I'm not going to let go of someone who wants to kill me.

Although Igarashi admitted openly, he still glanced at Lala with some worry. Igarashi was worried that Lala would be frightened or feel bad about him because of it, but he wanted to let Igarashi let go of someone who was trying to kill him. His own person is really contrary to his character of taking revenge.


Igarashi's worries were unnecessary. Lala still looked like her usual self. She noticed Igarashi's gaze and showed a hearty smile.

Killers are always killed. Golden Shadow thought of her own ending when she first became a killer. Igarashi's words also confirmed her thoughts. If she just died like this, it would be fine. Golden Shadow was already very tired. She didn't Trying to break through Igarashi's mental power again, there was no fear in his eyes.

Am I next?

Lan, don't kill such a cute little An.

Lara came out to dissuade him at this time, pulling on Igarashi's sleeves and shaking his head violently. Her behavior also made Igarashi cover his chest with a sad face, looking like he was heartbroken.

I didn't expect that after so long, you still don't know me well enough.

Seeing the somewhat flustered Lala burst into laughter, Igarashi restrained the expression on his face to make Lala relax, and let go of the mental power suppressed by the golden shadow.

The client no longer exists, so stop thinking about chasing me. How about giving up this commission?


The golden shadow, who was originally waiting for his own death, now had the word flashing back and forth in his mind. He looked at Lala, but did not immediately answer Igarashi's words.

Why did Lala call me Xiao An?

Because Xiao An is so cute, and his name seems to be Golden Shadow.

Ahem, Golden Shadow shouldn't be her name.

Igarashi's kind reminder did not hurt him at all, and Golden Shadow himself did not appreciate it.

No, it doesn't matter what the name is. If you like, just call her that, La La.

There was a hint of warmth in Xiao An's eyes when he looked at La La, and a blush appeared on his lovely and flawless face. He turned to look at Igarashi.

Aren't you going to kill me?

Yes, I can't do anything to beautiful girls. Besides, you have been deceived.

But if the brain is really broken and someone wants to kill herself or others she cherishes, before the other party causes substantial losses, Igarashi will use the law to brainwash her. If there is really Igarashi The person Lan values ​​​​is hurt by the so-called beautiful girl, so what he said before is invalid.

The Xiao An in front of her was not among them. She only listened to other people's words. Even during the chase, she did not hurt any passers-by. Although Xiao An's eyes were full of darkness, her heart did not seem to be affected. Darkness erodes.

After recalling the taste of the food that Igarashi fed him when he was just restrained, Xiao An licked his lips subconsciously. He thought it was poison before and took advantage of his special physique to eat it, but it didn't seem to have any poison. , and it was delicious. After looking at Lala and then Igarashi, Xiao An seemed to have made up his mind.

Even so, I will continue to entrust you. I will stay on Earth until I deal with you myself.

Hearing Xiao An's words, Lala's eyes lit up, and a happy smile appeared on her face again.

Then please give me more advice in the future.


After Xiao An finished speaking, he felt that the mental power that had been restraining him had long since disappeared. In a flash, he grabbed a bag of snacks from Igarashi's arms, kicked the ground hard, and disappeared from sight in a few ups and downs. Here, only a light word came.

You are my target. I take your things so that I can easily deal with you.

Igarashi knew that what Xiao An said about continuing the commission was just an excuse for her to stay on Earth. Maybe it was not just because of tsundere. Xiao An should be a member of an organization. If she gave up because of Lala or herself, If you find out the identity of the killer, people from the organization will probably come to your door. At that time, Lala and yourself will also become the targets of the organization. Now you can still get rid of the relationship.

But, Igarashi has never been a person who is afraid of trouble. Even the King of Chido dares to provoke him. Even if the organization behind Xiao An comes to his door, it will not be a problem.

Lala had told Xiao An a lot of advice before. There was no doubt that she understood Xiao An’s thoughts, and she understood it almost instantly. Igarashi scratched Lala’s nose with a smile. This guy, You are obviously very smart, but why do you always act so out of line? Take Lala's hand and hold it gently.

Let's go, Lala, go home.

Oh! Hey hey.

Chapter 315 Cheetos is coming

A war is taking place on a planet that is much larger than the earth. Debbie Luke's spaceship and ground troops surged in, but they were blocked by the red giants. Their bodies were as huge as mountains, and their clothes were compared to Debbie Luke's. Ke's technology was too primitive, but the war was not one-sided. The giant's hands clasped together could actually create a golden ball of light. Although it was only as big as the palm of his hand, it was still a giant's hand.

The power of the light ball thrown by the giant is beyond imagination. Just one ball can destroy a Debbie Luke team.


Every thrown ball of light can always be harvested after the explosion, and the missiles launched by Debbie Luke's army can also cause large-scale damage. Both sides suffered casualties, but the originally stalemate battle was ended by a man in black. The figure suddenly appeared in the giant's camp, and the blue-white energy frenzy generated by its mere appearance directly wiped out the giants within thousands of meters.

You want to fight our fighting faction, the Camelot United Stars, just by yourself?

Who are you?

The red giants looked frightened. From the moment they resisted Debbie Luke, they had anticipated Debbie Luke's attack in the future. The Camelot United Star was now full of ruins, but they did not panic. This was just Due to the aftermath of the battle, Cameroon and Star have still not failed until now!

But the person in front of him seemed to indicate that all plans for the Camelot United Star would fail.

I am Chidor Lucion Debbie Luke, the ruler of the universe.

Impossible, how could you...

The figure whose clothes were constantly fluttering in the energy storm was a bit small compared to the red giants surrounding him. However, when he announced his name, the faces of the overwhelmingly dominant giants showed panic. The color, the unbelievable exclamation was only halfway spoken, and the energy surrounding the figure surged instantly, spreading continuously, crossing mountains and seas, covering the entire planet.

Hey, Susan, how are you doing?

In the universe above the earth, in the Debbie Luke Guards flagship, a screen of light was projected in mid-air, and a majestic-looking black shadow was talking to Sustain.

Sustin saluted the shadow and answered with a serious face.

Yes, there are no abnormal conditions on the earth, no special problems.

Well, I knew you would say that.


How is Lala?

of course.

In fact, the suppression of the Camelot United Star was completed faster than expected. I would like to stop by your place to take a look.


What? I haven't seen the appearance of a betrothed person on Earth, just by the way.

Yes, but...

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