The principal also violated the rules and regulations. He is not worthy of being the principal!


It seems that after enjoying the power for a few days, this group of people's heads are already a little abnormal. Facing the many students who want to pounce on and tear up the notice, Igarashi releases the rules that have been restrained, and time seems to Still, everyone's movements are stagnant.

Try your best to restore the school to its original state. If any confiscated property is lost, you can spend your own money to replace ordinary items. If there is something important, where it was lost, you can find it.


The already crazy student instantly became a prisoner of the law, and now he respectfully agreed.


Igarashi curled his lips and left the activity room directly. These idiots forgot that their power was also given by the principal and teachers. Now they want to stand up and become the masters. No matter their power status or their own physical ability, they can't Let them do something really outrageous.

As for Futekawa Yui, she was no longer a member of the disciplinary committee. She had been emptied of power by others and was sitting alone in the classroom. Seeing Igarashi appear, there was a slight fluctuation in Futekawa Yui's eyes, and she returned to deathly silence. , and the other students who were comforting her beside her kept winking at Igarashi.

Chapter 312 He still has no shame

The Discipline Committee has been disbanded.

Igarashi's first words made Furukawa Yui's eyes widen, and then he showed a trace of sadness and lowered his head to see clearly.

Then, are you here to laugh at me? Just laugh as much as you want.

All the great ideals have been shattered by reality. Now Furukawa Yui has fallen into a depression. Facing Igarashi, who has been targeted by him before, he has mixed feelings.

Your idea is not wrong, it's just too strict.

In fact, the Discipline Committee's rebellion was inseparable from Igarashi's encouragement. He would not give up until he hit the wall. Only after suffering the pain can he realize his mistakes. Igarashi secretly helped Furutekawa Yui to establish the Discipline Committee and make everything run according to her ideas. At the same time, the principal gave the Discipline Committee too much power. As expected, those students who had never seen the world were lost and went further and further down the wrong path.

After that, Furukawa Yui was squeezed out, and the situation got worse. In fact, it was not what Igarashi expected. According to his idea, it should be because the students couldn't stand the overly strict rules and protested against the Discipline Committee. It has developed to this day. To the extent that Igarashi actually holds the main responsibility, he feels somewhat apologetic towards Yui Furukawa.

Yes, Furategawa-san, those long school uniform skirts are really not convenient at all.

It was Risa Mooka who helped Igarashi speak. Since the last incident, Risa Mooka always appeared not far from Igarashi, and under her leadership, other girls also expressed their opinions. Almost all of them expressed their own opinions, just like Igarashi.


Futekawa Yui bowed her head and apologized to the others, but she looked at Igarashi angrily and strode out of the classroom. She originally wanted to rectify Igarashi and improve the school atmosphere, but when everything was implemented according to her own wishes, However, the worst result was achieved. After being seized of power, Yui Furukawa could see the bad changes in the school. The smiles that often hung on the students' faces were mostly replaced by negative emotions.

Did you do it yourself? The so-called shamelessness is actually not something too outrageous?

Hey, did you hear? The Discipline Committee has been disbanded.

Oh, really?

Really, it seems that Igarashi-san disbanded with a notice from the principal. Hey, I don't know why Yui Furukawa is so crazy that she insists on making so many rules.

Don't say that. Wasn't Yui Furatekawa directly kicked out of the Discipline Committee later? Her starting point was still good.

Hey, if Igarashi-san hadn't persuaded the teachers and students, who would have gone crazy with Furukawa Yui? This time, Igarashi also made a mistake, causing such serious consequences.

Furukawa Yui, who was walking in the aisle, heard the conversation in the classroom next to her and suddenly became a little overwhelmed. Igarashi secretly helped him? Doesn't he know that he wants to target him? This idiot.

No, shameless!

The phrase shameless seems to have become Yui Furutagawa's mantra to vent her inner emotions. Her sudden shout not only silenced the conversation in the classroom, but also attracted Tenjoin Saki and her two little followers.

Are you talking about me? My noble Miss Shaji?


Furutekawa Yui waved her hand quickly, and then she suddenly had some impulse in her heart and looked at Tenjoin Saki in front of her.

