
Igarashi stretched out his fingers and flicked the sword blade, forcing the golden shadow back.

I was entrusted by someone to kill you. Although I have no hatred towards you, please disappear.

The golden shadow, who was forced back by Igarashi, showed slight surprise on his face. He took this opportunity to explain, as if he wanted Igarashi to die clearly.

The famous killer in the universe, his current performance is not outstanding.

Igarashi carefully looked at the golden shadow. Although she contained enough energy for him to pay attention to, for now, her movements were not very fast, and were even slow enough for ordinary people who were prepared to avoid them.

Boom, boom, boom.

Continuous explosions sounded, and the golden shadow's limbs transformed into various cold weapons, attacking Igarashi. Its terrifying destructive power directly turned the street into ruins, but not only did Igarashi not suffer any damage, he still had some strength left. Use magic to make passersby leave.

Why don't you fight back? Aren't you extremely evil? Even though you can't tell it by looking at it.

The golden shadow glanced at the passers-by who were leaving with dull expressions, and Igarashi who could easily block his attack but did not fight back. Although there was some confusion in his words, his tone was still calm and indifferent.

Normally speaking, shouldn't a killer be an assassin? If you can escape thousands of miles without hitting a target, are you really a killer?

Igarashi looked at the girl in front of him speechlessly, how the other party behaved like a berserker.

I am Golden Shadow, the leading killer in the universe. Please be serious.

Can you just stop here? Fighting and killing doesn't match your appearance.

Now that I have accepted the commission, I must complete it.

Is this a compliment? The golden shadow paused slightly, but did not stop there. Her hands turned into sharp blades, and her blond hair turned into various cold weapons. The girl rushed towards Igarashi fully armed. However, halfway through the rush, she suddenly seemed to be frozen. stop.

Igarashi's strongest strength has never been his mental power, but now, Igarashi can bind the golden shadow with just his mental power.

That kid is Golden Shadow, a cosmic assassin with the ability to transform. By the way, you won't kill anyone, right?

Ryoko Mikado seemed to be passing by. She glanced at the golden shadow and then at Igarashi. She clearly kept her distance but introduced him to Igarashi.

Oh? The word killer cannot be used everywhere.

I have great confidence in you, Igarashi-san. If anyone needs treatment, please come to me.

Mikado Ryoko left, and the indifferent face of the golden shadow who heard the conversation between the two finally showed an angry look. She tried to break free from the invisible restraints on her body with all the strength she currently had, but failed.

What excuse did your client use to ask you to kill me?

Igarashi did not release the suppression of his mental power, and just looked at the golden shadow with a smile on his face that was full of provocation for the girl.

My client said that you threatened Princess Debi Luke because you were trying to seize Debi Luke's nemesis, Igarashi.

La La, come here.

He took out his cell phone and called Lala. Igarashi had no time to look at the golden shadow that could not move. Although the energy in her body exploded, she might be able to escape from her own mental power, but Igarashi was confident that she could subdue it again. she.

Lan, what's wrong?

Lara seemed to have used some kind of teleportation device and appeared next to Igarashi instantly. Of course, unlike the previous teleporter, her clothes were now properly worn.

Well, this little girl said that I threatened you and you need to prove my innocence.

Eh? Igarashi is not such a person!

Lala waved her hands, with a strange look on her cute face. She felt strange that someone said this about Igarashi. When she saw the golden shadow of Lala's expression, she gritted her teeth slightly. Compared to that one who was a bit wretched, Client, Golden Shadow believes in Lala's words even more, but...

Maybe, but as long as you are entrusted, no matter what kind of character you are, it will be my job as Golden Shadow.

Hey, this won't work!

Before Igarashi could speak, Lala screamed with dissatisfaction.

The princess of the Debiluk royal family probably doesn't understand.

The eyes of the golden shadow gradually became dark and desperate. The originally red eyes were now as glaring as blood.

Living alone in the universe

No matter how miserable the past was, it is already in the past. If you don't like it, are you still going to continue like this? Why not try to change it and enjoy life?

Igarashi doesn't know much about Golden Shadow's past, but even a man with nothing has the dream of getting rich overnight. Why does Golden Shadow, whose strength is unrivaled by few in the universe, continue his current life even though he doesn't want to.

Chapter 314 Xiao An

What are you doing Golden Shadow, why are you standing still?

A round spaceship suddenly appeared in the sky, making a jumpy sound and projecting an orange beam of light. A green dwarf less than one meter tall appeared domineeringly with his arms stretched out.

Lacospo, are you Xiao An's employer?

Lala obviously knew the villain in front of her, and the pet name she said, Xiao An, stunned the golden shadow who was still bound by Igarashi's mental power.

Yes, it's all for Lala. Marry me as soon as possible.

Lacospo actually smiled with a smile on his face and asked for credit from Lala who was questioning him angrily. He didn't notice Lala's disgust at all.

I don't want it. I want a killer to kill Lan. It's really too bad!

how so……

Rakospo staggered back a few steps, then his expression changed and he shouted towards the golden shadow.

It's all because you didn't solve the goal earlier.

I should have said that the information about the target cannot be false at all, but Igarashi's information seems to be quite different from what I heard from you. Could it be that you lied to me?

The golden shadow didn't think about Igarashi's words that disturbed his mood before, and he didn't struggle. He just stood there and looked at Lacospo not far away, with a cold look in his eyes.

It's so noisy! Since you don't believe me, I have to punish you. Come out, little...


Rakospo was only halfway through his words when he felt as if he was hit by an invisible giant hammer, flying straight towards the spaceship in the sky. The huge kinetic energy seemed to be unable to be reduced even by the spacecraft, and it flew high into the sky together with it.


The spaceship flew above the clouds and out of the sight of Lara and Golden Shadow. At this time, a harsh explosion sounded. The source of the sound was the spacecraft that was out of sight.

Did you kill him?

The golden shadow's voice remained calm, and it was completely impossible to judge her thoughts at this time.

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