Don't worry, it's not that I don't believe your report, I just want to see with my own eyes how capable the man who will take over from me in the future, who will become Lala's groom, is.

At the end of the sentence, Black Shadow's tone suddenly became a little scary, and then he seemed to realize this and softened his tone slightly.

Don't tell Lala, you know?

The projection was turned off by the other party. Sustain grabbed his hair anxiously. Is King Cheeto coming to Earth? I hope he never gets angry, otherwise the earth...

Igarashi listened to Sastin's narration and glanced helplessly at Sastin, who had a solemn look on his face.

So, you just told me?

Yes, I think it is necessary to tell you that Lala's father is the king of Debbie Luke, the overlord of the universe.

Ok, I know.

Although what Sastin said was very exaggerated, Igarashi still nodded seriously at this time. With the existence of Golden Shadow and the possible organization behind it, Chido is still called The overlord of the universe, Igarashi is not afraid to overestimate him as much as possible.

I don't know that King Debbie Luke will be watching you from that place, so you should always be careful, okay?

Sustin reminded Igarashi with a serious face.

However, even so, Igarashi didn't know how to act carefully. Looking at Lala and Lun who were clinging to him along the way, Igarashi knew that if he wanted to please Chido, he should pay attention to Lala now and push Lun away. Performance, but in this case, it is just a disguise. Even if it makes Chido happy for a moment, once his true nature is exposed, it will only become worse. What's more, except for his identity as Lala's father, Igarashi doesn't have much goodwill towards Chido. He even wanted to fight Cheetos out of spite.

Ah, Lan-kun.

On the way to school, Sairenji Haruna appeared unexpectedly. Because Igarashi went to school at a relatively fixed time and the distance remained the same, if you were willing, you could meet them almost 100% by chance.

Good morning, Haruna, let's go together.

This conversation has been going on for many days. In the past, Haruna would only happen to go to school with Igarashi, but starting from a certain day, the chance encounters between Haruna and Igarashi never stopped. Igarashi can Not being an idiot, he naturally noticed that Haruna Sairenji was doing it on purpose, and he didn't point it out. He naturally invited her to go with him every time.

Haruna, you're here, hum, Lan's arms are no longer free.

Lun Zheng, like Lala, held Igarashi's arms on the left and right, and said proudly when he saw the appearance of Haruna Sairenji.

Good morning, Lun, Lala.

Xirenji Haruna acted as if she hadn't heard Lun's show off, and greeted her with a smile. This also made Lun, who was a little proud at first, say hello honestly. She was not very used to other people's gentle attitude towards her, and she couldn't even say hello to her. No bad words can be said to anyone who is gentle, except, of course, Lala.


Just after class ended, the classroom door was violently opened, and Tenjoin Saki appeared with Kujou Rin and Fujisaki Aya, pointing at Lala with a fighting spirit on her face.

La La, leave Igarashi to me! Come on!

Wait a minute, don't disturb classroom discipline.

Before Lala could say anything, Yui Furutagawa stopped Tenjouin Saki, with a firm look on her face to maintain the moral code that had changed a lot in her heart.

I told you not to talk nonsense!

There was a bundle of ropes in Fujisaki Aya's hand, and like a spiritual snake, she tied up Furuikawa Yui who stood up instantly. Her limbs, chest, and almost all important parts of Furuikawa Yui were tied tightly. She was originally standing in front of Igarashi to block the sky. The girl from Jouin Saki lost her balance and fell backwards because she was tied up.

Okay, stop making trouble.

In an instant, Igarashi untied the ropes that were tied like works of art. He helped Yui Furukawa, who had turned red in just a moment, and looked helpless at Tenjoin Saki. She taught her almost every day and every class. She has to come here once every once in a while, she is really perseverant, but Furutekawa Yui would actually help her. According to her character, shouldn't she scold herself with a look of disgust and shamelessness?

Chapter 316 Cheetos


She thanked him gently, because she had just fallen on Igarashi, and thought of her previous subconscious protective behavior, Yui Furukawa sat down on her seat with her face on fire.

On the roof of another teaching building, there was a slim figure watching everything happening in Igarashi's classroom.


The sound of a sharp blade cutting through the air came. Igarashi, who was walking on the stairs, turned his head slightly and avoided the attack. Looking at the source of the attack, he saw that it was Xiao An from yesterday. Unexpectedly, she came to Cai Cai South High School.

Igarashi, it's best not to forget that I'm always watching you and not to take it lightly.

Xiao An reminded Igarashi with a cold expression. Perhaps the key point of her words was the last sentence.

Although Igarashi was very grateful for Xiao An's reminder, because she was standing on the upper section of the stairs and he was at the bottom, Igarashi could even see the cute fat man along Xiao An's wind-blown dress.

Ahem, thanks for the reminder, um, and thanks for the hospitality.

Xiao An was startled by Igarashi's words. Following his gaze, her face suddenly turned red and she covered her skirt with all her strength.

I hate H.

Xiao An's blond hair turned into a fist and attacked Igarashi, but was avoided as expected.

You are not wearing the uniform of Cainan High School, and you are a cute girl. You are very conspicuous in the school. Be careful of getting into trouble.

Hmph, listen, don't be killed by anyone other than me. Goodbye.

After Xiao An finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Igarashi standing alone in the corridor.

Don't you want to be killed by someone other than me?

Apart from Xiao An, the only person who can threaten him is the person who has been spying on him since this morning. Igarashi thought it was Chido, Lala's father at first. However, when he carefully used his mental power to stay away After observing from a distance, I found that she was a blond beauty with a very good figure. Could it be that the Cheetos guy also has a sex change habit?

Moreover, even Igarashi cannot see any flaws in this method, just like it is. You must know that even Kibri, who was good at mimicry in the past, Igarashi can easily see the true inner appearance. .

Igarashi-san, Class 1A, Mr. Mikado has called you, please come to the roof immediately.

The radio announcement echoed in the school. Igarashi narrowed his eyes, maintained his body's condition at its peak, and opened the door to the rooftop.

Ah, you're here.

The first thing Igarashi saw when he opened the door was Ryoko Mikado. Although she had a smile on her face, it was not difficult to see the seriousness in her eyes.

Something happened, I was entrusted by someone.

As Ryoko Mikado finished speaking, a figure stood up beside her. She had blond hair and blue eyes. Compared with her mature and charming appearance, her curvy figure was more prominent and very prominent.


The rest is up to you, Igarashi.

Patting Igarashi on the shoulder, Ryoko Mikado walked through the door and left the rooftop.

You are very popular. I have been observing you.

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