Yuki Mikan blinked, because Lala would come up with weird inventions from time to time, and she was already used to the fact that the room was like a rocket rocketing to the sky. She looked at Igarashi with a calm expression, indicating that everything was left to him. , Yuuki Mikan couldn't help but think of the time he saved her before, and that feeling of peace of mind once again lingered in her heart. Because of this, I couldn't help Lala...

She ran out tremblingly. Tenjoin Saki ran to the bedside and looked at the clouds falling sharply compared to her and the boundless night sky. She fell into despair. Why is there such a thing in Lala's room? What is it? A trick game? Or am I dreaming? Am I going to die...

calm down.

The sound coming from the window made Tenjoin Shaji tremble violently. She looked around and found that it was Igarashi. He was obviously high in the sky. Why could he come here?

How do you want me to calm down!

The window could not be opened from the outside, which would cause damage. Igarashi used teleportation magic to teleport directly into the room and looked around at the furnishings of the room.

Did you press any switch before?

Switch? Ah, yes! There's a switch here!

The panicked Tenjoin Saki didn't look into why Igarashi suddenly appeared. As if he had found a savior, he got under the table again and pressed against the wall that was still dented.


The room, which was originally filled with flames rising rapidly, suddenly went out. After a moment of feeble pause in the air due to inertia, it suddenly fell.

Whoa, ah, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!

Compared with rising into the air, falling can arouse more fear in people. Tears welled up in Tenjoin Saki's eyes, and her expression collapsed. Because she moved too fast, the floor-to-ceiling windows in the room finally couldn't bear it, and the glass broke. Tenjouin Saki was unable to maintain his balance on the sloping ground and slid all the way out.

Help me, help me!

She screamed in despair, but Tenjoin Saki knew that she was hopeless. She fell to the ground from such a height and was dead. Why did this happen?


The body that had started to fall rapidly due to the acceleration of gravity was suddenly hugged by someone. Tenjoin Saki, who had closed her eyes and was waiting for death in despair, stared blankly at the person in front of her.


Chapter 303 Shame

Lifting Lala's room with one hand and holding Tenjoin Saki with the other, Igarashi slowly descended at a speed that did not conform to the laws of physics. He glanced at Tenjoin Saki, who was filled with fear and pear blossoms. Today's Is it too much to punish her for breaking into other people's homes? When did she have such a bad taste? Igarashi tried his best to show a friendly smile.

Don't worry, you won't die.

Looking blankly at Igarashi, then at the boundless starry sky and the huge room above her head held by Igarashi, Tenjoin Saki already suspected that she was dreaming. She thought it was a nightmare before, Now, feeling the reliable warmth, Tenjoin Saki gently rested her head on Igarashi's shoulder. This was a sweet dream.

Are you OK?

Seeing that Tenjoin Saki seemed to be about to faint, Igarashi subconsciously used healing magic, which instantly revived the somewhat sluggish Tenjoin Saki. Looking at the pretty face with wet tears and frightened face, Wu said Shilan was a little apologetic. Sure enough, she had gone too far. What happened today would not leave her with a lifelong shadow. No, it was also Sustain's fault. He actually transformed Lala's room into an escape device. Tsk, Don’t you believe I can protect La953 La?

...Isn't this a dream?

Tenjoin Saki thought she was dreaming now, and the gradually blurred consciousness before confirmed her conjecture. However, now she was inexplicably energetic. The real touch and clear vision did not seem like a dream.

Although something unusual happened, it was not a dream. I'm sorry for frightening you.

No, this is not your fault, I...it's all Lala's fault!

Igarashi's apologetic voice made Tenjoin Saki shake her head violently, and she anxiously defended him. When she realized that she was still being held in Igarashi's arms, Tenjoin Saki suddenly blushed. However, he was still in the air. Whether it was for safety or for the warmth in his heart, Tenjoin Saki deliberately did not mention this.

Why are you so hostile to Lala?

Lala's popularity in school is not only due to her cute appearance, but also because she always wears a smiling face and never loses her temper with others. Why does Tenjoin Saki target Lala so much? It's just because of Lala. Did it take away the popularity that originally belonged to her?

I...I should go home.

She opened her mouth, but she couldn't tell the real reason. Fortunately, she had always been unlucky, and luck seemed to have turned around. At this time, she just reached the ground, and Tenjoin Saki was able to change the subject.

I'll give it to you, oh, it doesn't look like you need it.

In the middle of the night, it was not safe for Tenjoin Saki, a girl with no ability to protect herself, to go home. Igarashi originally wanted to escort her to express his apology, but when he saw two figures running over, he changed his mind.

Miss Shaji!

The two followers, Rin Kujo and Aya Fujisaki, ran out in a panic and stood next to Tenjoin Saki, constantly looking at her, fearing that she had been injured. This was not just because they were serving the Tenjoin family, but more importantly. The reason is that Tenjoin Saki is their best friend.

I'm sorry, we just panicked and ran a long way before we realized what happened. Did nothing happen? Shall we continue with the plan?

The flustered and ashamed Kujo Rin only had eyes for Tenjoin Saki, completely ignoring Igarashi who was standing next to him, and even said the so-called plan in front of the target.

Stop talking and leave quickly.

Tenjoin Saki, who was already a little embarrassed because of the previous ambiguity, is even more embarrassed now that she heard the so-called plan. Although Igarashi should not know what the plan is, it will only make Tenjoin Saki even more ashamed. , I came with bad intentions, but was saved by Igarashi, well, it was so embarrassing.

Tenjoin Saki pulled Kujou Rin and Fujisaki Aya away quickly, keeping her head down along the way, not daring to look at Igarashi at all.

Huh? It turns out my room can fly.

Lala nodded her chin and looked around her room. She was more interested in this strange device than Tenjoin Saki and others. She was really ashamed that she didn't even notice this after living there for so long. Because of her reputation as a genius inventor.

La La, if possible, restore your room to its original state. Trust me, I will definitely protect you.

Huh? Hmm!

Igarashi's sudden promise made La La stunned. After a moment, the girl smiled more obviously than she usually did.

Seeing that Lala agreed, Igarashi responded with a smile, but he was thinking about how to deal with Sastin, who broke into his home without permission and made dangerous modifications without permission. Sure enough, he should be repaired and let him take care of himself. Take a few days off.

Lan, who were those people just now?

Yuuki Mikan looked at the three Tenjoin Sakis who were gradually disappearing into the night in the distance, and was a little confused. Although they covered their figures and made many disguises, Yuuki Mikan could still tell. They are three girls, and they all seem to be pretty. Why do such beautiful people look like thieves?

That's my classmate from Cainan High School.

Oh~ He's Lan's friend.

Miss Shaji, why haven't you spoken? Are you blaming us for leaving you and running away? I'm sorry, please punish me.

It has nothing to do with you.

Running all the way to his home, Tenjoin Saki's ears were now blood red, and her face seemed to have a fever. The scene of being held by Igarashi before was still lingering in her mind, and her thoughts were like a mess. , looked at Kujo Rin and Fujisaki Aya who looked worried, and Tenjoin Shaji Gu Zuoyan spoke.

Who is more beautiful, Lala or me?

Of course Miss Shaji!

Then... do you think Igarashi will like me or Lala?

Of course...Ms. Shaji, do you like Igarashi?

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