Mikado Ryoko? She can't cure it.

The energy currently raging in his body can only be neutralized by equal energy. However, Igarashi's mental power is not considered energy, so now he can only rely on physical fitness to recover, and within the universe, there is no one who can There may be someone who can match Chido's energy, but it won't be Ryoko Mikado.

At this time, Igarashi and Lala had returned to the rooftop of Ainan High School, and Ryoko Mikado, who was standing here, happened to hear Igarashi's words.

Even if it can't be cured, I can speed up your recovery, Igarashi, don't underestimate me.

Chapter 318 Mikado Ryoko’s request

I didn't expect that you only got so injured in a fight with Chido.

After checking Igarashi, Mikado Ryoko looked back and forth with some surprise. Because it was Chido who called Igarashi to the rooftop through her, Mikado Ryoko naturally knew what happened. Igarashi could actually confront the overlord of the universe. It took that long, it was really shocking, and as a doctor, Ryoko Mikado could keenly see that Chido, who had teleported away, was also injured.

I was just hurt by Chido, who was still in an incomplete state. It was no different from being crushed.

Yes, not quite.

It is said that Chido ran out of energy in the battle to unify the galaxy decades ago. Although his combat power when fighting Igarashi was not even close to ten, it was still far from the peak. When he thought of this, Igarashi sighed. tone.

Lan, you will definitely be able to defeat dad in the future!

Lala clenched her fists to cheer up Igarashi. She didn't know if Chido's internal injuries would be aggravated by seeing her daughter behave like this.

Although your physique is astonishingly strong, some characteristics are not much different from those on Earth. I have stimulated your cell vitality. You will probably be able to recover in a few days, but the energy in your body ,I can not do anything.

Secretly preserving the blood that came from Igarashi's wound, Mikado Ryoko looked at Igarashi with a serious face.

I'll go find dad and ask him to eliminate it.

After Lala finished speaking, she was about to turn around and leave, but was grabbed by Igarashi.

Well, this energy is weak and won't last long. Moreover, it seems to be somewhat beneficial to me.

Taking a look at his strangely increased physique, Igarashi suddenly felt the desire to be a masochist. As long as Chido kept attacking him with energy, his body could be destroyed and healed. Keep getting stronger, which is much easier than earning experience points.

Forget it, this is just a fork in the road destined to have no future.

At this point, Igarashi rarely gets injured. Not everyone is a Chito, and Igarashi cannot rely on injuries to continue to become stronger.

By the way, where did you come from? If you are so strong, why is there no news about you in the universe?

Ryoko Mikado looked at Igarashi with curiosity. There was constant gossip in the universe. Even the story of Princess Debbie Luke escaping from the palace and running to the earth spread quickly. However, before that, There is no news about Igarashi. You must know that although the earth has not entered the interstellar age, there are still many aliens living on the earth.

Well, maybe it's because I'm humble and low-key.

Tsk, low-key? Well, low-key Igarashi-san, it's a pity that from today on, your name will probably be loud and clear in the universe. You can compete with the existence of the overlord of the universe, and you will be the successor of Debbie Luke in the future.

Igarashi's behavior made Ryoko Mikado curl her lips, and then she seemed to remember something and approached Igarashi.

You see, I've helped you so much, treating your injuries and so on. Why don't you give me some reward?

Reward? Isn't my blood enough?

No matter how subtle Mikado Ryoko's movements were, Igarashi could clearly see her hiding her own blood. Although she didn't know what she was planning, it probably wouldn't be harmful to herself.

Well, you discovered it... You see, I am also a teacher at Cainan High School. If there are any difficulties in the future, you should take action, right?

Um? Did Ryoko Mikado have a premonition of what would happen in the future?

What's wrong, who dares to cause trouble for the Doctor of the Universe?

Golden Shadow, she came to me before. I have some connections with her and let her stay in the school, but the organization behind her...

I understand, don't worry.

Although Ryoko Mikado was hesitant to speak, Igarashi already understood her intention. She was just afraid that the people behind Xiao An would cause trouble for her. Although it was interesting to see Ryoko Mikado, who was full of mature charm, showing fear, But Igarashi nodded simply.

Hehe, thanks. This time Lala is by my side. Next time you come quietly, I will give you a reward.

Ryoko Mikado's words were full of temptation, but shouldn't she say them secretly? You said this in front of Lala, how could I come quietly? !

Lan, what is she talking about?

Lala looked at Igarashi with an innocent face. If it weren't for the golden shadow, Igarashi would really be blinded by her usual performance, thinking that Lala just didn't understand, but since the last time Lala understood instantly Xiao An means, Igarashi is convinced that La La is a smart girl.

Nothing, nothing.

Well, if Lala was so smart, wouldn't her affair with several other girls have been seen out a long time ago? She wouldn't be planning something secretly, right? No, Lala is so kind and cute, she will definitely not do bad things.

If Lan likes it, in addition to Haruna, Lun and the others, Mikado-sensei can also do it. Lan will be the king of Debbie Luke from now on.

On the way back to the classroom from the health room, Lala suddenly said such a sentence, which made Igarashi's heart skip a beat, and he stiffly turned his head to look at Lala.

Although I have already guessed the answer, let me confirm it again. Aren't you angry?

No, it won't.

Lala shook her head slightly, with a smile as usual on her face.

I have been with Lan for so many days, from the first time I met Lan, to the conflict between Lan and Sustain over me, to worrying about quelling the turmoil caused by my invention again and again, to today when I was injured in the battle with my father. , Lan has done so much for me, I will only like Lan more and more.

Although what Lala said was true, she even kept some small things in mind. Obviously life on earth should not be as luxurious as the Debi Luke Palace. Looking at Lala like this, Igarashi I was a little touched that this girl who likes to show off her skills actually has such a delicate heart.

Then I can only like Lala more and more.


Chapter 319 Sha Ji’s Home

I feel like I am already a useless person.

During class, Igarashi lay lazily on the desk, watching other people chasing and fighting in the classroom. Igarashi had become accustomed to the pain caused by the energy in his body, but his body had not yet recovered after the war. Even though the remaining power is still unimaginable to ordinary people, Igarashi still feels a deep sense of powerlessness. In order to cope with this sense of powerlessness, Igarashi chose to lie down.

What happened?

The slack look on Igarashi's face made Haruna Sairenji speak with some worry, while Risa Mooka and Yui Furutagawa, who were also secretly paying attention to Igarashi in the class, also quietly pricked up their ears.

Ahem, I fell down and got a little injured. I've already been to the health room. I just need to rest for a few days.

It's so shameless. I have to rest for a few days after a fall. Igarashi is extremely sentimental about the despicable excuse he found at the moment, but if he directly said that he had a fight with someone, it would really damage his image as a good student.

How about asking for leave and going home first? The teacher will agree.

Yes, you have become like this, it's not just as simple as a fall.

Compared to Haruna Sairenji, Risa Mooka understands Igarashi's physical strength better. It can make Igarashi who can resist a heavily armed car with his body so weak. What happened to this guy? He won't tell me. …

It's okay, this is quite comfortable.

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