Well, what kind of person do you think Igarashi is?

Before this, Yui Furutagawa would not have had such doubts at all. She had already determined that Igarashi was a great demon king full of desire. However, the failure of the Discipline Committee made Yui Furutagawa realize that her view was not absolutely correct. In addition, Igarashi What Arashi did made Yui Furukawa have the urge to know more about him.

Hmph, he is the person who saved me twice. He is the only person who can live with me on an equal footing, oh hehehe.

Thinking of what happened with Igarashi in the past, Tenjoin Saki once again let out her signature queen's laugh and looked at Yui Furutekawa in front of her with a look of contempt. Why, she still wanted to get in, but she couldn't do it before. It's ridiculous to be so hostile towards Igarashi.

Save, save you?

Furuikawa Yui suspected that there was something wrong with her ears, and then asked.

Did you get sent to the health room because you were sick?

Oh hehehe, how can you understand the danger that I, Tenjoin Saki, encountered. It was a critical moment of life and death. Rin, Aya, is gone.

Recalling the embarrassing situation when she secretly invaded Igarashi's house for the first time and was sent to heaven instead, Tenjoin Saki's face turned red. She stopped talking in embarrassment and called her two followers to leave quickly.

That's the kind of person Lan is.

Haruna Sairenji has actually been following Yui Furotekawa quietly for quite some time out of worry. Previously, when Yui Furukawa heard the conversation in the classroom, Haruna Sairenji wanted to stand up. Now after seeing what Sahime Tenjoin said, Yui Furukawa It was only that stubborn unwillingness to believe that Igarashi was a good person that made Haruna Sairenji stand up.

He watered the unattended flowers and plants in the classroom. He never shied away every time someone asked him for help. He also saved me. Why are you so hostile to Igarashi? Almost everyone in the school knows that he is a Good people.

At the end of the sentence, there was even a little anger in Haruna Sairenji's tone, and the class leader's words made Yui Furotekawa finally believe a fact that she was unwilling to admit. In addition to being shameless, Igarashi was really shameless. Call it perfect, no, even so he is shameless.

I, I'm going back to the classroom first.

The always strong Yui Furutekawa finally became weak this time, and she changed the subject in a panic and ran away.

Haruna Sairenji, who stayed where she was, kept thinking about the words of Tenjoin Saki before, coupled with her good friend Risa Mooka's obviously different attitude towards Igarashi recently, Haruna Sairenji Gradually there was a sense of crisis in his heart - the crisis of being ignored by Igarashi.

Compared to the unscrupulous Lara, the frank Ren, the sexy Tenjoin Saki, and the Mooka Risa who is very understanding of other people's thoughts, Igarashi has always been too shy to get too close to himself, and is probably about to... Has he been forgotten by Igarashi? It has to change.

Chapter 313 Golden Shadow

Because he took over all the housework and added Lun to the family, Igarashi now had to go shopping on the streets. He did not ask anyone to accompany him for such trivial matters, although both Lun and Lara volunteered to accompany him.

While walking home with a bunch of things, Igarashi discovered an energy body that should not be underestimated. If energy can represent combat power, then the owner of this energy should be the one who can crush the strongest swordsman in the universe. The existence of Sastin, in other words, why is Sastin, the strongest swordsman, so weak?

The energy body was not far in front of him. When Igarashi walked over, he saw a blond girl. She had dazzling blond hair that was longer than Lala's hair. She had a relatively petite figure and white and tender legs. There were many belt-like things, wearing a black windbreaker, with her delicate shoulders exposed, and she was looking at herself.

Although it is a joyful thing to be watched by a beautiful girl, Igarashi could not see any emotions worthy of his happiness in the other person's red eyes, only exploration, indifference and darkness.

Are you Igarashi?


The girl's voice had almost no fluctuation, and Igarashi nodded. The person in front of him was a golden shadow, a famous killer in the universe. If Igarashi expected it to be true, he was here to kill him.

I'm looking for you.

The golden shadow put his hand on Igarashi's shoulder, but unfortunately nothing ambiguous happened next. The white and soft little hand instantly turned into a cold and shining sharp blade and slashed at Igarashi.

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