No, I didn't say anything. I forgot everything I said before!

Chapter 304 Competitors

Captain Sastin, an unidentifiable light point is approaching the earth. How to deal with it?

On top of Debbie Luke's flagship spacecraft outside the Earth's atmosphere, a man in black monitoring the surrounding situation reported to Sustin.

Did he appear so soon? But this is also expected. Let's wait and see what happens and see what his methods are. Mr. Groom, I wish him good luck.

Sastin did not intend to stop him. This was a test that anyone who wanted to become the successor to the throne of Debi Luke should undergo. However, these trials may be a bit childish for Igarashi. At this thought, Sastin Ding didn't even care about the spaceship and continued to eat all kinds of delicacies brought from the earth.


There was an explosion on the rooftop of Cainan High School, but it was fleeting. Most teachers and students regarded it as thunder, but Igarashi did not take it lightly. He had already noticed that a green alien creature, Walked down from the rooftop.

Teacher, I feel a little uncomfortable.

Well... let's go to the health room and have a look. Do you need help from other students?

No need, thank you teacher.

Sending a reassuring look to Haruna Sairenji and Lala, Igarashi quickly left the classroom. A student with excellent grades will always be treated generously by the teacher, even if Igarashi's physical fitness is known to be strong. Even though he looked good now, when Igarashi said he was feeling unwell, the teacher still believed him without hesitation.

I came out for everyone's safety, don't think I'm skipping class.

Looking at the green monster that was more than two meters tall in front of him, with a red head, a green skin like a frog, and a long tongue that stuck out of his mouth from time to time, Igarashi curled his lips. Is this his competitor? Are Cheetos and Sustin blind? Tolerate such a disgusting guy pursuing Lala.

Are you Igarashi? Then...

After sizing up the person in front of him, it matched the information in his mind. The green weirdo's body squirmed and his appearance changed. After a moment, he became exactly the same as Igarashi. Although his temperament obviously didn't match, this was only the same as him. Only those who are close to Igarashi can discover it.


The green monster, whose transformation was completed, let out a triumphant laugh and waited to see Igarashi's panicked expression.

Looking at the guy in front of him whose appearance was exactly the same as his own, Igarashi narrowed his eyes. Originally, he just wanted to meet this sudden intruder, but now it seems that, just in case, he should be killed directly. At this point, Igarashi's original gentle temperament gradually turned cold.

Yes, sorry!

Jibuli raised his hands in trembling surrender. He felt the terrifying murderous aura. This fatal feeling made him feel like he was falling into an ice cave. He had always been strong but relied on his appearance that could be changed at will to scare people. He felt great terror.

Igarashi has killed thousands of people and tens of thousands of monsters in total. In the world of the King of the Undead, hundreds of thousands of lives have died because of him. Putting aside other things, his murderous aura alone is enough to frighten the enemy. However, Wu Igarashi didn't expect that this strange-looking man would be so timid. How could that guy Sastin allow such a thing to appear on Earth? Igarashi didn't believe that he was known as the strongest swordsman and also owned an interstellar battleship. The Sastin would not be able to stop such an alien.

If you dare to imitate me again, you will be killed without mercy.

Catching the alien that turned green again, Igarashi gathered some strength, aimed in one direction, and threw it into the air. Kibri, who was trembling all over, turned into a meteor and disappeared with a shrill scream. In the sky.


Captain Sastin! An unknown object hit the spacecraft!

What?! How is the damage? Everyone is in combat mode!

Sustin quickly wiped off the food residue from his mouth, took out his lightsaber, and looked at the surrounding starry sky through the transparent wall of the battleship vigilantly, but found nothing.


The metal ground under Sastin's feet suddenly burst, and Kibri, who was much smaller than before, knocked Sastin away.

Hey, Planet Baruka? Although he has super mimicry ability, his body is very weak. Why can he break through the defense of the spacecraft?

Sustain coughed in pain after suffering a huge impact. He looked at Kibri, who was not fatally injured even though his head was bruised and bloody. It was a bit unbelievable. Even his lightsaber could not cut open the spacecraft so easily. outer wall.

Sastin? Save me! Send me away quickly! I'll give you whatever you want!

Kibri did not faint, and she was moved to tears when she saw Sustin as if she were seeing a savior.

What happened? Why are you here?

Nothing happened! I woke up and I fully support Lord Igarashi becoming Lala's husband!

Kibri looked around in shock. After confirming that he was in the universe, he trembled as if he was possessed by an evil spirit. Was he thrown directly from the earth into the starry sky? I didn't die. He must be under Igarashi-sama's command. Sorry, but even so, I never want to come to Earth again!

It seemed that the groom had done a good job. He had no idea that even his breathing was in pain. It was because of Igarashi's deliberate actions that Sastin was filled with relief.

Give him a blimp and let him go.

Igarashi, who was looking at the sky, lowered his head at this time. He had just attached a layer of spiritual power to Kibri. Otherwise, let alone breaking through the defense of the Debi Luke battleship, it would just be the friction caused by the extremely fast movement. , enough to turn Kibri into ashes.

I don’t know what these aliens think. With such strength, do they still want to inherit the throne of Debbie Luke? Do they have the ability to suppress the entire galaxy and truly claim the title of King of the Universe? Igarashi shook his head in a funny way. He shook his head and turned to leave the rooftop.

It seems that I still underestimated him.

Standing on the roof of another teaching building, the health room teacher Ryoko Mikado kept staring at Igarashi until he disappeared in the corridor. The power just now should be incapable of being blocked by the earth, right? Including the aliens living on earth and himself, as well as the energy that protects Kibri, it must also belong to Igarashi.

Unexpectedly, the princess daughter of Debbie Luke really found a very good husband. However, how did the people on earth reach this point? No, is he really from Earth? Ryoko Mikado was already somewhat curious about Igarashi, but now she had an unprecedented interest in her heart.

Haha, wasn't the excuse he made before that he was not feeling well? How could I, a teacher in the health room, let my lovely student fall into pain?

Chapter 305 Blood Drawing

Igarashi-san, Mikado-sensei is looking for you.

When Igarashi returned to the classroom and was listening to the class like a good student, he was suddenly called out by his homeroom teacher. Mikado Ryoko was looking for him? Is there a problem.

You must tell me if you have any health problems! Don't let your studies drag you down. Okay, you go to the health room and have a good rest. I will talk to the teacher.

Igarashi was speechless as he listened to the bald middle-aged head teacher in front of him admonishing him. It was hard to refute. He had used the excuse of going to the health room to deal with aliens before, but he didn't actually go to Mikado Ryoko. Tsk, How did Mikado Ryoko know, and what exactly she said to the class teacher.

Hey, Igarashi, you're here.

When Ryoko Mikado saw Igarashi appear, she smiled eagerly. Her friendly attitude made Igarashi subconsciously take a step back, showing courtesy for nothing, committing adultery or stealing.

Teacher Mikado, although it was indeed wrong for me to leave the classroom with the excuse of not feeling well, what exactly did you say to my homeroom teacher?

I didn't say anything. I just said that you have intermittent sudden illness and need long-term treatment.

Ryoko Mikado spread her hands as if nothing had happened, with an innocent look on her face.

Intermittent sudden illness, yes, this guy is good at creating disease names.

Seeing Igarashi's silent look, Mikado Ryoko blinked.

Come on, let me draw some blood and check your body.

Okay, you go ahead and smoke.

Igarashi stretched out his hand very cooperatively, but there was a smile on his lips. With his current physique, Igarashi really didn't believe that Ryoko Mikado, who had only a few dozen attributes, had the means to break through his physical defense, even if she is a doctor famous throughout the universe.

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