he showed. As for the 500 experience points deducted, Igarashi glanced at the system list In the experience value column, before the battle, it was 6800 experience points, but now it is 7300 points. It has not decreased but increased. My guess was not wrong.

Lan, you're injured. Let's go find Teacher Mikado quickly. It's all Dad's fault.

Lala held up Igarashi's bloody hand distressedly, and complained full of resentment to Chido, who was actually also injured by Igarashi.

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